Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • ugh, I swear half the time I make 1v1 lobbies I get ppl who quit back to character select between every single game, like bruh the whole point of a versus lobby is to have quick snappy back 2 back matches, da fuc is you doin'!?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    and 9/10 they're going back to character select just to salt pick, like

    Oh, you beat me when I was using my main, im picking Kasumi
    dam, that didn't work, im picking Christie
    dam, that didn't worrk, im Nico
    dam, that didn't work, time to rq I guess
    Anyone here ever play the "Breath of Fire" games?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I was just wondering if the series was popular and ppl have heard of it, I'm currently playing the first 2 games on NES online and they seem like solid old school Jrpg's, which makes me wonder why I never heard of them and why the last mainline game came out on PS2
    @Camel with 2 thumbs Oh you are playing the classic-classics, haven't played the NES ones. How are they?

    It's probably during the time where Capcom was testing the waters with them I imagine. They didn't really had good advertisements either during those years for it besides SF I guess (?). That's a good question though.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    They're fun but they're super old school, i.e grinding for exp is not an option, it's an necessity for survival, and even with prep you can still get 2 shot by regular enemies, but the story and is cool, the writing is solid, and the characters are interesting, so that definitely helps to push through
    :( <- my face every time a mission or trial forces me to play as Rachel/Momiji/Ayane in Sigma 1 or 2
    I agree. Ironically, I like playing them in NG3RE as they felt more, not I have more options with them and not limited, but yet it's my least favorite NG. In previous NGs I always sigh when I have to play Momiji, Rachel, and Ayane because of their limitations compared to Ryu.
    The ladies are a nice change of pace, but they understandably all really pale in comparison to Ryu. TN made the characters so they wanted you to at least try them haha.

    @ChaolanLegacy Kasumi's decent and can be fun at times.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Variety is nice and all but when im forced to play characters who are weaker and less interesting than Ryu, that's a problem(Sigma 1/2). Oddly enough, Razor's Edge actually does it right; Momiji and Kasumi are dam strong, but they're optional, Ayane is not optional, but she's even stronger than Ryu, so it's all good
    Me failing a low throw punish in 2013: w/e Bro, it's online! this guys a scrub anyway! see me offline with that bullshit! that would never work in set where it mattered!

    Me failing a low throw punish today: ah, I missed the punish, oh well...
    really blows me that you can't switch weapons in NG3RE trials; like what if I want to use the Lunar Staff for regular grunts and then switch to Dragon Sword for the final boss? game's like "nope, git gud with one or the other scrub"
    Dead Space 1 is getting a remake? and it's being made by the developer of Star Wars Battlefront 2? filled with confidence, I am not
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    In a way, having someone else do it and a different studio makes sense as it was the only way to even revive the series. But then the other loop toss is knowing which studio is doing it, so to hear that the SWBF2 devs are doing it is very reasonable to not be filled with confidence so can't blame you lol.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    honestly SWB2 was not that bad a game, it was just very average and marred by all that microtransaction malarkey, so I have nothing against the developer, but trusting them to remake OG Dead Space? I dunno, ain't no one trying to play a less interesting Dead Space 1 with pointless microtransactions
    In all seriousness, I legit thought EA buried the series entirely. Some pretty old memes a while back.

    -EA sees open hole to make a grave-

    -Drops Dead Space and shovels it in-

    EA: I guess you could say, now it's...."Dead"...."Space". Ah? that was good I know ahaha.

    Camel: Boooooooooooooooooooooo!!
    Shout out to Scarlet Nexus being the first anime game (that I can recall) that acknowledges that nobody looks their age in that universe
    "You don't ever have to get good at a fighting game' -Jiyuna 2021
    TELL 'EM! hell there are fighting games that I love like Arcana Heart, Smash, Koihime Enbu; been playing them for years and I'm still trash at them, AND THAT'S OKAY!
    Been messing around with Ryu lately, and I find that he has the same issue as Nyo where all his best neutral tool are locked behind a stance, which imo makes playing the mid range with him very annoying
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    as much as I wish this wasn't the case, if we lived in a world where Ryu had access to all his Onion stance moves from his neutral stance, he'd be obnoxious beyond belief, so I guess it's all balance at the end of the day
    oh look at that, they put Lloyd, Dante and Shante in Smash Ultimate ;)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    calling it now, final smash character will be a Tetris piece
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    ^Maaaaaaaaan, if you jinx this shit... XD
    I dunno guys. I think the last character is going to be Sora and probably will not be revealed until Game awards. Yes, Sephiroth is in the pass already and I know the last character doesn't have to necessarily be super hype since Byleth was the last one but I got this gut feeling it's Sora. Then again, when have people ever been right about guessing characters lol.
    kinda sucks when a Vtuber you actually like announces their retirement, but better for them to leave on their own terms rather than getting chased off the platform by trolls and anti's
    Is this about Coco or Lulu? But yeah, Coco especially feels out of left field because she basically just debuted, she's only been around for a year and a half that's really not that long considering everything she's done in and for Hololive.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I was talking more Lulu, though I am aware of the Coco situation, but even when they been around for a while it still sux, like with Gibara, she was doing her thing for 2 years and some change, and then boom, graduation
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