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Well-Known Member
They could never stop making dlc in theory. They've got a lot of great designs from the community to draw on and could potentially do more contests.

I'm sure if there's 10 more packs at least one is swimsuits from X3


Premium Donor
I really want Kasumi's from X3 in. And I know I'm probably gonna get scorned for this but....I want Marie's imp one in too. I don't find it sexy, but I think it's cute and she looks boss as fuck in that pose she's pictured in wearing it. The hair down option for her, no thanks....


Well-Known Member
I think they'll continue on both. With X3 not only do packs include 9 characters at most, but swimsuits are also a lot simpler to make than a full outfit.


Premium Donor
That sounds good. Not great, but good. They need to stop with the bare feet though and slap some sandals on the girls if they are going to just add swimwear.


Well-Known Member
- DLC until 6 months
- Make 'Ultimate'-equivalent repack
- Add the rest of the girls
- DLC until 12 months
- Another 'Last Round'-equivalent repack with extra new girls
- DLC again until DOA6
- Profit

Comments like these both give me hope and dash it all at the same time; on one hand, the optimist in me gets hope that the rest of the cast does eventually get put into doax3 as dlc or in a rerelease but the cynic in me highly doubts that will happen. At the very least, I've seen the game available in stores so if it does happen, its just a matter of buying a ps4 (I can afford it, I just need a game worth buying) and the game and buying the characters but I'm still very doubtful.

Overall, I just hope there's still going to be dlc for 5 to look forward to distract myself, other games can only go so far in taking my mind off this.


Well-Known Member
From my youngest years
Till this moment here
I've never seen
Such many DLC

From the first DLCs
To the latest ones
I've never felt
Crazy like this before

Buy DLC, you should buy DLC
It's the picture of a thousand costumes
It's the freedom of a thousand bucks
Baby you should buy DLC


Well-Known Member
From my youngest years
Till this moment here
I've never seen
Such many DLC

From the first DLCs
To the latest ones
I've never felt
Crazy like this before

Buy DLC, you should buy DLC
It's the picture of a thousand costumes
It's the freedom of a thousand bucks
Baby you should buy DLC
More beauty...


Active Member
Anyone Know of any news of a costume Pack? I dont know why im asking this ive finally broken free of my spending Habbit With this game lol but anyone know?


Premium Donor
Anyone Know of any news of a costume Pack? I dont know why im asking this ive finally broken free of my spending Habbit With this game lol but anyone know?
Nothing yet. Enforcer did say they added ten additional DLC slots or something in the PC version though, and I think he said the file was a newcomer pack?? Probably just more Naotora bulk DLC, which I'm happy for. I only still play her idol costume, and I want more gear.


Well-Known Member
Nothing yet. Enforcer did say they added ten additional DLC slots or something in the PC version though, and I think he said the file was a newcomer pack?? Probably just more Naotora bulk DLC, which I'm happy for. I only still play her idol costume, and I want more gear.
That's totally naotora Ii's best costume


Active Member
That's totally naotora Ii's best costume
Its been 2 weeks now and i still see Naotora Ii As Naotora Li

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