
New Member
Ok, correct me if Im wrong...
Kasumi and Ayane are half-sisters, and Hayate is Kasumi brother? If so, what does that make Hayate to Ayane, because I think Ayane want the D....


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Standard Donor
smartypants9567 said:
Ok, correct me if Im wrong...
Kasumi and Ayane are half-sisters, and Hayate is Kasumi brother? If so, what does that make Hayate to Ayane, because I think Ayane want the D....

Ayane is Hayate's half sister as well as he and Kasumi share the same mother and father. Ayane did want thr D in earlier DOAs.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
How would I determine character match ups, like in the tier list thread?

What determines a match up between two characters are their tools that they have to defend themselves against one another. The character who has the better useful tools at their disposal will have the match up in their favor. Though some of the match ups that are in that tier list thread are asinine, well they have recently gotten that way. Anyways that's how you determine a match up between two characters.


Active Member
Will you be at UFGT9 good sir? Furthermore will you be entering the DOA5 tournament sir?

Either way, I will. Have a blessed day sir and good luck!

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
I have some Questions.:hayabusa:

1. What means "tier" ?
2. If it possible to counter even you hit a opponent with a sit stun ?
3. Do you can thorw someone after you block his/her attacks ?
4. When can you attack a opponent while he/she is down ? Some attacks dont work while he/she are down.

Thank you very much If you try to help me ^-^. I would be very glad :hayabusa:

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
1. What means "tier" ?
2. If it possible to counter even you hit a opponent with a sit stun ?
3. Do you can thorw someone after you block his/her attacks ?
4. When can you attack a opponent while he/she is down ? Some attacks dont work while he/she are down.

1. Some characters have more options than other characters throughout the match. These characters are separated from other characters who have less options.

2. No, you cannot defensive hold out of a sit down stun in DOA5. You can stagger escape to speed the stun duration.

3. You can as long as the attack that was blocked has enough disadvantaged frames, the opponent has exhausted all delay frames, and the opponent is within the range of distance to be thrown.

4. There are various attacks that do and don't work on down characters. My suggestion is to try out ones you think should against the training dummy in sparring mode.


hey whats the best way to get your ideal costume out there? Facebook, Tweeter, DoaWorld, or here?
I'm trying to find a forum to post my stuff

I read somewhere someone asking for a cop christie outfit for DOA5U and boom they got it... where they do that?


Active Member
Standard Donor
hey whats the best way to get your ideal costume out there? Facebook, Tweeter, DoaWorld, or here?
I'm trying to find a forum to post my stuff

I read somewhere someone asking for a cop christie outfit for DOA5U and boom they got it... where they do that?
cop outfit is actually a classic costume of tina's
Id sy tecmo and TN's twitter is the best bet


hmm i have a few questions 1. Whats a good way to learn all the various height levels for hits in the SC series its listed in the moveset next to the attack in Doa its not so is there a trick for it i imagine knowing would help me greatly hold attacks.
2.Stagger escape i did the tutorial yesterday on it but the question is how to apply it im used to breakin stuns in the sc series but Doa SE is pretty diffrent (tryin to break my desire to hold everything lol)
3.Last question frame advantage from my understanding having plus frames would make an attack quicker
to where a basic jab could beat another would the plus frames make slower stuff capable of beating out slightly faster attacks. My apologies for the wall of text.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
hmm i have a few questions 1. Whats a good way to learn all the various height levels for hits in the SC series its listed in the moveset next to the attack in Doa its not so is there a trick for it i imagine knowing would help me greatly hold attacks.

The move lists themselves have little arrows pointing to the top, forward, and down on the :P: or :K: icons. Those denote hit level.

Also, if you have Move Details on from the other options screen it will tell you at the bottom of the first page what the hit level is and hold level (some attacks can be held on multiple levels)

2.Stagger escape i did the tutorial yesterday on it but the question is how to apply it im used to breakin stuns in the sc series but Doa SE is pretty diffrent (tryin to break my desire to hold everything lol)

Best to hold :h: (guard) then do two quick :4862: notations. That way you come out guarding, there are times where you are put into a critical burst situation and the opponent is able to guarantee you can't guard the CB!, but you're able to hold in the final frames, so keep that in mind.

3.Last question frame advantage from my understanding having plus frames would make an attack quicker
to where a basic jab could beat another would the plus frames make slower stuff capable of beating out slightly faster attacks. My apologies for the wall of text.

I haven't tested DOA5 too well, in my experience it's primarily speed that wins. However, there are moves with crush frames that could win even if the speed is slower, and there *possibly* can be a win scenario based on damage of attack (unconfirmed).


New Member
So I wanted to ask anyone on here who might know a good channel on Youtube of someone who constantly upload good DOA matches or just matches period of DOA?