Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Welp, my Fighting Commander 4 finally died, and now I have decide whether to buy a new one or switch to the Razer Raion, which is supposed to be the "ultimate" fighting gamepad, decisions decisions...
    I don't know what weed Rig players are smoking that makes them say crazy things like "Nyo vs Rig is a bad match for Rig", but I would like some, cuz clearly it's that guud shit
    serious question, does Raidou count as a ninja given that most of his stolen moves are from non-ninjas? or is he a ninja in name only?
    Everyone else had to work hard for their training, and if Honoka was to be studying under a ninja, i'd imagine she'd learned everything in a couple days, be praised for it in major cringe, and then use that ninja learning skills for the power of friendship-kinda thing. If she becomes more powerful than Hayabusa in some weird Kawaii fashion, then DOA story is not a very good one.
    @DestructionBomb I'm not sure if Honoka would ever be a ninja (despite having the blood of Raidou out of all people). Usually from DOA (and Naruto from extension), they start training at a younger age. Hardly doubt if Team Ninja really want her character to go into that route. Its better off with the kawaii version of Dural.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    In DOA7 Honoka visits the Mugen Tenshin Village and in one day learns all their techniques, then her uncle Shinden rolls through and is like, "naw fam, you remind too much of my traitorous ass brother, you need to gtfo", leaving the village alone and dejected she runs into papa Raidou and start training together

    i'd watch that story
    • Haha
    Reactions: Derock
    Arcsys balancing has been very suspect as of late

    DBZF: let's buff everyone, break the game and call it a day

    Strive: let's changes things but not really

    GBFVS: let's make our already vanilla game even more vanilla
    man, if you're a fighting game player this Nvidia leak told you nothing new lol
    Hellena Taylor (Bayonetta's VA) implies that she might not voice Bayo in the next game? man, the Bayo 3 news just gets better as the days pass!
    • Sad
    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Welp, we can always replay Bayo 1+2 until our hands fall off, but yeah the wait is getting painful

    and I just went through this crap with Elden Ring, Fromsoft were silent for 2 years before we got anything and that sht felt like an eternity, this is double that it's just ugh...

    either says it's canceled or reveal the dam thing already, being kept in this limbo is what hurts the most
    Uhh, the way I read it, she said Bayo 3 might be the last time. That game is happening. If there's anything to worry about, it's about what happens after Bayo 3. Also, her worrying about not being able to voice Bayonetta anymore seems to be related to what happens in the story for the third game, as she's not aloud to say why.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    That certainly is one interpretation, I just read it as her saying "dont be surprised if you don't hear my voice in Bayo 3"

    maybe they're pulling a MGS2 where we get to play Bayo for 20 mins and then for the rest of the game we play as a different character, like Loki, and that's why she's under contract to be hush hush about it, that would suck if that was the case (and I like Loki)
    love how most ppl in VF5US only break forward throw when put in a throw mix, ignoring the fact that most throws are at least a 3 way mix up, ppl are just like "naw, I only tech forward dawg"
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    guess it's like how 99% of players in DOA mash mid punch hold during stun, despite the fact you have alot more things to worry about in stun than just mid punches
    The same way I tech throws on SCVI, I should be inputting back for the back throws given certain situations that I should be aware of vs characters like Nightmare, Asta etc. but I super rarely do, that's something that I'll have to work on 100%.
    "what is the meta in a game where everything is 50/50?" the question I ask myself while revisiting DOA4
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, I don't know about setups or unholdables, but Ryu does seem to be blessed with high dmg, reliable, unbreakable combos in a game where alot of characters have to take a risk just to do 70 dmg (looking at you Tengu), izuna is just too prevalent a threat

    also 2h+k crushes like crazy jeez louise
    Helena was god tier in DOA4, that's why Helena players always thought Helena was bad at first in DOA5 & DOA6 because she wasn't busted (well not as busted...)
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    also 2h+k crushes like crazy jeez louise

    It also had a string follow-up into a crushing hold-evade handstand kick.

    Helena was god tier in DOA4, that's why Helena players always thought Helena was bad at first in DOA5 & DOA6 because she wasn't busted (well not as busted...)

    Much like the Christie players in DOA6.
    been so hype for Melty Blood I almost forgot that Phantom Breaker: Omnia is also coming out soon, 2021 has been a really good year for anime fighters, im glad
    "pick random stage u scrub" has unfortunately become part of my predictive text in lobby chat, thanks to influx of Lisa players who pick "The Muscle/Sweat" for those exclusive ring rope moves
    • Cool
    Reactions: inochinagi
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    same, although isn't so much replaying the same stage over and over again that annoys me, it's just picking a stage that benefits your character and no one else that I don't like, it's like Vega players in SFV who pick Barcelona stage so they can just stall with that wall climb bs, get outta here with that
    • Like
    Reactions: Raansu
    doa4 the people who picked stages always picked dojo so they can turtle the entire match. That shit drove me insane.
    @Raansu @Camel with 2 thumbs , In a way I do take pleasure of doing it in their own field when they picked a stage like Tamami/Dojo, because when you do it in return they'll complain and then they finally realize why it was a bad idea lul. Same with Home stage back in 5.
    To pull for Baal or not to pull for Baal, that is the question
    Baal seems ok-fairly strong. From what I've heard she's considered to be like Zhongli before he got buffed in terms of strength, however, they say that she's "incopatible" with some characters and the fact that melt and vaporize are still better than the reactions and the damage that can be caused by electro. Personally, I pulled for her because I want to get all the archons on PS4, don't care about tiers.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    well, electro will always be weaker than Pyro and Hyrdo when it comes to damage, doubling your output plus criting on top is too powerful a formula to beat, as for Baal's incompatibility, it all seems to revolve around her burst, it's an install similar to Xiao, but in this form her normal attacks don't count as normal attacks, so she can't take advantage of characters who buff normals like Beidou and Xingqui
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    all that said, im gonna pull for her, she has good synergy with characters I like to play (primarily Mona) and her skill giving the party 100 uptime on electro dmg is really cool imo (fischl can do the same if your ER ratios are good but this is alot more consistent and powerful), so yeah, tiers be dammed
    I really hope a VF6 is in the works, not that there's anything wrong with VF5US its just that's its essentially been the same game for 9 years at this point
    it's fine cause no one played for 9 years, It's good cause the game got alot of resources thanks to vfdc. But they could do a balance patch just to change things up.
    Was totally expecting the ez mode top tiers to get obliterated by the latest Strive patch, instead they all just got a light slap on the wrist, guess this is what arcsys meant when they want to balance the game around "fun"
    Trailer for the new Saint's Row is not inspiring confidence, looks more like a sillier Watchdogs 2 spinoff than a Saint's Row game :/
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