Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • playing DOA2 in 2022 has made me realize something about SE'ing, it's much more necessary in a game like DOA5 with it's high stun threshold and focus on stun manipulation
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    going back to a game like DOA2 with its low stun threshold and most players not even trying to manipulate stun (except for some very specific setups) and are content to just stun launch, the mechanic just doesn't seem as useful in that case, still don't mind it being there though
    Hot take; DOA boxart has never been good :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    dam, I just looked at that Darkstalkers Chronicles box art, that shit is UGLY! the individual characters look fine but when you smash 'em all together with no coordination the shit just looks way too busy

    off the top of my head Tatsusunko vs Capcom all stars is one of the better examples of how to do the whole "here's a bunch of characters" boxart
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    great color composition, clever character placement, it's just an overall good example of how to show off your characters without it looking too slapdash or haphazard
    A lot of FG boxart feels like it can be stuck in the 90's. My favourite FG boxart is probably still SCII's:


    Visually appealing, but not too simple.
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    Chris Rock gets slapped for a joke, Dave Chapple gets tackled on stage, I know nobody has a sense of humor in 2022 but this seems a bit much :/
    What is the dam point of learning strong characters in mainstream games when they're eventually gonna get nerfed cause the general audience are a bunch of whiny children who don't want to learn how to deal with it?
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    Which is the reason why I'm rather going for characters that I find cool, that and I'm an online warrior who's mediocre at best in some of the games I play, tiers don't matter much at my skill level. If my character is high or top tier (either my main or my secondary is in every fighting game that I play for some reason) then for me that's like liking a character that comes with extra benefits but I can do without.
    I can't speak for everyone else, but for me personally, the lasting appeal is going through the journey playing the character you genuinely enjoy in spite of the changes.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Sometime's a character's strength is their appeal, being able to go above and beyond the average cast member can be the very thing that's attractive about them, I know it's not as romantic as saying "oh i like this character because of their personality or aesthetic" but hey, different folks, different boats
    Maybe I've just been spoiled by the generous buffer windows of the later games, but I don't remember DOA2's tech up timing being so strict :/
    It's not that DOA2 has strict tech timings, it's that certain animations you simply cannot tech out of in that game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I know that lol, doa2 doesnt allow alot of tech up situations, but there are some soft knock downs where I only seem to successfully tech 60-70% of the time :/ don't know if its me or or some early doa weirdness
    really enjoying Echoes of Mana so far, but only time will tell if this is the type of F2P where you can coast along for free or you're heavily punished for not busting out the credit card every month :/
    Ppl talking bout how the new Saint's Row is gonna ruin the franchise, newsflash, franchise has been ruined arguably since the third game :/
    Honestly if anything Saints Row Reboot is at the very least making it about Saints vs Gangs again. Not prancing about with Super Powers like in 4, SR3 is still enjoyable at least SR4 and Gat out of Hell were awful to play.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I agree, Saints Row 3 was enjoyable, heck I even found Saints Row 4 to be a fun time, it's barely a Saints Row game but it was still fun, but after all these years i have to admit that the major tonal shift from SR2 to SR3 did more harm than good, which is why I consider the 3rd game to be the beginning of the end
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    if this new game at the very least can be a fun mess ala SR3, then that'll enough for me,hopeing for a game that's even half as well written and compelling as SR2 is a pipe dream at this point so i;ll settle for some lol random humor in a massive open world which Saints Row has been peddling recently
    playing DOA 1 & 2 has reminded me that I really enjoyed playing Kasumi back in the day, b4 they transformed her into the bloated and overtuned menace she is now
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    I have the same feelings towards Hayabusa.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    while I don't think modern Ryu is overtuned, yeah, him and Kasumi have definitely changed the most since their hayday, transforming into completely different characters, meanwhile alot of the OG cast have pretty much had the same gameplan and strategy since the beginning
    you know Elden Ring is a hit when even regular ass ppl, the one's who've NEVER expressed any interest in videogames, are casually saying stuff like "Man, Tree Sentinel sure is a difficult fight!"
    saw that Sonic Orgins trailer and i was like "oh shit? sonic prequel game?" but naw it's just a compilation of classic sonic games with a few updates and additions, which could be cool
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    They won't be fumbling the ball the same way Nintendo did with the Mario 3D collection on Switch most probably. They're trying to keep the fans who like 2D Sonics happy as well with games like these, which is a pretty good move from them imo.
    That apex player who was raging at SFV during the AT&T tournament, while it was entertaining it was also a reminder, that for all the dumbing down and gap closing devs try to implement, fighting games are still hard af for regular ass people
    and even then it might not be guaranteed that they'll be sticking around: 1. Most of these players are going to stick to online for a long time before deciding whether they want to go to an offline tournament or not (if they get to that point), so good netcode is pretty much mandatory, it did help out Strive for example.
    2. It can be helpful to be part of a group or have training partners that are around their skill level. This way both players can learn from the games they're playing against one another and get some dubs while they're at it, which is also important imo to keep a player going. 3. Make the game feel good to play and make the characters unique and fun
    so that new payers can have a reason to get better with x character. This is the reason why I really like SCVI and it might be the other reason why Strive probably did so well otside of rollback, despite the latter being dumbed down from Xrd, the characters still manage to feel pretty unique while the gameplay is still deep even if the game was made to be more casual friendly.
    Storywise, Ayane is supposed to be the head of the Hajinmon Sect, but for 3 games now she just comes off as Hayate's lackey and nothing more
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean, technically that's what the Hajinmon ninjas were, supports to the Tenjimon, but even Genra looked like he was running shit, for what little we saw of him. Ayane has never really given that impression and (sadly) may never get the chance to :,(

    or maybe she's just real bad at delegating lol
    I'm gonna go on a limb and assume the Hajinmon sect was wiped out by Genra when he acted on his betrayal, leaving Ayane as the only member.
    going back to a 3 point hold system is what trips me up the most when going back to DOA2/3, i'll see these slow ass mid kicks coming my way and there I am inputting a hold that doesn't even exist lol
    Pretty much me whenever I'm playing 2 Hardcore, my reaction's always like "Oh yeah, I can hold mid punches and kicks the same way in this game".
    You guys actually leave 3 point holds on in DOA2HC? Ew.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Its toggleable in Hardcore? Lol I didn't know that, im playing the American vanilla dreamcast version and the Japanese LE version, you can toggle between arcade or home consoles hold inputs but sadly no option for 4 point :/

    Dam this just makes me want to play hard-core, classic DOA with 4 point holds sounds like a dream
    Been playing alot of Phantom Breaker and it kills me how everyone you meet online is either below rank 5 with a 10-20% winrate or they're above rank 20 above with a 80-90% winrate, there is no inbetween lol
    dawg, why the new KH footage look exactly like that first FFXV gameplay reveal?
    It's probably because Nomura. Yozora in KH3 as a prime example.

    Also the guy does have his own team along with the main team so if you see some familiar stuff you'll probably know why.

    Anyways, because of his disappointment for how FFXV turned out and how it didn't originally fulfill the true product of the game and his vision, he was pretty hurt about it in interviews. So to cope for it, he wanted to provide some of those elements to current games. KH3 and so on. The guy legit felt FFXV to be his greatest masterpiece.
    So to hear someone say KH4 feeling like it's FFXV is actually not at all surprising lol.
    how long does it take for you to settle on a main when you play a new fighting game? a day? a week? couple months? a year? even longer? I'm curious
    That would take an entire essay for me to answer, and there are so many nuances to it that it can't be oversimplified.

    All I can tell you is that maining Christie was like marrying the closest thing to an ideal woman for me.
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    In my mind? A couple of seconds. To truly settle on a character and 100% consider him/her my main? 1-2 weeks. For most games that are sequels I just have to see if it feels satisfying enough for me to play them, for example, in the first couple of days of me playing Tekken 7 I thought about making a switch from Hwoarang to Devil Jin because he wasn't as fun as his Tag 2 counterpart.
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    After playing more with him, however, I decided to stick with the character that I've been maining since Tekken 4 (my first Tekken). Once I get Strive I might switch from I-no to Jack-O/Aria but first I'll have to see if the latter's gameplay is satisfying enough for me to main her. For new games its kinda the same, except the character I'm going to play first is the one that I might like the most out of all of them.
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    SNK is now owned by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia? the same Prince who owns a chunk of Activion Blizzard, EA, and Capcom? wut the helllllll is up with that?
    That's actually kinda wild lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, between this and Tencent slowly but surely acquiring the big names in the business, the video game landscape is gonna get pretty interesting the next couple of years, whether that's for better or for worse has yet to be seen
    That's been the case for a long time now... and I think Tencent also still has a stake in them. Great governments to be getting our revenue in turn for kickass fighting games.... -_-' Putin might as well put a stake in them too o_O
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