

Mila has a 12 frame mid for some reason.
Momiji has a 14f mid full circular/tracking P that's vastly better in every aspect to Mila's 6P. It's -5 on block +3 on NH, Mila's 12f 6P is -6 on NH and -11 on block and it's not circular... Using defense and gaining plus frames on block to use a 14f mid circular isn't hard, well maybe it is for you..

Mila lives in nitaku and is basically always negative on block, which means you can CH hit her all day if she tries to attack after a string or single hit is blocked. You must be a masher that doesn't have the patience to block, doesn't understand nitaku, wont look into the actual frame data, and only plays online (probably playing on a pad using macros, because 3 buttons is just too complicated yes?). So Mila blows you up for mashing and your salty, ok, we get it. For players that have an active defense (fuzzy, evade, stepping) and actually block she's not terribly problematic.

I like the suggestions on 4H+K and 7K, her kicks were nerfed too much, just fix one of them, nobody is asking for her to have all the tools. But endless nerfs are disgusting and not necessary..


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind 4h+k to go back the way it was, but I don't think 7k should.

Do you guys not understand that she's a grappler, too? Momiji has that because she's a striker.

He plays hayabusa; his mid is 13i, unsafe, with another unsafe follow up. Mila on the other had, has a safe kick option at the end of just about every string, can get advantage from both low punches (after 1p her 6p will beat jabs). Then her offensive hold is 10x better, and she can cancel into it from everything. 2 attack options from those cancels are also safe.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Momiji has a 14f mid full circular/tracking P that's vastly better in every aspect to Mila's 6P. It's -5 on block +3 on NH, Mila's 12f 6P is -6 on NH and -11 on block and it's not circular... Using defense and gaining plus frames on block to use a 14f mid circular isn't hard, well maybe it is for you..
It's more in respect to neutral frames, a situation you deal with when fighting Mila constantly due to her throw breaks being neutral (plus match start). "Vastly superior in every way" would mean it had superior initial frames, when obviously it doesn't.

Mila lives in nitaku and is basically always negative on block, which means you can CH hit her all day if she tries to attack after a string or single hit is blocked. You must be a masher that doesn't have the patience to block, doesn't understand nitaku, wont look into the actual frame data, and only plays online (probably playing on a pad using macros, because 3 buttons is just too complicated yes?). So Mila blows you up for mashing and your salty, ok, we get it. For players that have an active defense (fuzzy, evade, stepping) and actually block she's not terribly problematic.
My my, aren't we hasty to accuse and insult?

I am an offline tournament player who plays one of the most defensive characters in the game. I'm sorry if my sentiment that Mila does not need buffs somehow offended you enough that you felt ad hominem attacks and name-calling were an appropriate response, but it's not helping your argument at all.

And a smart and tactical Mila is quite problematic indeed.


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Premium Donor
I don't know why you guys bother responding to him. Half his posts are, "Why don't I have every good tool in the game?" and the other half is, "Hey, I play VF, you casuals. Just deal with it."

You know, as if the rest of us don't play VF. As if the rest of us don't play lots of other fighters competitively.


Active Member
The only nerf that was actually completely out of place was 6T>K one. And TN acknowledged that fact and returned 6T to it's previous state. Every other nerf was quite fixing and balancing one because before them she was an offense tank and now you have to actually put more into her than depend brainlessely on her tools.

And i'm not hater. She is one of my mains.


New Member
I don't know why I keep seeing her old tools referred to as "brainless". It took far more mental effort to experiment and test my own data to use in the creation of 5 pages of notes which guided me in gradually incorporating a majority of her tools into my natural play style over the course of a few months (I never finished incorporating all of it) than it took for me to play any character I've ever taken seriously before. The changes don't make her need any more 'brain power' than she did before. She needs less. They chopped off a huge chunk of her learning curve (which essentially made about 4 pages of that worthless) and all the advantages that came with it. That's what it comes down to anyway. I don't have a problem with that. I just wish I hadn't already done the learning.

I played Hayabusa for some odd 10 years before DOA5, when my play style was no longer viable with the changes. That said, I'm willing to adjust to tweaks and changes made to my character for a pretty long time... but uh... while I don't think she's as bad as Hayabusa used to be, Hayabusa never had to fall this bloody hard either. Yes, she had a lot of tools, so I was expecting a nerf... but not a crusade. I'm still debating over which of these two characters has become more average. It's not just demoralizing, it's straight up depressing. It seems to me that any Mila player that can't see how much she's lost either wasn't utilizing all of her tools, or doesn't understand the significance of the changes.

Meh. My long overdue 2 cents.



Active Member
Yes she demands effort from player. Its more a matter of how she was after you start utilize those notes of yours. Dont confuse those things:).