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I would have done other choices in some cases but so far all the outfits showned/hinted us seems that could end to be very nice imo. But I really hope that Ayane will get the Dark Kunoichi version of the costume (like the "collar" could hint) that I loved more than the Dark Knight (but that could be more likely considering the bare skin xD).

Also about Bayman Kappa I really believe that the outfit is perfect for him considering his stance and even some characteristics of the character compared to the folklore (as the passion for the shoji, the Japanese chess): more the idea to assign a "water monster" costume to him is something really old considering this ancient official concept design.


And of course remember that details could even be assigned to the costume (TN already did it with more than one design in the past contests)

So far this is really the outfit that gives me more curiosity to see completed =)

Remember that they got critiques for it and for the last outfits realized from a contest (the new in disc outfits for Last Round) this time they assigned a proper fan costume for each character and only between the ones submitted exactly for them. Also just Leon got a special treatment including a substantial addition to his head, something that usually TN always neglected for the rest of costumes.

So I'm pretty sure that there are really slim chances for getting swaps or original designs, overall when TN promote that they received around 1800 entries for it (and maybe they could even look for them in the first Halloween contest if really Bass and Hitomi designs come from there and weren't submitted again).

No certainty from TN side to who will be assigned, however the author submitted that costume specifically for Kasumi while created these ones for Phase 4:



Id be fine if it was like that concept infact I've been expecting him to get something like that forever. however that's not what we're getting. it's a fucking mascot outfit that doesn't even fit him because the artist was too lazy to fit it to his body so now he looks fat. you keep saying wait and see but when you know the person has a gut the best they are going to end up looking is Ruffus or Birdie, yeah shoot for the stars.


Well-Known Member
Problem is, they are both not really Halloween costumes. The first one says "Vampire Slayer" but it does look more from a Blade or Matrix movie. TN usually chooses to use traditional Halloween costumes mostly on the slight crazy and over the top side.

Actually I'm a big responsible of it me too xD I don't have too much time to discuss about it just now (sorry Tyaren, I've to go), but generally what you say is true even if there were evident exceptions (as Sumo Bass). In general I think anyway that the bigger obstacle for an Ein's design is the apparent lack of TN to give to him outfits particularly elaborated rather than the theme.

if future contests are like this one, meaning quantity over quality and without showcasing and properly evaluating the submissions in the end

About the first matter of course no one can give a proper answer to it not having seen completely what outfits were submitted, but even without knowing it I feel that even thorugh an increase of submissions the proportions of "good" and "lazy" outfits could have remained basically the same. People had the possibility to send how much outfits wanted, but again not everyone did it: making the first examples in my mind, Shiranui created an unique good (imo) outfit for Rachel; Anthony or Tobi created many entries but they seem to have so much creativity to sell it; I would have liked to make an outfit for each character, but I knew that this would have been impossible for my skills and I purposefully decided to not submit again my old entries because i believed that weren't enough good. What I want say is that you are doing it with passion (or less), to have the possibility to send 1 entry or unlimited doesn't change the care that you put (or don't put) in it.

About the popular vote, there isn't an univocal opinion from the fandom and Western and Eastern people seem to have a trend of opposite opinion about what outfits and characters to make shine. The most wise choice is the one to entrust the judgement uniquely to Team NINJA in the hope that they can be a super parte in the process far from subjectivity (in the limits of the possible considering the influence of KT and that of course everyone is human).

PS: I quoted only the part that I wanted discuss, the rest was inherent to your personal preference and for this reason I didn't argue about it.

Id be fine if it was like that concept infact I've been expecting him to get something like that forever. however that's not what we're getting. it's a fucking mascot outfit that doesn't even fit him because the artist was too lazy to fit it to his body so now he looks fat. you keep saying wait and see but when you know the person has a gut the best they are going to end up looking is Ruffus or Birdie, yeah shoot for the stars.

First of all I know that I can easily appear irritating with some of my usual posts excessively optimistic or hopeful, so I ask sorry to you and the others if I bothered you (genuinely, this isn't a provocation).

Like I said there are chances that the costume couldn't end to be good

About the specifical matter I admit to not know too much of the folklore behind the kappa creature, but I'm sure that the gut is not work of a lazy artist, but it was purposefully created as a representantion of gluttony. Usually when there are creature famous for devouring humans, it's not rare to find a similar iconography. I can feel anyway your dilemma because I met exactly the same problem when I decided to create my design of Raidou: from a side I knew that Cthulhu is generally showned with an evident gut, from another it was a shame to discard the muscolar abdomen of the character. In the end I decided to come with a middle way, just for this reason.

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Well-Known Member
Lol no he didn't, that bra and haircut looked horrible. now he did have cool costumes much better than he has now but that sure as hell wasn't one of them.
He did by virtue of staying stoic, as opposed to doa5 Zack who's always grinning like an idiot.

Pre5 Zack is what Kanye West wishes he was, while 5 Zack is what Kanye West really is.

The 4th phase

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Standard Donor
that kasumi one looks awesome, i am just interested in buying a costumes for the character i use currently

so honoka.


Well-Known Member
Yes, we already know the picture from Facebook, but Team Ninja posted this also on Twitter with the following text:

Eye of toad, a blade of grass, and a maple leaf to kick your ass...


Momiji confirmed?! I think so...


Well-Known Member
Yes, we already know the picture from Facebook, but Team Ninja posted this also on Twitter with the following text:

Eye of toad, a blade of grass, and a maple leaf to kick your ass...


Momiji confirmed?! I think so...

Yea. Momiji.

The Japanese word says "Sanji, chanto 'blabla' ke shiteirukashira.."
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