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  1. HaKaShU

    Need Xbox 1 DOA friends

    GT: HaKaShU I am always down for some DOA.
  2. HaKaShU

    Need Xbox 1 DOA friends

    GT: HaKaShU Always down to throw down!
  3. HaKaShU

    Xbox One cant play online or training mode!

    Sorry getting mixed up between threads. With Xbox Gold you can actually make another account if its under the same "family." You could actually test this to see if it works.
  4. HaKaShU

    Xbox One cant play online or training mode!

    Have you tried making another user on your PS4 and testing to see if it will let you play? Maybe you could invite over a friend and have them log in and see if it really is your user or your console.
  5. HaKaShU

    Xbox thinks I only have core fighters

    Well hopefully it gets resolved soon. Don't know what else you could do other then delete everything and reinstall. On an unrelated note I dig the Taylor Swift avatar!
  6. HaKaShU

    Help! - No one join´s my room!

    Thanks for the tip. I switched it to any and probably played about 10-15 matches in about an hour. On a related note, we played a ranked match against each other tonight. I think you came out on top. lol.
  7. HaKaShU

    Did you buy the Senran Kagura costumes?

    I only bought the costume for Kasumi.
  8. HaKaShU

    Help! - No one join´s my room!

    Based off of the leaderboards and the amount of people on the leaderboards. On Xbox One I am in the top 1000 of players. On PS4 I think I am in the thousands rather than the hundreds.
  9. HaKaShU

    Help! - No one join´s my room!

    I definitely have issues finding ranked matches on PS4. I can be sitting in training with throwdowns on and sometimes it hangs and never finds a match. On Xbox One I actually get a decent amount of throwdowns. It's odd because PS4 has the bigger community.
  10. HaKaShU

    Xbox One cant play online or training mode!

    It really sounds like this affects select people. I have Last Round on both Xbox One and PS4 and I've run into little issues with the Xbox One version after the initial patch that stopped the freezing and loud buzzing noise when the game crashes. I played for an hour or two online yesterday with...
  11. HaKaShU

    Community Tutorial Stream of Honoka/Momiji with HajinShinobi

    Will you have a youtube video up after the stream? I think I am going to miss it on account of work hours; I don't even get off work until 5 PM.
  12. HaKaShU

    Xbox One Core Fighters costs money to download

    While this doesn't change much I would like to point out that the paid version of Core Fighters was actually $5 during launch week rather than the $10. At that price it definitely was a steal for someone who doesn't want the full game. With all that being said, I've actually had a better...
  13. HaKaShU

    Xbox thinks I only have core fighters

    Make sure you are connected to the internet and make sure you have all the costume packs downloaded. Sometimes those include patches for the game. If I recall correctly, with Ultimate you had to download all the costume packs or it would cross everything out on the menu. The main thing I can...
  14. HaKaShU

    DOA5LR [PATCHED]How to delete saved replays (on XBone)?

    Is there a cap on how many replays we can save? This would definitely by an issue if we can never delete any of them...
  15. HaKaShU

    DOA5LR New DLC and Special Edition Details

    I ordered from Nin-Nin Game which I heard is decent. Usually I order from Ami Ami or CDJapan but both are not currently carrying the "Strongest Package." You could also check out Nippon Yasan which I've heard isn't bad either. It will cost around $300 after shipping on both sites so be weary...
  16. HaKaShU

    Community Opinion: Dead or Alive 5 Last Round Dividing the Community

    I never said it's fine that some players get screwed over. I said it sucks but the main thing for Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo is to make money. If that comes at the expense of some of their fans so be it. I don't agree with that standpoint but that's how most businesses operate. The bottom line is...
  17. HaKaShU

    Community Opinion: Dead or Alive 5 Last Round Dividing the Community

    Until the game comes out and you see the real reception this is only speculation. How do you know 100% that the game will die? Why would investors pay for a company to fail? Like I said, use your wallets to voice your opinion. In the end though, I still think this is a profitable endeavor for...
  18. HaKaShU

    Community Opinion: Dead or Alive 5 Last Round Dividing the Community

    In my opinion I think the community is overreacting. I've been skimming through the comments and people seem to understand the concept of marketing, economics, and everything that goes into making and selling games. With that said, there is a cutoff when it is not beneficial for a company to...
  19. HaKaShU

    Team Ninja On Why Dead or Alive 5: Last Round Is Missing Features On 360 And PS3

    "I'm pretty sure they ran at 60 FPS but they were upscaled in resolution for consoles." And once again apples and oranges. DOA is only on console so I wouldn't compare a game on PC to it since PC games always look better than console games.