Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • so what the heck does "added grounded hitbox, from the frame at which tech rolling is possible" mean? the old psudo force tech setups across the cast still seem to work, so does that mean they're new ones to find or does it mean something else entirely?
    I'm still trying to figure it out. The same "hit the opponent on the ground with 2 moves consecutively" still forced techs, but hitting the opponent on the ground with 2-hit strings like Ayane's 1P2K doesn't forced tech.
    so this was pretty much the "let's buff low crush moves" patch, coolio, the less getting knocked out of the air by lows the better
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    Moves can still get knocked out of the air at different times in the animation (still dumb IMO, should be completely low invincible), but at least stuff like Ayane's 9P can actually jump over moves now.
    yo these Honoka buffs, they straight up turned homegirl into a grappler, unwarranted but thanks I guess
    I come back to SC6 after being gone for over a year, and ppl STILL rocking their trash ass customs online, my eyes x_x
    The fighting game developer EXAMU a.k.a Team Aracana is shutting down, this news legit makes me upset; these guys have made ALOT of my favorite fighting games in past couple of years and very soon they'll be no more:(
    DBZF getting multiple assists, and as cool as that sounds, if they're nowhere as near as good as Vegeta's Lockdown assist, no one's gonna use 'em
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    on the other hand if they do end up giving other characters useful assists (either decent lockdown or something to help with conversions, mix ups or pressure) it could open up avenues for more diverse teams in the future, fingers crossed
    Wanna get into BBtag but that first demo turned me off so hard I haven't looked back since, has the game changed significantly since then?
    Plenty of character changes since the demo/beta, players have figured out the correct way of using cross combos. They are a good way to get the opponent in a sandwich situation and depending on the team there might be some dirty set-ups that you could do by using cross combos.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    sounds like alots changed, that;s good to hear, not gonna lie when played the demo way back I was kinda disappointed cause the game seemed too simple, but if they've just been adding stuff since launch then i guess it's time to give it another go
    It is different for sure, game's way crazier than it used to be, like, top 8's for pretty much all BBTag tournaments are first to 3's, games can end in an instant even without happy birthdays. Happy to hear that you're giving it another shot, I've yet to play this game online but you can spend a lot of time in practice mode just figuring out what your team can do, its fun.
    so there's a Marvel 2 invitational at EVO this year, le fuc? have i been teleported to the year 2007?
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    Apparently so, MK11 missing out on all the fun this year is definitely a big surprise too, well, there's one thing that will be entertaining to watch in all of this, Justin playing MvC2.
    the more anime they make SFV, the more I like it, also I love how they just gave Seth Millia Rage's Secret Garden move, shameless but screw it, it looks dope
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    I have also been keeping tabs on how much further away the series is moving away from the claymation-wannabe of SF4. SF5 doesn't make my eyes throw up anymore. :)
    is having more fun with your secondaries and sign you should drop your main?
    Not necessarily, I'd say. I guess it depends on how attached to your main you feel you are and for what reasons. I sometimes have more fun with my 2nd main and even find myself winning more with her, but that could be due to multiple factors. Sometimes its just a change of pace.
    Maybe that's why it's good to have more than one main, just to keep things fresh, kinda like not getting trapped in a routine or just taking a break/vacation. A vacation isn't a vacation if it becomes your everyday.
    I had no choice but to pick a secondary costume when my favorite was no longer available.

    It isn't nearly as fun playing Christie without it, but I toughed it out so far.
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