DOA 5 Balance Test Combo Footage #2


Active Member
I sense a recurring motif from CyberEvil.
I don't know what you mean, seriously. Not trolling, promise.

Blaze, I don't know why you haven't seen him play. I don't even know who you have seen play, but there haven't exactly been any major tournaments in the past 2-3 years.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Wah, have you asked your leak whether P+K knock back in a juggle or not (DOA4)? Has it been reverted back to his DOA3 P+K?

Also, everything is looking very good so far.

edit: I'll take that as a 'Yes'.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
game is looking nice as VF player looking in i've got a lot questions and lab time needed for sarah (my main) how stuns work here for her. I'll probably play Rig and my old main Tina and leave sarah for vf tho.
September gonna be fun

Hey there, I did a whole write up on Sarah in DOA and her main differences between VF and DOA .. you might be interested ... (7th post from the top)

I just like to add to that post that she also has Holds now like all the cast as well as a Low throw ;)


Well-Known Member
Must have been too sexy. Let's hope that is a buff for her:D Anyways, I hope I can still free cancel 6K into 7KK.


Active Member
You forgot to mention, Darrell, TO KEEP YOUR VOLUME DOWN!


EDIT: Also, just when we're about to FINALLY see Sarah's Powerblow she gets K.O.d. Way to lose Hayashi. :/


Active Member
All that showed me is that girls are really bad at video games, regardless of nationality. Yatta.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Interesting. Casual match of Rig vs Kokoro on Scramble and Sarah vs Zack on Battlefield.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I gotta admit I didn't even notice that because I wasn't really looking at Christie's breasts throughout the combo vid.



Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Some new footage here at 0:32:59

damnit !!! we were gonna see sarah's powerblow :( then he got put on blast .....>__>

If I understood hayashi correctly he mentioned that in tougeki he will be showing more characters it seems .. and there will be exhibition from top level players..

Ghost Cobra

New Member
Hey there, I did a whole write up on Sarah in DOA and her main differences between VF and DOA .. you might be interested ... (7th post from the top)

I just like to add to that post that she also has Holds now like all the cast as well as a Low throw ;)

@.@ i missed all those vids somehow nice write up i'll watch them all tonight.
I'm thinking about moves out of her back step stance :6: G+P+K :4:
P on hit had high frame advantage and :2:K is nasty. curious how they will make opponent's hit animations in DOA. Guessing :6: G+P+K holds is going to be a nightmare with transitioning :2:K~K into hit grab and the like.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
@.@ i missed all those vids somehow nice write up i'll watch them all tonight.
I'm thinking about moves out of her back step stance :6: G+P+K :4:
P on hit had high frame advantage and :2:K is nasty. curious how they will make opponent's hit animations in DOA. Guessing :6: G+P+K holds is going to be a nightmare with transitioning :2:K~K into hit grab and the like.

see thats what I want to find out...
will she be able to do her forward slide and backward slide outside of strings or not ? I really want to mnow and I havent seen her do it not once ... if she can then her knockdown game will be fricken insane !


Well-Known Member
No, he isn't. But I'm sure they would vouch for his efforts anyway, seeing as he's currently one of the few who had the most tangible experience with the latest builds.

However, that's not the point. The time and devotion DrDogg is taking to try to break down the game frame-by-frame for us to even discuss it so things can be improved on should be appreciated nonetheless. That's all there is to what he's doing, nothing more.

Depends on your definition of "top". I would say I was easily top 25 in the US back when I actually played DOA4. You could probably stretch that to top 10 or 15, but I'm sure some egos would get bruised so no need to go there.

I could beat most of the people who post on this site and go head-to-head with many others. I took 7th at the first CGS Combine (I think 40 people showed...?). The only time I recall playing Manny in a tournament (my memory is very rusty), he won 2-1 in fairly close matches. The match set is on my Youtube.

see thats what I want to find out...
will she be able to do her forward slide and backward slide outside of strings or not ? I really want to mnow and I havent seen her do it not once ... if she can then her knockdown game will be fricken insane !

There's no reason to believe that she'll lose attacks/moves of that nature in DOA5.