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Well-Known Member
Also because the flowers are just like all the other bikinis we've had for the past 4 years.

Either way I was never a fan of Mai.

Now if VICE had been put in DOA id have a new main!

That psycho bitch can gore me anytime! <3


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda scared about this pack, only 6 costumes for a month's worth of DLC sounds pretty crummy, especially with those lame flowers we got this month....ugh, it feels like we got them so long ago. >.> As for Mai, I'm excited but then again not excited...idk, my reasons are kinda personal, but regardless I can't wait to try her out and see how she operates.

Next month is just gonna be like when Naotora was released tho, tons of people will say new main, try her out, and then drop her when they can't win/use her correctly, basically flushing out the loyalists who actually continue to use the character...that was me during the Naotora phase. XD But Mai is well liked so the flushing process will be much longer drawn out...I call it the "New DLC character Loyalist Strain" phenomenon.

It will be good to see how many people get seriously good with her, Since you stuck with Naotora though I could see you sticking with Mai. I'm definitely going to be getting Mai as well. :D I'm going to try to get good with Mai.

And yeah I'm hoping the KOF pack is good since there's only a few outfits, I hope they are great because I've seen the designs from KOF and there's really a lot of good ones that they could use. I didn't get any of the outfits from the bikini pack with flowers so I hope they pick good outfits for some of my favorite characters. :)


Premium Donor
Yeah I didn't get the flowers either, I was gonna get Naotora's but I looked at that store screen for a few minutes and couldn't go through with it. XD I rather just wait for the KOF pack, plus I want to keep enough in case Mai clicks with me and I want something besides her default. :-D

Since the flower DLC released like within the first few days of August, that means we only have 2-3 weeks left before the KOF DLC and possibly Mai! I'm really excited for all this


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know I'm going to get Mai but I'm not sure about getting her debut set, I might get it and I think its going to be a swimsuit and bunny outfit like the other girls got.

And yeah it should be soon now that we get it!


Well-Known Member
I can't say I remember seeing these costumes before(?), could they be from the KOF pack?

Also, who is Mai's opponent here? I really can't tell.



Premium Donor
Yeah it's probably Ayane but it wouldn't bother him either way.

Unless there's more, I'm not gonna buy any, probably just Mai.


Well-Known Member
We'll see for definite when the pack is out, but I'm telling you guys it is Honoka. Its rose pink and you can see remnants of the rest of her hair in the fire.

Plus, DOAs lighting isn't that detailed to completely change the hair colour.


Premium Donor
Can't wait till they add release notes about in on the Japanese arcade site! That means they'll likely buff some characters too, Naotora probably will get some too and that Ii Family Creed glitch fixed too. I wonder what her other costumes look like??


Premium Donor
What's this glitch?
If Naotora does her Ii Family Creed 5K kick follow up at max distance, the first hit will not deal damage and will nerf the total damage. It's -20 on the neutral one and -10 on the Power Launcher variant, you'll know it occurred if you don't hear the first kick hit. You can check it out here:

...And actually Grunt that is false. Sometimes hair color will dramatically darken in flames, like Kasumi's hair goes near dark black in that fiery urban disaster stage, especially during explosions. And Honoka's hair isn't that short, and even if they use the pink copy paste hair from Hitomi like in the schoolgirl strikers, that'd be a bit daft since Hitomi's Yuri KOF outfit already has her short hair as the default. Plus Ayane is probably wearing her headband, and remember she's pretty small too.
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