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Well-Known Member
And I could see them giving the other girls some of the X3 swimsuits if they did go that route.

But the other girls each have their own distinct swimsuit styles, particularly those girls who have been in doax before. One of the reasons the girls each have their own swimsuits (not just in doax) is to show their personal sense of style and personalities (Tina, Christie and Lisa for example have the most revealing suits because they're the girls who are most comfortable with flaunting their bodies). Giving them suits of other girls in last round takes away their individuality.

Mind you, this is just me STILL being bitter about their exclusion in the games. Carry on with your discussion about hair, I'll keep playing DOOM and picturing the demons I kill to be Marie and Honoka*...

*I don't acctually do that


Premium Donor
Uh, maybe we should get back on topic. As big as a long hair fetishist that I am, I really want this thread to stay open in the future. Overall the loose hair in DOA blows, only Kokoro, Leifang, Nyotengu, and Hitomi have remarkably did loose hair, the rest are half baked at best.

I'm more excited for this next stage than anything, and they better give Naotora something, I'm REALLY bored of using only her pop idol, schoolgirl, and police DLC. All the rest of her outfits suck, and I don't have the money to buy her Casino outfit.


Premium Donor
I want a kimono pack, but most importantly I want to see the Halloween ones for this year. I doubt my designs for Naotora or Eliot would catch TN's eye, but I'd probably seriously flip out if they did choose mine. I have a certain "watermark" for them, so I'll be able to identify if they did use mine, but I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
A kimono pack sounds like a good idea... but i can't even buy the next DLC because I'm broke af. I seriously sometimes wish I could buy entire packs...


Well-Known Member
I just checked the wiki, the new paid stage (yes, I have come to accept it as paid) is releasing alongside a 30 costume pack. Obviously, this means the pack will be themed to this new stage.

What do you guys think this theme will be?


Premium Donor
kimono pack + night festival stage ( where they catch fish, play shooting like in almost all anime)
I'd love that, 2 of my favorite things all into one pack!☆

I think it'll be themed after probably like some new fan service type thing.


Well-Known Member
OH LOL and here's the pic I posted with that


Truly unacceptable
I really agree with this.


Standard Donor
I will probably be shot for this but I find Kasumi really bland and boring. It has nothing to do with her smile or any of that other bs, she just seems boring and lacking in personality. She also just looks so damn stereotypical, like someone just made a Japanese barbie doll and went - screw it that will do.


Standard Donor
I know :( I don't even like her in DOA5. Everyone has an opinion, no one has to agree with me - although of course if they don't they are clearly wrong :D


Premium Donor
Pretty much every girl imo in DOA lacks personality, since each is designed under a type of niche to draw in certain types of players, and as a flaw their personality tends to be one sided and lacking in variety. I also wouldn't call Kasumi stereotypical myself, her copper hair is definitely not common in the Japanese, and she's always looked more American to me because of it. I think the most boring to me is Mila, never was fond of her, nor am I a fan of the whole short haired tomboy girl brawler type. The only redeeming quality she has is her voice, I find it attractive, and her personality too since she comes off as girly at times.


Standard Donor
It is weird, Honkers for e.g. annoys the hell out of me but it is because of her personality. Kasumi just seems like the type of girl I would meet at a bar and spend the entire time staring at her breasts because she had nothing of any interest to say.


Premium Donor
(Walks into bar and joins Kasumi at the shot parlor)
Luckless: Hey there! What's your name? :-D
:kasumi:~....Kasumi. :-l

Luckless: Oh....well...(Stares at her boobs) come here often?? :-O

:kasumi:~..........No. :-l
(Long awkward silence ensues.)

:kasumi:~I'm sorry....I....I must go on.... (Leaves bar) /:-l

Luckless: 0_o


Standard Donor
lol, I am actually not really that sexist.
It is just more like she would have nothing to say other than 'have you seen my brother'?
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