Any early netcode impressions?

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Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I can't find any matches at all LOL. Earlier when Rikuto was over we checked and found three open lobbies, all of which were French. Wasn't gonna have my first matches go down like that. Of particular importance is the fact that immediately upon launching into the online menu, you hear Chosen1's song. I am NOT pleased about that, given there is no way to change it or turn it off. Custom soundtracks on the 360 ftmfw.

EDIT: So I finally got some matches in with some randoms online. Both were 4 of 5 bars to me and were somewhere in the south judging by their gamertags (Lousiana and...something similar). HOLY FUCK IT'S GODDAMN TERRIBLE. I mean, this is when online play is supposed to be smoother. Shit was nearly unplayable. Lots of dropped inputs, extremely slow, and I actually lost a match when I was scrubbed out. Dude was just striking a few times, running up and grabbing, and running that back over and over. I couldn't do anything about it because of the lag. Now I'm not just salty because I lost, since I won the three before that, so check that before you go accusing me. It's utterly ridiculous that the online play is this bad.


Well-Known Member
I can't find any matches at all LOL. Earlier when Rikuto was over we checked and found three open lobbies, all of which were French. Wasn't gonna have my first matches go down like that. Of particular importance is the fact that immediately upon launching into the online menu, you hear Chosen1's song. I am NOT pleased about that, given there is no way to change it or turn it off. Custom soundtracks on the 360 ftmfw.

EDIT: So I finally got some matches in with some randoms online. Both were 4 of 5 bars to me and were somewhere in the south judging by their gamertags (Lousiana and...something similar). HOLY FUCK IT'S GODDAMN TERRIBLE. I mean, this is when online play is supposed to be smoother. Shit was nearly unplayable. Lots of dropped inputs, extremely slow, and I actually lost a match when I was scrubbed out. Dude was just striking a few times, running up and grabbing, and running that back over and over. I couldn't do anything about it because of the lag. Now I'm not just salty because I lost, since I won the three before that, so check that before you go accusing me. It's utterly ridiculous that the online play is this bad.

God damn it Team Ninja, fix your netcode.


Well-Known Member
I can't find any matches at all LOL. Earlier when Rikuto was over we checked and found three open lobbies, all of which were French. Wasn't gonna have my first matches go down like that. Of particular importance is the fact that immediately upon launching into the online menu, you hear Chosen1's song. I am NOT pleased about that, given there is no way to change it or turn it off. Custom soundtracks on the 360 ftmfw.

EDIT: So I finally got some matches in with some randoms online. Both were 4 of 5 bars to me and were somewhere in the south judging by their gamertags (Lousiana and...something similar). HOLY FUCK IT'S GODDAMN TERRIBLE. I mean, this is when online play is supposed to be smoother. Shit was nearly unplayable. Lots of dropped inputs, extremely slow, and I actually lost a match when I was scrubbed out. Dude was just striking a few times, running up and grabbing, and running that back over and over. I couldn't do anything about it because of the lag. Now I'm not just salty because I lost, since I won the three before that, so check that before you go accusing me. It's utterly ridiculous that the online play is this bad.


Well-Known Member
Let's hope that there's a patch day of release that fixes this issue. If not, then, that could be a first sign that DOA5 is going down hill with the online community. I will agree, no fighting game out now should have 100% shit netcode. It's unacceptable.

Of particular importance is the fact that immediately upon launching into the online menu, you hear Chosen1's song. I am NOT pleased about that, given there is no way to change it or turn it off. Custom soundtracks on the 360 ftmfw.

That's a charade.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the netcode will be patched early on or it will simply improve somehow around the 25th.

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
The netcodes in SC5/TTT2/VF5 serve their purpose. You want to learn match ups and get experience with some form of tactics that people will use with characters. If the online is unbearable then you can't even get that so it's useless. You don't use online to see who is a strong player. Online is used to gather experience that you can't get with your locals. It allows you get those needed casuals and grind out games so you can get that experience with the game.


Active Member
God damn it Team Ninja, fix your netcode.
This. If the game ends up playing like shit online im not going to even bother with it because ill mostly be playing online. Theres no excuse for a terrible netcode with the way VF5FS and TTT2 play online. Releasing a fighting game when other ones play smooth online is suicide and one word of mouth spreads long term sales will die.

Ill be picking up the game tuesday and if i find out the game is pretty much unplayable online i just might return it. DOA is my second favorite 3D fighting game franchise only behind VF but i cant support a game that at least doesnt play decent online. KOFXIII great game but played pretty terrible online and guess what only hardcore KOF fans kept playing it.

TEKKEN 6 garbage ass netcode people stop bothering playing it online and the game probably didnt sell as well as it couldve due to it. Also if this game puts a bad taste in peoples mouths whos to say a good majority of people will even bother with the next DOA game when and if its released. The year is 2012 and the years about to end which means theres no excuse for a poor netcode.


I think it would be funny if everyone who got the game before the RELEASE DATE got banned online. Justice would be served...



I'm guessing it will pull off a Tekken 6 netcode patch after that patch i found Tekken 6 ok to play online. fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be pretty salty if the netcode really is bad. I find it hard to believe that it can be worse than DoA4's which was for the most part fairly decent. I'm really hoping its just one of those things where the online mode wasn't ready yet and there is supposed to be a patch on Tuesday. If the netcode is bad I'm not going to bother with the game.


Active Member
I'm going to be pretty salty if the netcode really is bad. I find it hard to believe that it can be worse than DoA4's which was for the most part fairly decent. I'm really hoping its just one of those things where the online mode wasn't ready yet and there is supposed to be a patch on Tuesday. If the netcode is bad I'm not going to bother with the game.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
So yeah im pretty disappointed with the online mode. You can only play ranked modes one on one and not only that you cant create a lobby. They just put you up with a random person, but you chose the grades to search, round etc and you cant even rematch the person i think.

Lobby matches are non ranked :(. I really liked joining lobbies and trying to beat that one guy who has been beating everyone and getting tons of points.

And for simple matches (Quick non ranking ones) you cant even change any settings and rules. Edit you cant rematch simple matches.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: So I finally got some matches in with some randoms online. Both were 4 of 5 bars to me and were somewhere in the south judging by their gamertags (Lousiana and...something similar). HOLY FUCK IT'S GODDAMN TERRIBLE. I mean, this is when online play is supposed to be smoother. Shit was nearly unplayable. Lots of dropped inputs, extremely slow, and I actually lost a match when I was scrubbed out. Dude was just striking a few times, running up and grabbing, and running that back over and over. I couldn't do anything about it because of the lag. Now I'm not just salty because I lost, since I won the three before that, so check that before you go accusing me. It's utterly ridiculous that the online play is this bad.
Thank you, i'm not alone in knowing that netcode is not good.
After Day 2 and playing about 30 matches, it's still bad as the first.


Well-Known Member
So they changed the format like in every other fighter. Hows the netcode on your end?


Well-Known Member
They just put you up with a random person, but you chose the grades to search, round etc and you cant even rematch the person i think.
Nope you can't rematch.
Also all the simple matches i've played have all been set to 2 rounds. lol


Active Member
Ugh, If anything I want the patch to fix the online music lol. I mean, I don't care if you put it in the game but did they really have to put it in the only place that matters? No offense to anyone, just the fact that it seems like a really weird place to put it. I wouldn't have cared at all...if it was anywhere else...maybe there is even a C1 system voice to go with it. Geet Ready Fight.

Jokes aside. Let's hope the netcode improves. If not, Doa is Doa. Tag 2 netcode got me all excited too...
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