Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • "Pfft, who needs confirms and reactions when can just tick throw into >50% command grab combos that end in oki" -every Broly player in DBZF
    So, Splinter Cell is getting an anime huh? can't wait for the adventures of Sam Fisher-kun and his underdressed big titty assistant who chastises him for looking up her skirt
    For anyone who's finished Ghost of the Tsushi Bar, how did u feel about the ending?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I liked it but the fact the game continues afterwards kinda drained all the impact the final choice should of had, and i know alot of open world games do this but Ghost is one of the few open worlds where the story is this good so it hurts when it's spectacular ending is lessened due to game design, honestly they shoulda pulled a Far Cry 5, and have your final choice mark the end of the game
    Welp, Sekiro ain't getting DLC but it's (finally) getting a Boss Rush mode and Survival challenge mode, time to brush up on those parry timings
    ppl turned on MK11 quick, what changed? outside of character balancing MK11 has had all the same issues since day 1
    you think nrs players are smart. lmao
    Eh, a lot of players are whining about the games they are playing as of late. Most of the players, even the top ones, from the FighterZ community find S3 to be the worst season but before the season 3 changes occurred they said that S3 will be the best season. Some games did deserve the negative feedback that they've got but I feel that many are hating the games they play because of the changes that happened.
    When you have Tamaki and Diego idle in training mode you're gonna hear alot of laughing
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    also never realized this but Tamaki has 3 different laughs she cycles through during her idle stance, an odd detail but i liek
    Diego & Tamaki :D They are my new favorite characters :)
    Blade Strangers met a sad fate; game made it's DLC characters free, got good balance patches, sick recolors, strong netcode, only to be rewarded with a completely dead player base
    How to make next gen Halo
    Step 1: make shinier graphics
    Step 2: add grappling hook
    ...and that's it!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Now that I think about Killzone Shadowfall (the Sony exclusive FPS that absolutely no one cares for) did the exact same thing when it was a launch title for the PS4! actually it was more of a zip line but you get the idea
    Halo Infinite didn't look that shiny to me. It was rather disappointing imo. Looked like a current gen game in 4K and 60fps.
    @Tyaren That's because it literally is, Halo Infinite is gonna be playable on even the the old VCR Xbox One but if they want a semi open world and native 4K 60 this is probably the best they can do. XSX is powerful but it still has limits, not even RTX 2080Ti can run big games at true 4K 60 on ULtra with ray tracing. (depends on the games I guess)
    Tekken players react to Leeroy and Fakurahm like Melee players react to Jigglypuff "A strong character that requires half the dexterity to maximize? GET 'EM OUTTA HERE!"
    I was thinking that Leroy was literally a DoA character in a Tekken game. Realized they'd hate DoA just as much, if not worse. What you said reminds me of the fact that part of being Tekken Gud is learning to move in quicksand. They'd hate VF too since every char has a chance to beat anyone.
    However, I do agree with Fauk since that MOFO demoted me.
    might have to start being that guy who only plays in private lobbies, ranked filled with ragers and rq'ers and half the ppl in public lobbies 2 scared to fight :/
    Your first mistake was playing ranked. I see nothing wrong with private lobbies.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean it's fine when im running into Emann and Khalia and the like, but the rest of it is just trolls, ragers, rage quitters, router kickers, etc, so you'd think things would look better in lobbies, but naw, apparently when you become too strong for a lobby players will just refuse to play with you, so yeah, 2-3 man private lobbies for me in the upcoming future
    apparently Bayo 3 was trending the other day and I was like "oh shit, new trailer?' but naw, ppl were just mad that no Bayo 3 info was revealed during the Nintendo mini direct :/
    They were expecting much from a Mini. Not much is being revealed during Minis and even then the stuff that gets revealed won't be having an earth-shattering effect on people afterwards. For short, they're complaining for the sake of complaining.
    at this point I'm convinced that Elden Ring is just a shared hallucination amoungst souls fans who are hungry for another Fromsoft game :/
    sony : demon soul remake
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean, Demon souls remake is cool and all, but i want that new shit!

    also if we get the Demon souls remake before Elden Ring which was announced back in 2017, imma do a backflip in protest
    Seems like Microsoft's businesses plan moving forward only benefits ppl who already own an Xbox One, with the rest of the world asking "well why would i get a Series X at this point?" hopefully the showcase on the 23rd will show us why
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    No series X exclusives for "years" and you can play all the upcoming series X games on the last gen, it's uncharacteristically consumer friendly but still raises the question of why series x, fingers crossed the answer will be more than "HALO INFINITE BABY!!!"
    Xbox wants to sell you Xbox Game Pass Ultimate thats why, as long as you buy their big subscription they don't care what Xbox you have or if you even have one thanks to PC.
    Pretty much. Honestly, I recommend the XBone X if anything if you can find it at an agreeable price now, since I wouldn't be surprised if an "Xbox Series S" is only marginally more powerful than a current X.
    DOA Volleyball spinoff game: I sleep
    Klonoa Volleyball spinoff game: F'real!?
    • Haha
    Reactions: Derock
    I wanna know what Namco was thinking combining Klonoa and volleyball like that but I’m not complaining cause that game kicked total ass!!!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Klonoa throws his enemies around like a ball, Volleyball has balls, it makes perfect sense!

    but real talk i didn't know the volleyball spinoff even existed until yesterday, looks like a blast to play
    It's seriously tons of fun, you just have to mentally prepare yourself for Klonoa's cheesy british accent lol!
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