Well-Known Member
EDIT: DOA6 released! Click here for the follow-up post with all the things they fixed https://www.freestepdodge.com/threads/doa5lr-flawed-mechanics.6811/post-418655

The majority of these mechanics/bugs have existed in every DOA as far as I know. I just wanted to get these out of my head, I don't really expect anyone to sit down and read everything + the references. This is just my boring "wish list" for muh dream DOA5LR patch/DOA6 system changes aimed to the devs, so here we go.

1. Counter Hit while Back Dashing
Characters should not be punished with a Counter Hit while Back Dashing, as it discourages spacing. Not even an offensive maneuver such as FORWARD dashing gets punished like that!
SOLUTION: being hit while Back Dashing should block if the player is holding Back or cause Normal Hit if he isn't holding Back.

2. Unreliable Launcher heights
There are way too many confusing types of possible launcher heights which makes juggle combos somehow unpredictable:
Various outcomes of Hayabusa 3P+K launching another Hayabusa in different situations, this is not even a complete list:
- Normal Standing = 1.569000959m
- LV.1 critical Standing = 1.607422829m
- Normal Crouching = 1.637314796m
- LV.1 critical Crouching / LV.2 critical Standing / Normal Standing Back Turned / = 1.764707327m
- LV.1 critical Standing Back Turned / LV.2 critical Crouching / LV.3 critical Standing BT/FT / Hi Counter Standing / Normal Back Turned Crouching / Critical Burst = 1.860717654m
- LV.3 critical Crouching / Hi Counter Crouching / Hi Counter Crouching Back Turned = 1.892233968m
But the inconsistencies don't stop here.
Some specific launchers have issues such as Jann Lee's 9K against a Back Turned opponent launching lower than Front (old problem, DOA2U behaved in the same way).
Being hit during "pre-jump" frames increases launcher height, and that's ok...

...but this is not ok when it happens to something like Jann Lee's idle stance! During that animation Jann Lee is constantly doing "mini-jumps", so depending on when you hit the Jann Lee player, the launcher height will change too every time, unpredictably.
SOLUTION: there should only be two launcher heights: a low one for Neutral Hit launchers, and an high one for the rest of the situations. We already have enough launcher variety (launchers initiated by throws, holds, strike bounces, environment bounces, "re-launchers" during juggles, Power Launchers, different launcher heights depending on the strike being used, and weight), so there's no need to add more confusion

3. Stand Block to Crouch Block transition delay
Blocking from standing to crouching (and viceversa) takes several frames. This artificial delay makes the game more guess based, punishes good reflexes and makes the controls feel slow. Bass has the best example to show how problematic this can get. Try Blocking Bass' 3P+KT and then crouch the throw by holding DownBack: you can't. The throw will hit you because the blockstun and the standing to crouching transition are too long.

The game is subject to a wide range of unavoidable delays already: online latency, TV/monitor lag, controller/converter delays, the in-game 1 frame move delay while not lying on the floor (to properly detect multi inputs move such as 2H+P+K), and more.
SOLUTION: we don't need an artificial delay to the blocking action. All StandBlock>CrouchBlock and CrouchBlock>StandBlock switch frames transitions should be reduced to 1 frame (instantaneous). This would also remove the need to Fuzzy Guard through the awkward "334" input to bypass the transition

4. Unholdables
A so-called "unholdable" represents that 1 frame of uninterruptible "idle animation" frame that plays after nearly every animation in the game, during which you can only Block, not Block and (sometimes) Crouch.
This is the root of many evils, such as:
- unblockable guaranteed attacks
- attacks that can only be Blocked but not Held
- inconsistent frame data in general, especially with stance moves
- weird interactions involving moves with a down input (makes 2P+K sidesteps better than 8P+K ones)
- in a way, it makes the whole game "1 frame slower"
- it is most likely the cause of FSDC, the oldest and most game-breaking glitch in the entire franchise
SOLUTION: this has existed in previous DOA entries as well for no apparent reason (tested in DOA2U PC). It's time to finally get rid of it

5. Back Turned to Front Turned transition
Characters should be able to transition from BT to front turned INSTANTLY. Several exploits that have plagued the DOA series would cease to exist.
- the developers will not need to make every BT stun reset to Front Turned like they've been doing in DOA5 to prevent infinite combos, so we can get the good old guaranteed BT stun combos back in the process
- no more unexpected BT-related guaranteed exploits such as Hayabusa's 3P+KP+K Force Tech and Alpha's FLOAT->P Force Tech, or Jann Lee's wall throw back shenanigans
- no more need to make the "BT hurtbox" so small (this is how easy it was to hit the back of your opponent back in DOA2U)
- certain characters such as Pai, Brad Wong and Leifang are able to cheat the system with specific attacks that make them Front Turned instantly (or slightly earlier in Leifang BT Holds case), allowing them to escape many guaranteed combos
SOLUTION: make the BT->FT transition happen instantly, it would solve so many issues. If necessary increase the frame advantage on the throws/holds with guaranteed follow ups by a bit

6. Open/Closed stance differences
Some moves can only be chained together when you are in the correct stance. Most DOA players don't bother paying attention to this, but the existence of this issue actually affects negatively a countless amount of situations by making moves, combos and hitbox interactions only happen when both characters are facing the "proper" direction.

SOLUTION: keeping track of the current stance and adjusting your combos accordingly in real-time is probably not humanly possible and I've never heard of it being a thing, so it would be great to solve this problem, but I doubt this is easy to fix. I mean, even Virtua Fighter which is a different series entirely is also affected by this issue

7. Taunt animations on hit
Forced taunts on certain strikes significantly reduce frame advantage. Jann Lee and Hitomi are affected the most. There have been various cases in several DOA games where those moves could even become PUNISHABLE ON HIT. Example of Jann Lee being -16 after a forced taunt in DOA5LR:

They may also outright interrupt environment combos involving breakables:

SOLUTION: on hit taunts should always be optional and fully (free?) cancellable at any time. If the player decides to not input anything, the taunt should play. This way, the developers won't need to use those convoluted distance/wallhit checks anymore to prevent most "unsafe-on-hit" situations, which can be unreliable, or having to force hard knockdowns which slow the game down, and the players would still be happy to decide between "style" or frame advantage

8. Negative Guard Breaks
A Guard Break in fighting games is supposed to be "the action of performing an attack which is blocked, but leaves the blocking player open to a further attack". Negative Guard Breaks or Guard Breaks that don't guarantee any other attack only serve the purpose of deceiving the player with confusing visual feedbacks right now.
SOLUTION: give Guard Break animations only to moves that let you connect a guaranteed followup

9. Unpredictable camera switch on hold-resistant attacks
It currently is ambiguous and unpredictable. Sometimes the players will switch side, sometimes they will not, which often hinders the correct inputs of a punish.

SOLUTION: the animation at fault could probably be replaced with the old DOA2U/DOA3 one which never really had any issue. The current "side step-looking" animation can stay the same when projectiles are being Held though, since the camera issue doesn't occur over long distances

10. Vague ping display
The game uses a vague number from 1 to 5 to show the current lag during online matches. How exactly these numbers translate to milliseconds/frames is still unknown to this day. Additionally it uses symbols <#> when the opponent is playing wireless and [#] when cabled (which is a good feature actually).
SOLUTION: can we get a meaningful ping display just like in DOAO, and maybe even a FPS display (especially useful for PC players with framerate slowdowns)? DOAO used to show the real latency expressed in "coloured milliseconds" (white=good yellow=decent red=bad) and packet loss rate, those were excellent to have. Make it togglable in the options if it's too "disturbing"

11. Training dummy issues
The training dummy currently "lies" to the player in a few ways:
- the AI can do several AI-only moves
- when Recovery is set to OFF, the dummy will always wake up from the ground 1 frame earlier than a player with perfect timing
- when Throw Escape is set to FASTEST, the dummy will break escapable throws 1 frame slower than a human with frame-perfect timing
- when Stagger Escape is set to FASTEST, the dummy will actually escape 1 frame slower than a human at max speed
(the dummy will not block this combo at SE fastest, but a player can)

SOLUTION: fix the above mentioned issues and make them more close to "reality"

12. Frame buffer system not working during Danger Zones
DOA5LR, like most of the fighting games, has a smart 10 frame long input buffer system in order to make moves more lenient to connect. The only problem is that it stops working during Danger Zone animations, making the first move unnecessarily hard to execute.
SOLUTION: this is most likely an unwanted bug which should just... be fixed

13. Hi Counter/Counter holds are just luck
The Hi Counter window for holds is 2 frames long. You can't really control exactly when the enemy strikes you and decide to pull off a Normal/Counter/Hi-Counter hold on reaction... it just happens and changes the damage outcome significantly.
SOLUTION: a better system would probably be to assign the Hi Counter modifier to holds that are successfully executed outside of the stun threshold, and normal damage ones for holding during a stun. This is not even my own idea, the game already does it but to a lower extent (holding outside of stun = 100%, inside of stun = 80%). This would reward "sick reads" more than "panic holds" and remove a luck factor too in the process

14. Comeback mechanics
Power Blows and Power Launchers are strong moves that can only be triggered when the health is less than half, so it pretty much rewards the loser for... losing.
SOLUTION: just remove the health trigger, keep the "max 1" limit and maybe change its visual feedback. Fighting games seem to get more and more comeback mechanics. Can we remain the only ones without one pretty please

15. Randomness in some trade situations
Trading certain attacks in DOA at the same frame can result in randomly generated outcomes where the winner is decided by sheer luck.
SOLUTION: the less RNG the better no matter how rarely they can occur

16. Remove the Stagger Escape mashing mechanic
This one may seem a bit too subjective and drastic, but I have several reasons to get this mechanic removed:
- you are directly being rewarded for straight out MASHING your controller
- mashing continuous 360 motions can be especially hard on certain peripherals such as keyboards or Hit Box Arcades
- mashing at max speed on a joypad for an extended period of time could even be physically painful to do. Witnessing the opponent continuing his combo in spite of your efforts to SE is pretty frustrating too
- it makes nearly every stun in the game variable in length, sloppy
- it can occur accidentally, like, if the opponent was just happening to press random buttons and directions during a stun, he's also reducing stun time and may be able to block the enemy followup in time
- the training dummy MAX SE speed is incorrect (read point #11 for more info)
- the exact specifics behind the SE system are still largely unknown and undocumented. All we know as players is simply "mash buttons&directions to shorten most stuns" but we don't get to know how many frames we can shave off a stun, how many inputs are required, what are the most efficient inputs etc.
- it's pretty much the only mechanic in the entire game that can be cheated with macros/autofire/turbo capable controllers (which is personally what I do, I don't want tendinitis)
- not even the developers themselves know what to do with this mechanic since the inner workings of it keep changing in every DOA. To be honest it only exists because someone decades ago thought that SE would've been cool in DOA just because it was in VF
SOLUTION: remove SE and adjust every stun duration into anything in-between NO SE and FASTEST SE accordingly. We already have the Hold system that can act as a combo breaker

still love DOA Team Ninja is da bes
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I think negative guard break was introduced to avoid awkwardly long block stuns

That is correct. The core is that they want the move to be -4 but if say they just mad it a normal guard break then yes it wouldn't LOOK like a move that's advantage, but it certainly would FEEL like one. Case in point: Akira's 2H+KP.

Also, the counter-hit while back-stepping was because they want to punish turtling, while also lowering the severity of said punishment from Hi-counter pre-DOA5.

Also, the stagger escape system in Ultimate was updated so that buttons don't affect stagger escape. Has that been reverted, and you can prove that buttons only will cause stagger escape?

There's a lot of what you bring up as just game design decisions and that's why we've had to live with them, but it's always good to talk about what we may or may not like about the system in general. You never know who might be reading the thread(s).


Well-Known Member
Lobbies on PC.
I added 1 point to the thread just to ruin your 16 joke, get fucking demolished
I think negative guard break was introduced to avoid awkwardly long block stuns
They could always keep the cool looking animations on specific attacks and just remove the "GUARD BREAK" label. Do we seriously need a GB on freaking Nyotengu K?
Case in point: Akira's 2H+KP.
I don't get it that move doesn't GB
Also, the counter-hit while back-stepping was because they want to punish turtling, while also lowering the severity of said punishment from Hi-counter pre-DOA5.
Well fuck that let me turtle more then I don't want to play the stun game 90% of the time
Also, the stagger escape system in Ultimate was updated so that buttons don't affect stagger escape. Has that been reverted, and you can prove that buttons only will cause stagger escape?
I mean that's how it has worked in DOA in general, but yes buttons still matter for SE in DOA5LR. Try this: during a stun, hold down 6 and mash K&H in the meanwhile.
Actually got a video so you don't have to bother: https://files.catbox.moe/dpxroe.mp4
Further confirmation that SE is a confusing mess.
There's a lot of what you bring up as just game design decisions and that's why we've had to live with them, but it's always good to talk about what we may or may not like about the system in general. You never know who might be reading the thread(s).
*questionable game design decisions I dare to say
Btw unholdables are a glitch I will fight you lel


Well-Known Member
This is a cool topic, and I'd like to also chime in. I remember having similar discussions with a friend back when we played.

Strongly agree with point #2. Sometimes less is more. The game keeping the DOA4 stun system was one of the main reasons I ended up dropping DOA5, which is kind of a shame since it does a lot of other cool things that I'd love to see in future DOA games.

Stagger escaping I think I also agree with. I'm honestly not against it as a concept, but I remember it being really strong to the point that you basically had to account for it, even if your opponent wasn't using it, which ends up making you really predictable...

Also agree on #6 with open/closed stances. It's kind of a cool idea in theory, but in practice it ends up being something you don't really have time to consider because you need more than a split second to process which stance both you and your opponent is in and how that affects the move you're planning to use.

#4 probably isn't intentional. I'm guessing it's a thing in the game engine where it has to spend 1 frame calculating (or whatever) to set the character back into their neutral state. For me personally it isn't really a deal-breaker, but it might be fixable with an overhaul of the game's programming.

For #3 and #5 I was a bit skeptical at first. "Wouldn't that mean characters would have to basically teleport to make such instant movements possible?" Then it struck me that you could keep the animations and just have the game treat them as though they've moved instantly. Could be cool to see, though an instant turn-around seems like it would make it a little too easy to make it out of what is supposed to be a dangerous situation.

For guard breaks, I think I'd prefer it just being a visual indicator for frame advantage. Then for moves that are negative on block, you could give them similar-looking animations but without the guard break visual effect and sound. Alternatively, you could keep the same animation, but without the "guard break" system message appearing.

Also strongly agree about consistency in camera shifts. It's kind of maddening to be unable to consistently follow up when you've gotten a correct read. It's kind of weird that this problem existed with parries in older DOA games, even though it wasn't with hold-resistant strikes.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I don't get it that move doesn't GB
Exactly, and even though it's +0 it feels like +15.

My point being that if you were to change Bass' 66P to not be a guard break at -4 the recovery animation of it will make it feel like it's plus on guard.


Power Blows look pretty dumb and dont seem to fit in a DoA game so it would be better without it. If it has to stay it would be nice (as stated in the op) that it could be used anytime, but even better that it couldnt be done after Critical Burst.


Negative guard breaks do, technically, guard break. You just don't recover fast enough to take advantage of it during singles.

Back when I did tag tournies in DOA 4 one of the key tactics was using normally useless guard break moves and then having somebody tag in quicker than the move would recover and actually hit the person during it. So it gave normally useless attacks actual use in that mode.

So yes, negative guard breaks ARE guard breaks. Bad ones, perhaps, but they are guard breaks.

If you want to see moves that claim to be guard breaks but are actually not, I have found Gigas in Tekken seems to have plenty (ironically).


Well-Known Member
Lobbies on PC.
Checkmate kurwa.

Negative guard breaks do, technically, guard break. You just don't recover fast enough to take advantage of it during singles.

Back when I did tag tournies in DOA 4 one of the key tactics was using normally useless guard break moves and then having somebody tag in quicker than the move would recover and actually hit the person during it. So it gave normally useless attacks actual use in that mode.

So yes, negative guard breaks ARE guard breaks. Bad ones, perhaps, but they are guard breaks
Interesting, I just checked on DOA3.2 and it's a thing, but they must have removed guard break tag cancels in DOA5LR because it doesn't seem possible to do anymore.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Wow. Someone who actually proposes system changes that I agree with on a fundamental and practical level.

This is a weird feeling. I given up hope that I would ever see such a thing outside my own head.

If I could add one more, however, I would like whatever the fuck is going on with Ryu's 2H+K to stop and never surface in another move ever again.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

Not a big fan of stance positions either. There has been a number of times where I popped in 214P+K and had it staggered out. Definitely made moments where I caught the opponent sidestepping only to have the follow up reward say "Nah, screw your correct reads. Your move will whiff."

Fun moment, I remember playing Kwiggles a few months back where we both had tiny bit of health. He stepped after the jab and I scored 214P+K on CH, I literally felt like I was going to get the follow up 666P to connect because I had a feeling he was going to sidestep, but then it missed like how it was up there and he threw me for it lol.
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Well-Known Member
1. Counter Hit while Back Dashing
Characters should not be punished with a Counter Hit while Back Dashing, as it discourages spacing.
SOLUTION: being hit while Back Dashing should cause Normal Hit or maybe even Block if the player is holding Back instead

You do have a point.... the fear of getting Counter Hit into a stun mix up does make players too afraid to risk merely just to create space.... however I feel like more evidence is required before this mechanic is changed

There are way too many confusing types of possible launcher heights which makes juggle combos somehow unpredictable:
Various outcomes of Hayabusa 3P+K launching another Hayabusa in different situations, this is not even a complete list:
Well theres the real heart of the problem right there.... its not that theres too many Launch Heights.... thats just a surface symptom ... and treating that symptom by altering the way the game works will have unpredictable results. The real root problem is actually the Interface. I bitched about the DoA's Interface two years ago. The Hit Status Text appears on the far edge of the screen.... miles away from where the action is happening on screen so reading it pretty much takes you out of the fight, obviously this is a bad a idea in a game based on split second reactions and decisions. Its good that they used different coloured texts to indicate whats transpiring on screen because colour is quickly and easily distuingishable.... however the decision to use text at all is just nonsensical and counter intuitive as different words aren't as easily distuingishable as colours are.... that plus it creates the problem of where this text should be placed, which just takes an already serious problem and makes it worse. So if you have a move that stuns on normal hit but launches on counter hit, then you only have a split second to peel your eyes off the action, read a whole two words then sift through your long term memory and whip out a juggle the corresponds to the hit status..... by the time you're eyeballs roll back to the action in the center the opponent will have already hit the ground, teched up and fully charged a power blow long before you can input your juggle..... okay maybe I was exaggerating on that last part :oops: .

Sega's Virtua Fighter has already come up with an elegant solution to this problem. Counter hits emmit a small but clearly visible momentary flash of yellow light (blue if they're side turned) to appear at the point of impact. This is elegant because it works on multiple levels;
1) Information about the hit status has a clear, universal and unmistakable indicator of what has happend.
2) it appears directly on the action on screen so time is not wasted having to look away from where you are intended to be looking.
3) the choice not to use text/logos/symbols makes it faster to Distuingish what has happened.

Now I'm not saying that in DoA you drop counter hit juggles but in VF you don't because that just simply isn't the case. Both games are relatively fast paced so there will be missed oppertunities, but atleast in VF its not because it was unpredictable what was about to happen after a counter hit. I should also point out DoA does have different indicators of hit status at the point of impact, the problem is they differ in size, not colour. Now size is not a bad indicator of different hit status's but the subtleties of how they used it make it even worse than the text because now in the moment, all the hit effects look the same.

3. Stand Block to Crouch Block transition delay.
4. Unholdables.
6. Open/Closed stance differences.
11. Training dummy issues.
I completely agree. :)

7. Taunt animations on hit
I don't think theres anything wrong with these on a Fundamental Level.... you found the edge cases where this feature is a problem.... indicating its a problem of the way the idea was executed... not how the idea itself was wrong.

12. Frame buffer system not working during Danger Zones

This is another one of those issues I believe is a symptom of a much larger problem buried underneath the surface. Okay get ready for another really long rant about Design Theory ;)

As you know DoA's Guaranteed damage from combos using the environment can exceed that of any other game I can think of... even juggle happy Tekken :cool:. So it seems like Team Ninja took a page from Street Fighter IV to "Fix" this issue. Now way back in Street Fighter 3 apparently a dominant tactic was people would footsie using lightning fast light punches and kicks canceling them into other normals as a Hit Confirm and then Cancelling into their Supers/Ultra. So in Street Fight IV, Capcom's bright idea was to change the combo mechanics so that you could not Cancel into your Special/Super if the Previous attack was not linked.

This was a dumb idea... the reason why it was dumb was because it was still possible to use Light Punches/Kicks to hit confirm your way into Supers.... the only real difference now it was significantly more difficult to pull off since now you had to Link the last Normal. Technical they didn't really fix anything.... Practically, however, since the exploit was much more difficult to pull off, they managed to cull back the frequency of its abuse... at the cost of the game's accessibility ofcourse. To me it seems like a moot point because now people who can't use the exploit are now forever a victim to those who can, and theres no way for them to compensate for this disadvantage.

Now I'm not saying The Dangerzones in DoA were deliberately rigged with a Faulty Input Buffer just so Team Ninja could cull back the number of Guaranteed High Damages Combos.... but it does kinda seem like thats exactly why they did it and its equally as stupid as Street Fighter IV's Link Combos... because if you were skillfull enough with input execution then you exempted yourself from being held back by this limit.

If developers want players to stop abusing a mechanic: "Don't make it difficult.... MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE !!!" I mean so damn obvious that I'm surprised I even have to say it.

Of course this too is also a symptom of a larger problem that none if us is even willing to Admit to.... Combos in all fighting games are Anti-Competitive. Yes... I'm dead serious. Think about it.... what is a combo ?

Well its a Term used to describe a situation where one character hits another character hard enough to lock them into an uncancellable Stunned Animation that lasts long enough for the first character to hit the other character again... rinse and repeate until the Hit Stun is no longer long enough to guarantee another hit.

And for a single player game like Devil May Cry or God Of War then this is absolutely fine.... AI's have no feelings so its cool to use the idea on them.

Its in competive multiplayer games where this mechanic starts to get Paradoxical.... in essence you win Fighting Games by turning the mulitplayer setup into your own personal single player experience..... thats what Combos are. And all though we will never admit it.... deep down inside we know how backwards and wrong it is to play by these rules.... and thats exactly how we like it... because we are horrible people.:eek:

13. Hi Counter/Counter holds are just luck
Yes they are. Especially when you look at how the rest of the Triangle system works.... Strikes will Hi Counter Throws at any point of the throw animation and Throws will Hi Counter Hold Attempts at any point of the animation.... but Holds will only Hi Counter Strikes in a tiny 2 Frame window that its impossible to land with any level of consistency in an actual reall match involving the best players.... yeah practice can increase the Frequency of Hi Counter Holds but not enough for me to say its a learned skill.

That being said... I disagree with any changes you suggest about how the Holds work.... its not really problem.

There are edge cases like Jann Lee's Dragon Gunner Holds that alter the critical damage/limit based on the Hit Status of the Hold but this is problem is the same the one as in Complaint #2.

16. Remove the Stagger Escape mashing mechanic

This is my number one complaint about this along side Sit Down Stuns and Breakable interactables since all three of these things work in Tandem.

I'm not going to say anything about it now.... pretty much anyone here knows I will bitch about this again in the future... its Guaranteed. :)

14. Comeback mechanics
Power Blows and Power Launchers are strong moves that can only be triggered when the health is less than half, so it pretty much rewards the loser for... losing.

Yes thats exactly what they do and you have a good point... it is unfair.

But consider why every other Fighting Game (Except Virtua Fighter) uses Comeback mechanics.... In every other fighting game its a battle for Resources.... specifically Meter. And the Meter is usually awarded to the player who successfully goes on the offensive.... then they can spend that Meter to increase their offensive capabilities, and if they are successfull then they get rewarded with more Meter And the Cycle continues in a one sided fight until the other player is dead... this is great for Power Tripping but Lacks depth and Strategy because the fight is no longer balanced.... this isn't news to you and I'm sure you know this already.

What makes DoA and VF different is since there isn't it a battle for Resources the fights stay Balanced throughout the Entire Duration as going on the defensive doesn't further increase your character's abilities in anyway.... Hence why the Powerblows as a Comeback Mechanic stick out like a Sore Thumb....... Or is it? ;)

While there may be no meters in DoA or VF there actually is a Battle for a very very very important Resource.... SPACE !!!

Yep The Space (level design) in DoA and VF is the 3D Fighting Game equivalent of Meter in other games... and just like those other games Advantageous Positioning and Space is generally awarded to the player who is more successful in their Offense (although Some players will say its actually the other way around.... those players are Correct).... ofcourse theres already Comeback Mechanics for that in DoA atleast, in the form of Holds that change positioning..... and even if that wasn't the case you could still make the argument that Power Blows aren't even a good Comeback Mechanic because they can't really help a player in a Disadvantageous Position in the Stage.

But... even though they make for wierdly bad Comeback Mechanic I still don't agree with changing them so that both players have Powerblows at the start simply because of how Advantageous they would be for the player who's better better in their Offense..... its not an issue of Balancing how much power each player has so much as it is an issue of Balancing how interesting the game is to play for the losing player and how interesting it is is for everyone else it is to Watch.

David Sirlin wrote a Blog about this very phenomemon... congradulating a developer who refused to nerf a high tier character not because of power but because player interest.... think of nerfing Power Blows for losers as Nerfing Akira's Guard Breaks.... he doesn't need them but he would be so boring to play without them. ;)
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Premium Donor

Not a big fan of stance positions either. There has been a number of times where I popped in 214P+K and had it staggered out. Definitely made moments where I caught the opponent sidestepping only to have the follow up reward say "Nah, screw your correct reads. Your move will whiff."

Fun moment, I remember playing Kwiggles a few months back where we both had tiny bit of health. He stepped after the jab and I scored 214P+K on CH, I literally felt like I was going to get the follow up 666P to connect because I had a feeling he was going to sidestep, but then it missed like how it was up there and he threw me for it lol.
I thought I was the only one who hated open and closed stances... I don't like it myself either, like Kasumi can continue a stun from her 4P2K with 4P but only I think in closed stance and I think having to constantly know which stance you're in is a bit tedious, like who has time for that in an actual match? Sure she can switch with her taunt but it's kinda silly having to use a taunt mid match to switch

Forced taunts I think are intentional to limit a character's options


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
11. Training dummy issues
The training dummy currently "lies" to the player in a few ways:
- when Throw Escape is set to FASTEST, the dummy will break escapable throws 1 frame slower than a human with frame-perfect timing
This kind of goes hand in hand with how the Throw Break system works and stands kind of with how the system has always been advertised to work. You know these details as you were the one who got that data (I believe) but I'm going to explain it to anyone who doesn't know.

For those who don't know:
The Throw Break system comes primarily into effect when Combo Throws are executed. In between each part of a combo throw is a window where the throwing character inputs their next command in the throw while the thrown character inputs the throw break option. If the thrower gets their input in faster than the breaker the throw will keep going, if the breaker gets their input in before the thrower the throw is broken.
The developers have always stated that if both players were to get their correct inputs in at the same time the thrower will be the victor in this situation and the throw will continue on. Unfortunately this is a false statement. In reality if both players get their correct inputs in at the same time the breaker will be the victor and the combo throw will be broken.
The reason the ai breaks throws 1 frame slower is to teach the players perfect timing so they have the highest chances of success in combo throws, however due to the nature of the combo throw system it will never be 100%. If the ai were to be truly fastest the combo throw will never be successful and the only way to fix this particular situation is to make the combo throw system work as it has been advertised and make it so tied inputs will reward the thrower as the were the one who initiated a high risk attack (in a game like DOA throws are considered an extreme risk attack because the game greatly rewards fast and offensive strikes over throws and a throw will never beat out a strike, offensive holds are initiated using throw buttons but are still not considered throws btw). Unfortunately this will not be fixed in DOA5s lifetime so far as I know, maybe in 6 will this become true.

Don't ask why this system works this way or why it hasn't been changed, so far as others can tell this has been the case with past games as well. I've asked others with higher levels of access to asking TN questions and they can't even give me a good answer beyond "bad design choices."


Well-Known Member
I don't think theres anything wrong with these on a Fundamental Level.... you found the edge cases where this feature is a problem.... indicating its a problem of the way the idea was executed... not how the idea itself was wrong.
on a fundamental level Jann Lee my poor man loses all his frame advantage on his main moves and gets strongly reduced combo potential from breakables just because he has to yell "WATAAAAA" or some shit IN ADDITION to those edge cases

This is another one of those issues I believe is a symptom of a much larger problem buried underneath the surface. Okay get ready for another really long rant about Design Theory ;)

As you know DoA's Guaranteed damage from combos using the environment can exceed that of any other game I can think of... even juggle happy Tekken :cool:. So it seems like Team Ninja took a page from Street Fighter IV to "Fix" this issue. Now way back in Street Fighter 3 apparently a dominant tactic was people would footsie using lightning fast light punches and kicks canceling them into other normals as a Hit Confirm and then Cancelling into their Supers/Ultra. So in Street Fight IV, Capcom's bright idea was to change the combo mechanics so that you could not Cancel into your Special/Super if the Previous attack was not linked.

This was a dumb idea... the reason why it was dumb was because it was still possible to use Light Punches/Kicks to hit confirm your way into Supers.... the only real difference now it was significantly more difficult to pull off since now you had to Link the last Normal. Technical they didn't really fix anything.... Practically, however, since the exploit was much more difficult to pull off, they managed to cull back the frequency of its abuse... at the cost of the game's accessibility ofcourse. To me it seems like a moot point because now people who can't use the exploit are now forever a victim to those who can, and theres no way for them to compensate for this disadvantage.

Now I'm not saying The Dangerzones in DoA were deliberately rigged with a Faulty Input Buffer just so Team Ninja could cull back the number of Guaranteed High Damages Combos.... but it does kinda seem like thats exactly why they did it and its equally as stupid as Street Fighter IV's Link Combos... because if you were skillfull enough with input execution then you exempted yourself from being held back by this limit.

If developers want players to stop abusing a mechanic: "Don't make it difficult.... MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE !!!" I mean so damn obvious that I'm surprised I even have to say it.
I believe you're overthinking it a tiny little bit
using the new DOA5LR "cinematic mechanics" (Danger Zones, Power Blows, Cliffhangers) makes the Move Details window and buttons history behave erratically
so it just looks like a bug to me lul


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think negative guard break was introduced to avoid awkwardly long block stuns

Raidou's 33KP has a huge block stun. Not a negative GB and left neutral, but there has been cases where he is -1 with certain characters.

Similar to Nyotengu where in 5U and pre-patch LR certain characters was able to nail +1 from a neutral attack on block.


Well-Known Member
on a fundamental level Jann Lee my poor man loses all his frame advantage on his main moves and gets strongly reduced combo potential from breakables just because he has to yell "WATAAAAA" or some shit IN ADDITION to those edge cases
Come On, Sweetness, you know every character needs some sort of Gimmick. ;)

BTW Great thread By the way, its good to have some intellectually stimulating conversation every now and then.