Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • playing Honda in SFV just strengthens my desire to see a Sumo wrestler in DOA, headbutts, palms, and pushes all day, DOSUKOI!
    Have you ever played a fighting game that was so balanced it was actually kinda dull?
    dunno if this was the case from day 1 or if was recently patched out, but you can no longer guarantee Nyo's 8p+k after landing a 66t near the wall
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    granted there was never really a reason to ever go this, since finishing the throw did more damage and opting not to finish the throw lead to more wall pressure, but it at least was something you could do (and a funny way to troll ppl), and now I don't even have to option, boooo :(
    "there's no point in trying to main legacy characters you've never played at this point in DOA6, better stick to new characters or dlc" agree or disagree?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    friend of mine told me this the other day when i told him i was looking for a third character to play and he basically laid this knowledge on me, and i get it, the amount of catch up necessary to be proficient with long time characters that i've never played is kinda ridiculous, so starting fresh with a new characters makes more sense
    There isn't anything wrong to learn characters that were around since day one for DOA though. Should try new characters to see how they are to have a base from it in that perspective.

    From a start I disagree. Play who you want, unless you play new characters to get people feel unfamiliar situations for blow outs.
    If the implication is that "catching up" with Hayate takes more than 5 minutes, I'm gonna have to disagree.
    LEROOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYY...smith, not gonna lie, he probably has the 2nd coolest design out of all the revealed characters, the first being the other old man with dreads from the new Guilty Gear and the third being that fucking Tank from BBtag lol
    hold Lerroy using Iron Fist?!?!? That movement looked just a little too similar to a certain old man that we're familiar with here
    He's using Wing Chun. He's bringing Ip Man to the Tekken world!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    is that confirmed? i can definetly see some wing chun in there, and the whole poking with finger tips is not very iron fist style, but it also looks like Koen ken in some instances as well, either way, im hype for this character
    I love me some Samsho but even I'm getting tired of seeing every top 8 being 50% Genjuro :/
    Genjuro is fun though haha.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i don't think he's fun; but his strength can't be denied, he has every tool you would want and he excels at everything he does. only thing he lacks is a strong medium attack, so his whiff punishment is not the best, but he's the best at everything else so it's all good
    How is he not fun? His fundamental game is solid. Good projectile for zoning and covering approaches. A rekka that crosses-up LOL. Decent poking, solid overhead and DP, etc. Yeah, like you implied, the dude is PACKING!
    Anyone here get the Kill la kill IF game? If you did how are you liking the gameplay ?
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    I played it at CEO. Just your typical 3D anime fighter. Fun, but not something I'd ever buy.
    Played the demo of the game and watched videos here and there. It is a 3D arena fighter but it is pretty deep when it comes to gameplay. You have attacks that specifically catch side dashes for instance, anti-airs for homing dashes (that can be cancelled out so you can even bait out anti-airs) plus characters do feel unique in this game. I'd say wait with it until it gets cheaper or buy it when its discounted though.
    There are 10 characters (twelve if you count the dual-wielding versions of Ryuko and Satsuki) and 2 coming for free later on plus like a 3-5 hour long story mode I think. If you want to get everything in the game, then you have to play a couple of modes with every character and buy stuff from the gallery with points/credits you get, a cheap way to add single-player content imo. Go for it when its like 30/40$.
    just re-watched the Poison trailer and I just realized, there wasn't a single fireball in that whole video! No more projectiles for Poison?
    No fireballs, no rekkas
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    She has a few moves that kinda look like rekkas, but I can't tell for sure, they might be multi hit specials or some kind of target combo, guess we'll have to wait and see
    could complain about the Capcom reveal, but im not playing SFV so pfft, i'll leave that to y'all
    and you're doing that well. Why tf is E.Honda looking so much better than the other 2 characters? Also....E.Honda...of all characters, no Makoto, no Remy, no Sean. Can they just let this game die after this season and announce SF6 already?
    I swear TN be out here stealth buffing moves and not telling anyone, you used to have to hit Nyo 66k at tip range to make it -2, now it's just -2 regardless of your spacing, I guess that's cool
    It can get annoying. I mean, just document everything in the patch notes haha.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    on the flipside it does encourage you to routinely lab your characters to catch unlisted changes, but yeah just list that shit, not just TN but all fighting game companies
    There's no flipside. Both sides just say "inconvenience".
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