Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • One thing I can say I hate about doa6, increased integration of the L3 button, horipad has no L3/R3 functionality :0
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Don't like the standard pad for fighting games, the d pad is crap and i cant hit diagonals on it reliably (great for nrs games though). Horipad for me all day
    What does the L3 button do?
    Just training mode stuff?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Yeah, all the shortcuts and stuff, massive timesaver, all that time pausing and scrolling through menus adds up when you just wanna reset or change the ai behavior
    so now that ppl have gotten their hands on the game, how does it actually focus more on neutral in your opinion? since that's what every1 is saying but no1 is explaining why
    Bowser is the new head of Nintendo, this is not a joke
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    I saw that. Cracked me up. Like what are the odds of someone having that for a last name and then becoming the president of nintendo of america?
    Bowser finally won. Mario is doomed. XD
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    certainly hoped he was picked cause he has the chops to be president, not cause some higher up at nintendo thought it'd be hilarious cause of his name and it's Marc Webb directing Spider-man situation
    Every one getting mad at their summit events, first smash players, now NRS players, makes me wonder if we'd flip our shit to if there was a doa6 summit going through the same thing
    Just watched the latest MK kombat kast and it looks like walk speed has increased dramatically and dash cancels got buffed, ty for listening NRS
    I mained quan chi and imposter lol, if you can't beat them, join them. It seems that many of you like zoning...guess that's just part of 2D style games. At least no one there is as stupid as Guile. I just hope Sub Zero will be viable again
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    just walk and block my guy, walk them down to the corner and react to their dash in when they try to intercept you or jump out when they try to get out of the corner, congratulations now you should never lose to guile again

    this is also how Bo Rai Cho(my main) has to deal with zoners in MKX so it's a universal solution lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    has subzero been strong in any MK game? he always seems to come off as mid tier, and he doesn't even have ice clone this time around so im really curious to see how he'll fair in the long run
    "Mortal Kombat x Bayonetta" god plz no, I do not want to see Bayo get ripped into literal pieces
    sakurai already ripped her to pieces with all the nerfs she got in smash ultimate
    Bayonetta would look weird in MK. I don't think she'd fit in an NRS game period lol. Obviously they'd find some way to make it work but I think the environment of MK just doesn't seem fitting in general. Kinda like Negan and Noctis in Tekken.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @SaihateDYNAMO they really did just make Bayonetta mains extinct with Smash Ultimate, like i've never felt so bad for a top tier character, guess that's the price of being too stonk, pour one out for sm4sh bayo
    Think the controversy surrounding Chris G is gonna hurt his career or will it be forgotten in a week?
    It will be forgotten. People know Chris G, the Summit is just about marketing. He'll go there, do fine, then go back to what he was doing. The only one making this into an issue is Tweedy, who casual viewers hate because he zones. And now he looks like a shitbag, so he probably has less fans.
    Thiago Guarani
    Thiago Guarani
    Forgotten, sure. It's twitter, anything has the potential to blow up, but if it does, it fades away quickly. I don't mind Chris personally, he's doing Q&A for NRS, recurrently I think. He's the next best thing of being a dev.
    been playing kokoro lately and holy cow, now i know why ppl like her so much, she simplifies the game to a redonkulous degree
    Yup. My favourite: Elbow or Throw character Lol.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i don't know if i LIKE it, i'll definetly play it just cause it's something new but i don't see myself sticking with it for super long, just not my style
    Play her dude, everyone succumbs to the charms of the Kokopuffs! #66P
    I love Heart but i'd like to see another member of the AH cast get some love in these crossovers
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    unfortunately no one actually plays AH anymore and Heart is the only recognizable character in that roster, due to her name being in the friggin title of the game, so good luck seeing Catherine, Clarice, or Kira guest star in a game
    Macca Beam
    Macca Beam
    how about love for the entire cast in the form of a sequel instead of putting them in various games and going "hey remember AH exists" :(
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Or they can just port love max six stars to console, id be fine with that
    Hashimoto leaving platinum games, barely any news on Bayo 3 since 2017, narry a mention during the most recent Nintendo Direct, is it time to start worrying the state of our favorite hair-clad witch?
    You can drag a corpse only so far. They did not sell too well and re-releasing them did not much either. People like me will not buy a console for one game /duo even though they were fantastic. They should have stopped after 1 and waited for a multi-platform publisher. It is not that your development progress will be erased when a publisher says no, they could have kickstarted their games but kamiya was never bright
    Its not like they're working on a Granblue action rpg game as well as a game they announced in the last Nintendo Direct. As long as it doesn't take PG to make Bayo 3 as long as it takes Tetsuya Nomura to make a game these days, then you shouldn't be too worried.
    Sweet, no government shutdown today, which means I get a paycheck next week, unless those bozos at the White house do something stupid but what are the chances of that happening?
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