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  • SamSho 2019 looks frickin' awesome in 120fps! I honestly wouldn't mind if more FG's improved visually in this way on the XseX/PS5. It's very pleasing to the eyes.
    Hot Take: Dead or Alive 6 is better than Dead or Alive 5, so it's very misleading to always refer to Dead or Alive 5 Last Round as "Dead or Alive 5", since that game is basically the 3rd release of DOA5 (DOA5+, DOA5U then DOA5LR) and of course will have all of the previously released content.
    Hmm... Not necessarily, DOA6 has more costumes than DOA5 or DOA4 had. DOA5LR only has more costumes because it's the 4th iteration of DOA5. In DOA5 the female characters commonly had 6 costumes (which can include recolours like Ayane's purple and white butterfly dresses for instance) and the males generally had 3 or 4 tops, which again can include recolours.
    Tekken's graphics are vastly inferior to DOA6's graphics (and can look worse than DOA5LR too also), and the vast majority of customisations quite frankly look like rubbish. SCVI does have nice graphics though every character basically has one base costume (though they now get 3 recolours/"alterations").
    I will give credit now that SCVI has the best balance between having full customisation and not looking like complete ass. MK11's costumes can take ages to unlock and are still mostly recolours. SamSho is just recolours, GBVS is just recolours, DBFZ doesn't really have alt costumes etc. to put things in perspective.
    Really like how DOA6 has the ability to output in 4K on console (and of course PC if you have a beast of a rig). Real talk, not many FG's can match the graphical visuals of this game. (continued.)
    As for 3D fighters, DOA6 noticeably looks best. SCVI looks pretty damn good all things considered (still not a fan of UE4 for FG's though), however Tekken 7 quite frankly still looks awful. Really not a fan of that game's visuals. They looked bad in 2017 also. On a different note, I could go for a remaster of VF5FS (if no VF6 in the future...).
    Xbox Tekken 7 is still 720p with like no AA and low LODs even on a Series X rip
    It's appalling how ugly Tekken 7 looks. Unacceptable.
    Happy 2nd Anniversary Dead or Alive 6! :)
    Looking for a 4K, 120hz monitor (preferably) to play DOA6, SamSho and other 4K games on. Anyone know of any realistic options, or too soon in tech development?
    LG 27GN950 or 27GP950 (due for release in April) and Acer XV282K KV (due in May) if you want HDMI 2.1 on them.
    @DestructionBomb the benefit for 60fps locked games is that a high refresh monitor has lower input lag than a 60Hz one, even when playing 60fps games on them.
    Higher refresh rates, like 120hz+, can lower latency on 60fps games a bit. Samurai Shodown Enhanced Edition will have 120fps capability next month also, which will be interesting to experience. 144hz monitors are amazing, movements are so sharp, smooth and snappy. In general, I'm curious to see how FG's take their legitimate steps into the 9th gen of gaming. Can't get away being stuck in the past forever.
    If you like open world action adventure platformers, I highly recommend Immortals Fenyx Rising. Very underrated game. Beautifully made!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    played the demo, liked the exploration, but the combat and constant "funny" narration of the gods annoyed me like crazy, it's on sale though so I might still pick it up
    The exploration is great, and the combat is alright once you get a good feel for it (modified my controls). Fights can feel quite intense at times. Yeah, you have to tolerate the narration during the prologue but the game opens up nicely after the prologue where the "narrators" chill more and just let you do your thing. Really cool for Ubisoft to develop a game like this.
    Really intrigued by the Ninja Gaiden Master Collection! Though, I'm curious to see how it compares to Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge on the Xbox Series X (via the enhanced backwards compatibility). I'm guessing that the NGMC will be 4K60fps?
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    I just hope they're using the Vita versions of 1 and 2 as the base, since they actually kept the ultraviolence of the originals intact.
    True, though the Vita versions of Ninja Gaiden Sigma+ & Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2+ ran horribly and had neutered graphics to fit the platform. But yes, I would like the full gore experience if possible for the NGMC. The main thing I'm concerned with is the overall performance of the game.
    Say one nice thing about Dead or Alive 6! :)
    No DOA or SC at the Feb. 21st FG Roundtable this month. *Sadface*. Ah, well, still intrigued to see what's offered...
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Well personally I don’t really see the point of a round table.
    They ended the second season pass only 3 months ago, it might be a bit too soon to reveal anything, they might be thinking about the characters that they want to put in the 3rd season pass right now, they'll announce something this year at the very least if they're going to make a SP3 later on. Arc Sys' side is what caught my attention. Both Daisuke and Mori are going to be present at this roundtable this time.
    KT is going to be present at the NGPExpo but imo they'll either have some news regarding the NG Trilogy or they'll announce a couple of Gust games.
    Fighting games really need the option to set 2 or more Reactions. Too often I'm wanting to test setups and I can only set 1 Reaction.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    as a workaround I just record the setup and test it on myself doing various options, which mostly works but yeah the convenience of having multiple reactions you can record and play out would be much appreciated
    My only options are to set the "Action" to something, like, repeatedly attacking which gets annoying considering how overzealous the dummies can get; or using the record function which is terrible for reaction-responses (it's better for timing/delay-based stuff or simulating footsies against the dummy for instance).
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