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    • Angry
    Reactions: Onryoki
    Yeah the guy was wild for that one. He even boasted it like it was a good thing.

    Good thing is that Capcom banned this dude from all events so the authorities are looking into it. Even if it isn't true according to him, that's not something he should be saying or boasting, that's mentally wild.
    Like yo, imagine going to jail for purposely saying something that "supposedly" isn't true just to brag a made-up story that's terrible. He basically cucked himself for no reason lol.
    What a disgusting piece of shit. Imagine gaslighting, submitting a girl to rape by manipulating and getting her drunk enough to not think clearly, and basically humanly traffic her. She should honestly go to the police. I hope he goes to jail, and goes through what she has been through.
    Heads up that Yakuza 0, 1, & 2 will be leaving Xbox's Game Pass after December (well, this month). A shame because at the moment you can currently play Yakuza 0-7 on GP.
    Merry Christmas everyone!

    What's your playstyle?
    Really cool to see BB getting a huge boost this weekend! (Now can we have a 3D fighter with real Rollback please and not Harada-Rollback?)
    • Like
    Reactions: Jotamide
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah it's 2021 but I just don't see implementing stable netcode as a priority for any of these companies at this point, Tekken (and probably by slight extension Soul Calibur) is probably the most likely candidate to get rollback due to it having the most eyes on it and would get the most scrutiny for not including it, not just from core fans but from general gaming audiences as well
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    meanwhile DOA and VF are still too dam niche so whether they have rollback or not, outside of the core fans no one else is going to give a shit or make a fuss about it, so I wouldn't get my hopes up

    but who knows, maybe in a hypothetical VF6 SegaAM2 will dump their netcode absorb tech and hop on the rollback train, unlikely but it's a possibility
    The constant use of delay-based netcode has honestly contributed to holding back the fighting game genre for years. 3D fighters only having delay-based netcode has just exacerbated the issue. Some developers need to get with the program and stop being so stuck in the past.
    Question: Should I trade an Xbox Series S for a Nintendo Switch or for $350 CAD?
    DOA2U, DOA3 & DOA4's stages are absolutely incredible. But playing the games makes me miss DOA5's mechanics haha. The holds are also ridiculous.
    I just miss all the moves Tina and Lisa have in DOA5 and especially 6. I honestly never really cared for being able to do 20 hit juggle combos, even though DOA5 did that style of gameplay very well.
    DOA3 & DOA2U look better than Dead or Alive 4 now. They look INCREDIBLE now on an XSX! The load times are also hilariously instantaneous.
    I spy the Xbox DOA's coming to you! :cool:
    Oh, and the games will be next-gen enhanced too, which is godlike considering how amazing Xbox games like DOA3 & DOA2U looked in their prime. DOA2U was straight-up the best looking game of 2004 IMO.
    On a slightly different note, and TimeSplitters fans? TimeSplitters 2 & Future Perfect are FINALLY backwards compatible after 15+ years!
    DOA 4 is also on the list (see page 3), but only the demo is available on the xbox marketplace, at least for now.

    Yeah all 6 DOA games will be playable on the Xbox Series X|S.
    Oh, how I missed the hype around Dead or Alive 3 & Xbox's launch. Would be awesome for a DOA game to ever get hyped up like that again.

    That game was special.
    This show is lowkey pretty awesome:

    Wish that there were more animated shows akin to this. Interesting style.
    I think part of it is also because I may have been spoiled by higher quality and fidelity. Like for example, compare BlazBlue vs Melty Blood. Both different devs and different designs, however both are anime fighters.

    But when I look at Melty Blood, the characters and their backgrounds just look too basic like there's no life behind them compared to BlazBlue.
    Which is a similar case to RWBY where everything about it just feels too low budget, the VA, the action, the characters etc. and if we compare to RWBY to standard anime types and tropes of this day and age, it kinda falls flat. The highest credibility I ever gave RWBY is when it made it to BlazBlue Crosstag, anything else regarding RWBY I just instantly ignore lol.
    Sword Art on the other hand is different, it has a genuine backer sure but the concept and story approach just feels pretty shallow. There's something about Kirito (MC) that I can't really stand lol. A literal jobber that was hand fed with plot armor.
    I think it's only the 8 because they're the legends or characters released from older Tekken games, I think that's where the legendary title comes from. I think it's wise they keep the characters like Lidia and other DLC characters who are newcomers as DLC so they can still make a profit from them. I think they just wanted a version so anyone who mained the legacy characters can just pick up and go
    This "Legendary Edition" version of this game seems to offer a very incomplete experience that would make no different if you just bought a standalone Tekken 7 copy, and buy every DLC the game is available.
    I don't think so Tbh, you're getting all the characters who had heavy demand to be added back in, this will definitely get the attention of anyone who claimed they wouldn't buy the game if there main wasn't in day 1. The other characters not included are new and not legacy so Namco still wants revenue from them, especially with Lidia and Leroy and Fahk
    Just completed Tales of Arise. Overall I'd probably say that it's the best Tales game easily. However...
    Tales of Arise has a massive advantage over Berseria or earlier games (including Vesperia and prior) in terms of technical prowess & design, QoL and a generally more mature tone to the experience. On one hand the overworld is missed, but after playing games like FFX or FFXIII it's not really surprising that ToAr doesn't have a large overworld. ToAr is a genuine AAA game.
    When you have such a huge upgrade in graphics within a new engine, you're likely not going to get a large overworld in the game unless the "open world" is basically the focus (Such as in FFXII or FFXV for instance).
    To be fair to ToAr, I'm actually looking forward to the next Tales game if they can maintain the quality standard set forth, though I think Bandai Namco's Tales teams need better writers by this point if they want the franchise to take the next step (or to genuinely surpass Final Fantasy in general in terms of appeal).
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