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  • I wish that lobbies in fighting games had an option to go into practice mode instead of spectating a match. Once the players are done I'd get a pop-up notification that it's my turn to play, this way I wouldn't have to leave or close a lobby just to remind myself of the main tools and moves that x character that I haven't played in a long time has at disposal and reminding myself the scenarios in which to use them.
    Interesting, there is a chance that Square and TN are not done working on projects together if the rumors about FF Origins are proven to be true in a couple of weeks/months. From the look of things it'd be an action focused FF game, probably something like Nioh or Ninja Gaiden, either way an Alpha demo is rumored to be coming this summer so we'll find out sooner or later whether this'll be a thing or not.
    Well, I've been thinking of trying out Honkai in order to play the character that resembles the Unknown God the most but with Keqing and Fischl coming to HI3 soon, I may have to start playing it this weekend.
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    Reactions: Camel with 2 thumbs
    @Brute Since Honkai is closer to something like DMC or Ninja Gaiden in terms of gameplay from what I've heard and from the few character trailers I've seen, it doesn't surprise me that you like it better than Genshin, there is a chance that I'll be feeling the same way about the 2 games after trying HI3 out.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    tried out Honkai once years ago, it wasn't bad, being able to play a high speed character action game with one hand was an interesting experience but it didn't stick, but with this collab i guess it's the perfect time to hop back in, but Kequing and Fishcl? not muh favorites but I'll deal with it
    Fischl is one of my favorite characters in Genshin, so that helps a lot. Wonder if Keqing in Honkai is going to feel somewhat similar to playing Vergil in a DMC game, probably not but either way it'll be nice, a lot of characters in Genshin I feel are limited by the way the game plays, imagine Childe in a game that plays like DMC or Bayo with his Delusion acting like a DT of sorts.
    Striving to make the online experience better for players all around the world now with more online tournaments and events than before would help fighting games out in the long run since majority of the players who play these games very rarely go to offline tournaments, still, most delay-based netcodes these days are better than what way older games like SCIV or MKvDC had, now those games had terrible netcodes.
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    Yes. This generation, a huge focus for fighting game developers should be to optimize the online experience. I'm not just talking about implementing Rollback netcode, I also mean improving the online experience (Think: SCV's Global Colloseo, DOA4's lobbies). For the FG genre to grow, developers need to put out a product deserving of more players.
    Indeed. it needs to be appealing both for the casual and for the competitive players of a game. ArcSys games (prior to Strive) have great lobbies along with imo great gameplay, if something like Blazblue Central Fiction or Tag would receive the rollback treatment, then the amount of players playing the game online would skyrocket.
    Maybe not the way GGXX's did but there would be a lot more players playing the games for sure.
    It would be nice to create some Genshin content in the future but I just don't know what type of videos I'd like to make for it that'd feel somewhat original, since there are all sorts of videos regarding the game on YT, guides, stream compilations, meme videos, challenge videos, you name it. Guess I'll have to figure out later down the line.
    I still find it amazing how Sony didn't bother to make the PS5 controllers work on PS4, especially now that it is getting harder and harder to find official DS4 controllers in shops. I can get somewhat cheap controllers to use for single player games but I highly doubt they'll be any good for fighting games, its like they think that everyone has a PS5 at home by now even if they didn't make many of them or something.
    Wonder when will ASW have more than 1 costume to choose from for almost all of the characters in a game than weren't already used before like Elphelt's SIGN costume or Noel's old lieutenant costume. Weapon skins were the furthest they've gotten with Granblue Fantasy Versus but that game doesn't really count.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    What Arcsys games lack in costumes they make up in having sick color variants lol

    but yeah now that the models are 3D sprites made to look 2D there's no excuse for lack of costumes, although considering most GG characters have rocked a similar look for 25 years i'm not sure if GG fans would even want multiple costumes, at least the old fans, im sure these new age kids would love to have bikini Dizzy and whatnot lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    though i;ll be honest, rather than having costumes I'd prefer if they gave more character easter egg costumes, like if you do Dizzy's hellfire super she reverts to her old costume, or how getting wallsplated with Ky makes his hair go down, more stuff like that would be cool
    Virtua Fighter 5 might be coming to last gen consoles, which is getting me excited a bit. I tried to find someone online on the PS3 version of the game but it was more dead than 5LR on PC, hopefully it coming to PS4/5, Xbox X/Series X and Steam (with rollback ofc) will revitalize the game and series, especially since a lot of people would like to play and try out a VF game it seems.
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    It's out on PC right now as a arcade mini-game for Yakuza 6. EDIT: you can play it on last gen and even current gen with Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which also include VF2.
    A proper PC build with netplay would be great.
    Remaster? Remake?
    Seriously, can someone just buy TN and the rights to DOA, NG and Nioh from KT like asap?
    It is confirmed that you'll be able to redownload your games to your PS3, even the ones obtained for free with PS+, that is reassuring. If there's something that you'd like to get from the PS3 store then you'd better do it soon, you won't be able to after July 2nd.
    I didn't lose the 50 50 and got Jean instead of Venti on the PC version of Genshin, nope, can't be me.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ah Jean, the 5 star nobody wants but everyone gets

    lucky for me there's no 5 star I need in the near future coming to claim my primogems so im big chilling for now, will still pull for Rosaria since im in despernate need of a Cryo DPS and Chongyun just aint cutting it
    Yeah, most use Chongyun as Cryo Support which makes sense. I'm still seeing enough worth in Jean in order to use her but Venti would've made the game so much easier, then again, with the proper build even the 4-star starting characters can be very strong. I dig Rosaria a lot + a Cryo dps would be nice + soft pity's locked and loaded for Childe (PS4) so I'll be pulling on that banner a lot for sure.
    PS4 version of FFVII Remake free for PS+ Users next month, which is very nice. No free PS5 upgrade this way though, which might be unfortunate for some but for most who haven't played the game yet this is a great deal, I did not see this one coming at all.
    Imagine after Leroy's design and Kuni's redesign the last dlc character that could potentially round up the game ends up being as generic as this new character's looks, hopefully she compensates that with interesting and exciting gameplay, also, I thought that Mori wouldn't have the balls to promote a mobile game on a fighting game roundtable, well now I can say that this man has balls made out of steel.
    We haven’t even seen her fully. Literally only a small snippet of her. I think you should reserve your judgement.
    As much as I don't like V-Shift, I am going to admit that this new mechanic is going to change up many things in SFV, might not play the game too much after it gets patched in though.
    *Sigh* I rushed asap to Liyue in order to start the Lantern Rite event in order to get Ningguang from the Stand by Me event. While doing the quests I thought that I could even get her from the gacha pulls prior to me getting her from SBM....the very first pull that I do on the current Keqing banner that replaces Xiao's, she was the first thing that came up on the screen....guess I'll be getting Beidou now.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    can't always rely on soft pity for 5*, first 5* i pulled was Mona and that was on 30th pull on the regular banner, and just yesterday I was at 40 pulls on the Kequing banner cause I wanted a Barbra dupe and I was trying get close to 75 before Hu Tao drops, and whoop de doo I pull a Kequing on pull 50, So now I can't even guarantee my next pull is gonna be Hu Tao, so annoying
    It does suck that getting a 5 star resets pity completely but it is what it is unfortunately. I won't mind not getting Hu Tao since she seems uninteresting to me but since I have a chance to get Diluc on her banner as well (and plenty of other characters that I don't have), I'm still going to be doing pulls on that instead of Wanderlust Invocation.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    lol, trust me, im not getting Hu Tao cause I think she's cool or interesting, I just want a Pyro unit that has good synergy with Mona for vaporize reactions, Klee would of been the best option but I missed her when her banner was out, I could also use a Pyro/Anemo team for a similar effect but I find that kind of team cumbersome to play with, so Hu Tao will have to do
    So, Eleven, who seems to be a precursor of Twelve from the look of things, is the secret/unknown character that wasn't revealed when they talked about the Season 5 characters months ago. This is an interesting choice, at the very least Twelve wasn't as cool as Evil Ryu so him getting "replaced" might be for the better. Still, out of all the options that you had Capcom, why him tho?
    It's not tho. He's an extra, the mystery character is still to be announced.
    Yeah, saw it after the Winter Update vid that he's just a "bonus" character. Wonder when they want to reveal the last character to us.
    It would be sick to see Ryu in a Mortal Kombat game where he'd be able to use his Dragon Sword and his Ninpo, imagine how crazy his fatal blow and fatality could be. Too bad that it won't happen ever, chances for that are -100 to 0%.
    Anre's theme is befitting of someone who is the leader/first member of the Eternals thats for sure. Also, from the few tech videos I've seen of him, he seems strong, might even be the best character in the game right now but I'll have to try him out myself to see how good he actually is.
    Were any of you so bored at your workplace that you started thinking about doing certain things in any videogame? Like, yesterday I thought about BBTag stuff during work, especially combos that I'm usually doing and set-ups that I want to lab with Izayoi/Yumi.
    No. My work place requires me to look after patients so I have to be alert at all times.
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