Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • *sees patch notes* these are the kind of notes I like, NOTHING MAJOR! cause whenever we get a whole novel full of changes I get mad nervous lol
    Faust looks...interesting, I miss the classic suit though, can't wait to see the story reason for his new look
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    It would seem that he sort of went back to being Dr. Baldman character-wise....and add a little bit of a zombie-esque behaviour and there ya have it, GG2020 Faust.
    debating on whether to get Tokyo Mirage #FE, on one hand i already played the original on the Wii U, on the other hand it's being re-released with hella extra content, hmmm...
    am i the only Nyo playeyr who has trouble getting her 46p+k to come out consistently? I can perform 46 moves with other characters just fine but whenever I try with her there's a good chance i just get the wrong move
    Sakurai: we already have decided on the next 6 dlc characters and are currently working on them
    Translation: don't harass me on twitter for meme characters and geno
    For real tho, some of these people gotta chill. Sending nasty tweets to Sakurai or Byleth's voice actor doesn't make the community look good.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Yeah, I don't know what it is about smash announcements that turns ppl into entitled 10 year olds, but ppl really do need to chill. Plus the game has 80+ characters at this point, if you're gonna have the audacity to be mad at THAT roster then u got a problem son, lol
    While I agree that sending nuts tweets to Nintendo (or in which case Sakurai) isn't the way to go from the outrage of the angsty teens. On the fair note, those meme characters (the legend that is Dante) creates a spark like no other. There are some justified ones.

    Geno is still a weird one to me till this day. Never understood the hype behind that one.
    combing through Byleth's game play, i feel like he's gonna be stonk, he looks like if you took Palutena but gave her viable smash attacks and a good projectile :/ if nothing else he'll be a good doubles character
    Sakurai bringing people back to earth with the Byleth reveal, honestly can't even say im mad since I (and alot of Switch owners) have actually played 3 Houses, so it's not that outta left field
    Y'know, going 0-22 vs the guy who won the DOA World Championship shouldn't surprise me, but still though...its embarrassing in its own way :/
    DoA6 is more accessible. How that happen? Old man reactions can't keep up?
    To be fair, Mark's a very good player. Though to go 0-22 is way too nuts. I played Mark many times before and I just don't see a 0-22 happening at all, we literally go toe to toe. Which characters is Mark getting away with? Rig? Hitomi? Zack?

    If it's Rig, lots of people fall to Rig's back punch pushback on block into launch, or that mid kick on block pushback into launch.
    Besides that, I don't see anything embarrassing. He's actually a good player and won because well, he earned it. I'd say the only time it becomes embarrassing is if you play mid match and just give up halfway without learning.
    saw something tonight I've never seen B4 in DOA, i wall splatted a guy (not the true wall splat, the other one where can still hold afterwards), I side walked to bait the hold, guy held when I was pretty much behind him, I 6p'ed and the hold connected when he was facing the opposite direction, da fuck?
    can't escape from crossing fate.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Yeah, I remember doing it in DOA4 as well :( . Hit boxes are big.
    In DOA5 if you land the 2nd part of Raidou's 6kk on NH you get SDS, in DOA6 if you land the 2nd part of Raidou's on CH AND they're crouching you get FS, why does TN hate Raidou :(
    Because its TN's trademark...

    Its nerf or nothing!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i wouldn't call that a nerf cause both situations are ridiculously situational to the point where 6kk might as well not even have SDS/FS properties
    They hate us.
    Didn't noticed till I started playing him,but Zack kinda gets destroyed by SS in this game, and Mila is basically a better Zack, is this why no one plays him anymore?
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    Sadly, Rig existing is also an issue.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    It's funny cause lacking doa5 ground game, Zack is actually a lot more faithful to his early iterations,i.e has a million ways to open you up with but the second he finishes his combo (either through a juggle or knockdown) he has no effective way to continue his pressure, he actually reminds me of Jam from guilty gear in that regard lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Also lacking a reliable bound move and no high hits that cause crumple during CH (or at least none that I've found,still searching), looks like he'll have to rely on classic stun launch juggle into neutral reset gameplan, which definitely is not his strong suit. But he's still fun and it looks like ppl still fall for Zack gimmicks in 2020 so screw it, I'll play him lol
    Tales of Arise looks sick, but i haven't played a Tales game since Symphonia and a brief experience with Beresia :(
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    It seems pretty clean, think it'll implement a couple of new mechanics not present in a Tales game yet. I'm getting into Tales games myself, still have to install Symphonia but I really like Berseria and Phantasia is cool too, Abyss is ok, might get better later on but I don't consider it an amazing game.
    Nintendo: We're adding over 200 new Pokemon to Sword and Sheild! :)
    Me: I just spent 200 hours collecting all the Pokemon in Sword and Sheild! :(
    got my ass beat at my first Nitroplus Blasterz meet up of the year, and im glad, cause i was starting to get big headed and thinking i was nice at the game, but now i got hella homework to do
    TRI Mike
    TRI Mike
    That's so cool. I never got anyone to play it with me other than a friend back in my country. I wish I could revisit it. Really loved Sonico's "fighting" style.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Im just lucky enough to be friends with the only 2 ppl in my city who play NB, and they know ppl who are huge anime FG nerds so we are capable of meet ups every once in a while, which is cool cause NB is my fav anime fighter and the online is atrocious lol
    That's the problem w/combo&setplay heavy FGs. You think you're nice until you face reality that is neutral. Same reason why Sonic can't play neutral focused FGs if there's not 1000 setups.
    real talk, Ken's new Vskill and Ayane's new Fatal stun pretty much have the same animation, wth lol
    Since Capcom has remade RE1-3, you think they're gonna remake 4-6? will there be giant zombie T-rexes in our future?
    • Haha
    Reactions: VAND1TA
    I only want more RE4 versions hahaha
    But realistically, RE code veronica and Outbreak deserve to get a remake.
    i want new RE with new story
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Code Veronica remake would be nice, but i'd prefer if they left the over the shoulder RE games alone, but i doubt they will, these remakes are too successful
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