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  1. Wingman

    Release Costume mods

    I just browsed through all of your mods for the first time. Very impressive stuff.
  2. Wingman

    New to DoA.

    I’m up for games as well. My PSN is Wingman_SRK. Would love to give you some matchup experience.
  3. Wingman

    News Team NINJA DOA5 Tournament Support Comes to an End

    Good read. I was obviously saddened that nothing new was announced, but I’m optimistic that the team is hard at work on something. Going to continue to show my love and support for DOA. Hoping to still to still see a tournament scene, too.
  4. Wingman

    DOA Future Thread

    I’m pretty bummed out tonight, to be honest. Like everyone else, that tweet from Team Ninja got me hyped for what I thought was going to be some kind of good news. Optimistically, I was hoping for Dead or Alive 6. I definitely didn’t expect what we got.
  5. Wingman

    The Joy of Dead or Alive Tournaments

    I agree with what she said about pool play and pre-top 8. It's interesting to see unfamiliar players also under-utilized characters. I've learned new characters based on watching tournament videos and streams, too.
  6. Wingman

    The Joy of Dead or Alive Tournaments

    I totally agree! We don't really have a tournament scene, but there are 4 other local players around here, and we try to get together as often as we can. It's so much fun to enjoy something that you're very passionate about with other people. I'd love if the bunch of us could make it Final Round...
  7. Wingman

    Battle Royal E-Mann Wins FR18

    Due to work, I missed the stream. Looking forward to checking out the archive!
  8. Wingman

    Killer Instinct Thread

    Visually, Hisako looks so cool. I love that sketchy, ghost effect that is going on around her.
  9. Wingman

    The offline scene is slowly growing in my area. Finally have several people to play DOA with.

    The offline scene is slowly growing in my area. Finally have several people to play DOA with.
  10. Wingman

    I don't play online much, but my friend and I just tag teamed together online for some lobby...

    I don't play online much, but my friend and I just tag teamed together online for some lobby matches. Had a lot of fun.
  11. Wingman

    What was your first Dead or Alive game and what did you initially think of the series?

    The jump from DOA1 to DOA2 was pretty incredible. I was hooked on DOA2 for many years.
  12. Wingman

    Soul Calibur Thread

    Agreed. I've never even considered downloading it. Soul Calibur II is one of the best 3D fighting games ever made. I was late to the party on Soul Calibur V. I only bought it about 14-15 months ago when PSN had it on sale. I really regret not buying it sooner when more people were playing it.
  13. Wingman

    Soul Calibur Thread

    Wow, those prices are crazy. I thought DOA5 was bad. You can buy SCV and a handful of DLC for the price of a chest in Lost Swords.
  14. Wingman

    Online Lag

    I've never been a fan of playing online, but I did try one lobby match the other day, and although it wasn't terrible, it wasn't that good. Was playing on PS4.
  15. Wingman

    Final Fantasy Thread

    Just curious, did the PC version of Final Fantasy VII receive a better localization?
  16. Wingman

    Mains in ALL fighting games you play.

    Dead or Alive 5 Last Round - Kasumi. (Secondary - Hayate) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - Raven / Lars Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - Kage Soul Calibur V - Natsu Ultra Street Fighter IV - Cammy Street Fighter III - Third Strike - Makoto, Chun Li, Akuma
  17. Wingman

    Kotaku "Dead Or Alive Is More Than Breasts"

    This year, I hope Team Ninja finds the balance between marketing a polished, competitive fighting game and selling the dlc costumes. I think the Battle Royal tournament is a great way to show the community that they care about tournaments and the overall gameplay in their product. I'm fine with...
  18. Wingman

    Battle Royal Winter Brawl 9 Results

    It was a very entertaining top 8! I've been playing DOA for over 15 years, but only recently started following the competitive scene. It was really impressive to see these players excell with multiple characters. Also; Danger Zone hype!
  19. Wingman

    DOA5LR Top 8 is about to start at WinterBrawl. Check it out @

    DOA5LR Top 8 is about to start at WinterBrawl. Check it out @
  20. Wingman

    Should DOA6 go back to being console exclusive?

    I think being a mult-platform game can do no harm, and gives the community the opportunity to grow.