DOA5: New Gameplay Demo Trailer of Ayane and Hitomi

Vanity Assassin

Active Member
Why would I want to play a game that requires a modded original Xbox, importing or some other out of the box shenanigans, that has no competitive community and no online play? o_0

Yes it does. The competitive DOA community is too small to sustain itself alone. If people from other fighting game communities do not show interest in DOA5, there will be no competitive scene for the game. It will be stuck with ~15 player tournaments in some remote corner of a major, and DID... which almost always falls on a terrible tournament weekend.

I'm assuming the online will be unplayable. Not because I have no faith in Team Ninja, but because the only 3D fighting games with "acceptable" netcode are SC5 and to a lesser extent, VF5. Good netcode is always a surprise, not an assumption. Without solid online and/or a good competitive scene, I will have no reason to play DOA5.

This is not true on several fronts. First off, DOA4 is the last DOA game most competitive DOA players got into. I don't own a 3DS, and even if I did, I wouldn't want a fighting game for it, so DOAD has no relevance to me.

If people outside of the tiny DOA competitive community do not care about DOA5, it will not have a competitive scene (as stated above). It has nothing to do with playing DOA 3.1. It takes too much effort to play the game compared to other fighters, and there's no competitive scene for it.

A vast majority of the DOA community never played 3.1, yet you expect people outside of the community to have played it? Come on man...

Also, people outside of the community have been very receptive to the DOA5 info we've received so far... especially the Akira trailer. If the game is solid, they will play it.

I agree with you about the DS, I would never want to play a fighthing game on it

and on another note, Iam not sure how I feel about the game play.. I want to see Helena, I want to see how she plays in this.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Sorry if that hurts a nerve with some people, but that's a fact. If you don't make the game cater to the core, it will fail. That isn't really something anyone can debate over.
You certainly have a grasp of the obvious.

So why not move on from your case of core player depression you're showing here and demand an on-location beta loketest stateside, preferably on the EC? At this point, it's all you guys really can do, right? Is it not worth a shot to at least try? We're not exactly sure how close they are to that stage, and it's surely a better, less destructive way to handle your frustrations than saying "Oh, this game is done" or "Oh, this game will fail because of such-and-such, so I'm playing something else". Bitching about a dated build don't help anyone. Pushing this idea will, however. Besides, TN does need to get out more.


Active Member
Why would I want to play a game that requires a modded original Xbox, importing or some other out of the box shenanigans, that has no competitive community and no online play? o_0

Cause it's that good of a game! Sorwah, VirtuaPai, Rikuto and Raasu can all vouch for that as can I. We have knowledgeable DOA3.1 players here on FSD. Also the game ain't gotta have online play to be good, you should know that. God your sentence sounds such like a casual player. lol! =P

Game Over

Well-Known Member
God your sentence sounds such like a casual player. lol! =P

Quite the contrary. DrDogg is a guy who, if he is to invest time/effort into playing a game, wants said game to facilitate him playing competitively. For that, the game will either need to be tournament-active (meaning it is a game actively played by the FGC) or have solid online play (so he could at least find viable competition in that regard).

So if he sees other games as being more rewarding to the investment of time and effort, then that is entirely his call.


Quite the contrary. DrDogg is a guy who, if he is to invest time/effort into playing a game, wants said game to facilitate him playing competitively. For that, the game will either need to be tournament-active (meaning it is a game actively played by the FGC) or have solid online play (so he could at least find viable competition in that regard).

So if he sees other games as being more rewarding to the investment of time and effort, then that is entirely his call.

This. You can train yourself to do combos perfectly, to space perfectly, to setup perfectly, to evade perfectly, etc. These things reward time spent on the game, and it is reflected in the number of people who play them.

You cannot train to guess perfectly.

In good games, certain situations have acceptable 50/50's that call for guessing because the situation was created by a mistake on the defenders part. Regardless of the fairness, these situations are highly criticized based on the payoff and give those characters a TON of hate usually.

Unfortunately for DOA, just about every situation is a 50/50. This creates hatred for every character, which in turn creates hatred for the game itself.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
3.1 had stuns that can't be countered out of and useful attacks that can't be held?

-Yes it did!

Rikuto said:
2. If stuns were changed to the way 3.1 handled them with a lighter threshold like you are suggesting, the game would be able to fully support stuns without holds because the stun threshold damage wouldn't be relevant.

-This is the truth. The way 3.1 handled stuns was as if there were no critical holds. It was basically stun~Launch/throw. The fear of being high counter thrown resulted in a lot of trepidation for the defender. Also, being juggled(knocked back) off the stage was also another major concern. Critical holds were used more for low hold escaping than anything else. Because of this, players had a stronger defense/offense. Trust, if they removed critical holds, it would not be missed.There would be enough holding opportunities out of stun.

-Dead or Alive really need to be what it name suggests. You are either Dead or Alive, not 50,000 chances to escape death(critical holds) so you can be alive. There need to be a significantly-greater emphasis placed on the 1st response of Defense, not the 2nd,3rd-6th or 7th that Doa currently entail(due to critical holds). The player with the weaker Defense should always lose, point blank, period.
  • If you get caught with a Blow, it is your fault alone.
  • If you get caught with a Throw, it is your fault alone.
  • If you get caught with a Hold, it is your fault alone.
  • If you get stepped, it is your fault alone.
  • If you get blocked, it is your fault alone.
  • Etc, etc.
Doa players in general need to understand(experience) what it is to commit to a defensive (re)action,since most have not played any form of Doa3 competitively, and live with the consequences of the following (re)action. This will only build a stronger, more competitive community.

-As for other important defensive measures, Free Step Dodging, Team Ninja(Shimbori-San) should make :8::8:/:2::2: 0/3/22. When executed, the defender can evade almost instantly(great for FSD'ing while at a disadvantage) and will have 3 'hit frames' to evade(3 frames of invulnerability from blows), with a 22 frame recovery. If done successfully, the evade should place you to your opponents back(or *side), resulting with your opponent attacking the air until he deliberately presses :F: or :h:(whatever guarding scheme they use) to turn front facing. Any successful follow-up blow/throw should have counter revisions. If you fail to evade correctly, a successful blow/throw from your opponent will result in a counter blow/throw.

*Team Ninja(Shimbori-San), need to bring back limbo stuns and create other special side hitting blows and throws(setups,traps and situations). All other fighters have been done this, and it is time Doa expand upon this.


Active Member
Quite the contrary. DrDogg is a guy who, if he is to invest time/effort into playing a game, wants said game to facilitate him playing competitively. For that, the game will either need to be tournament-active (meaning it is a game actively played by the FGC) or have solid online play (so he could at least find viable competition in that regard).

So if he sees other games as being more rewarding to the investment of time and effort, then that is entirely his call.

I know man. Just his post kinda sounded like something a scrub would say is all. But DrDogg should try and get DOA3.1. I know that nigga has to be rich and have some connections on getting an Xbox, Action Replay, Splinter Cell, Memory Card and DOA3.1. He's missing out on good stuff.


I know man. Just his post kinda sounded like something a scrub would say is all. But DrDogg should try and get DOA3.1. I know that nigga has to be rich and have some connections on getting an Xbox, Action Replay, Splinter Cell, Memory Card and DOA3.1. He's missing out on good stuff.

Not if he has nobody to play it with. The CPU isn't exactly intelligent in that game.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I know man. Just his post kinda sounded like something a scrub would say is all. But DrDogg should try and get DOA3.1. I know that nigga has to be rich and have some connections on getting an Xbox, Action Replay, Splinter Cell, Memory Card and DOA3.1. He's missing out on good stuff.

Did... you just call Dr. Dogg a "nigga"?

I know that nigga has to be rich

You did...

Ratiz, I don't think you have the right/permission to call someone that... :-/


Well-Known Member
getting back to the video, Ive notice that all the power blows are against opponents on the ground, I wonder if you can juggle into them?


Well-Known Member
You certainly have a grasp of the obvious.

So why not move on from your case of core player depression you're showing here and demand an on-location beta loketest stateside, preferably on the EC? At this point, it's all you guys really can do, right? Is it not worth a shot to at least try? We're not exactly sure how close they are to that stage, and it's surely a better, less destructive way to handle your frustrations than saying "Oh, this game is done" or "Oh, this game will fail because of such-and-such, so I'm playing something else". Bitching about a dated build don't help anyone. Pushing this idea will, however. Besides, TN does need to get out more.

This has already been done. It's just not at a point where it needs to be made public.

Cause it's that good of a game! Sorwah, VirtuaPai, Rikuto and Raasu can all vouch for that as can I. We have knowledgeable DOA3.1 players here on FSD. Also the game ain't gotta have online play to be good, you should know that. God your sentence sounds such like a casual player. lol! =P

I don't care how good a fighting game is. If there's no competitive scene, I'm not interested. Playing against the computer or traveling to 5-man tournaments isn't exactly my idea of fun... >_>


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Bitching about a dated build don't help anyone. Pushing this idea will, however. Besides, TN does need to get out more.
Dated or not, holding during critical state is not new to DOA5. I would love to see the reaction to DOA5 from SRK if an article went up entitled "DOA5: No More Counters During Stuns."

I don't care how good a fighting game is. If there's no competitive scene, I'm not interested. Playing against the computer or traveling to 5-man tournaments isn't exactly my idea of fun... >_>
You'd make it six! =P


Well-Known Member
If holds are removed from critical stuns, you'll be able to get guaranteed Power Blows.Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it depends on how much damage they do.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
If holds are removed from critical stuns, you'll be able to get guaranteed Power Blows.Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I guess it depends on how much damage they do.

That's one of the reasons why I highly doubt they are going to make that change in the gameplay now. Those powerblows are probably very strong, and even if the damage was toned down (assuming that it is high) the situations they put you are in pretty good and to get it all the time once someone is stunned is crazy. It's too much to change, even though I'd like them to be removed.

x Sypher x

Active Member
I'm watching it right now! I wish I knew where he found it. I actually want to see the video nonstop, the constant pausing and rewinding is a bit tedious. Good shit though.