DOA5U DOA5U 1.03 Patch


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Standard Donor
Mila's constant tackling was tedious and sucked the fun out any matches with her she still has the dam thing just not every fucking option turns the game into a goddam QTE. Imagine Bayman putting you into a DDT every 10 seconds it was fucking retarded


Well-Known Member
Mila's constant tackling was tedious and sucked the fun out any matches with her she still has the dam thing just not every fucking option turns the game into a goddam QTE. Imagine Bayman putting you into a DDT every 10 seconds it was fucking retarded

Fuzzy guarding helps a lot against her canceling into tackle options.


1PP is more negative which is not necessary at all (I didn't spam or rely on it), whiffed kick nerf is fine, I think whiffs should be negative, Rachel whiff nerf is fine as well. The problem here is that last time they went over the top with nerfs based on crying. I'm not dropping the game now, but I will if they keep nerfing out new characters. I really don't like seeing new characters catching all the nerfs, or the major nerfs, while more popular characters get buffs or remain unchanged. It's just absurd and makes the game and community look ridiculous. I can stick with Final Showdown if i want to play nerfed version of characters I like, that were once good.

This will totally be dependent on how much more crying and nerfing/buffs come out in future patches. Really not pleased to see this game going down the same shitty nerf//buff path as DOA5 already.
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Fuzzy guarding helps a lot against her canceling into tackle options.
THEY CAN"T CROUCH BLOCK... Let alone fuzzy. Why even suggest something they cannot do?! They'll just cry and beg for nerfs so they can keep mashing out strings or whatever else they find not to be "annoying". Just absurd the amount of nerfs they gave her in 5. A 50 frame BnB move was a complete laughing stock in other FGC's. Tackles are in VF and they do TONS more damage, with 3 times the option selects, but guess what, they don't get nerfed because you CROUCH them, or FUZZY. Players from others fighters have to suffer because an existing fan base doesn't understand crouch block, or fuzzy, and you guys wonder why DOA isn't taken as seriously as you want it to be, this is why!

Anyways i'm done with this particular thread, enjoy the victory of more character nerfs.


Well-Known Member
Just had a good look at Momiji. She got buffed by the system changes and unsafes are still unsafe.
Overall rating: Buff.


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Standard Donor
No. Not this time Awesmic. Just when I was getting around to learning her, they do this smfh
Look at it this way. I'm still playing Christie despite her not having her vanilla force techs or the same advantage on an uncharged 4p+k. Adjusting took some time, but I stuck to it. As long as you don't get the impression you're expecting to be a god overnight, you shouldn't let something this petty get to you.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
wah your character got hit with a nerf big fucking deal it happens in EVERY fighter. if you dont have the guts to stick it out with your character then switch characters if you cant find a character you like then switch games. go to SC or Tekken or VF then bitch every time THEY come out with nerfs.


Well-Known Member
Alpha now sucks. They got rid of her last guard break. She has NO guard breaks at all now. Nothing positive, no way to keep pressure.


Well-Known Member
Im sick of yall. Yall keep giving me more of a reason to drop this game...
No you won't. You're going to be playing the game for hours just like the rest of us. :p
Which bit are you calling a nerf?
1PP was already unsafe so that doesn't make much of a difference.
66PP was already unsafe so doesn't bother me as it is a block change.

Any leap at neutral or on block was a risk anyway so the changes to :K: aren't massive (imo).
TN made a wise decision this time and didn't go full retarded on nerfing characters which makes me think they can do something right, even though the slower start up of Rachel's 4PP is a bit too much but I'm not going to complain.

The best shit about this patch is Leon's air throw being buff, hands down.

Good job TN :)


Active Member
Alpha now sucks. They got rid of her last guard break. She has NO guard breaks at all now. Nothing positive, no way to keep pressure.

Alpha most definately doesn't suck. She's extremely fast and thus doesn't need GBs as much as other characters. No way to keep up pressure? Try free cancelling, she's got the speed for it. And she still has her three CBs and her ridiculously good throws etc.

Number 13

Well-Known Member
Momiji is fine. She didn't get slugged by a nerf bat, but instead received a light spanking from Hayasi while feeling indifferent.

Alpha got toned down a bit, but she is still a reliable glass cannon character.

In any case, disappointed no Ein buffs but whatever guess I should count my blessings he didn't get anymore unnecessary nerfs. I can deal with it.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
I understand TN adding Rachel's nerf's to a system update, I kind of understand adding Alpha's but why Momoji? Her nerf's will in no way change how she plays but why alter her when there are other characters that needed it more?

In regards to Rachel, she still has a nasty 50/50 mix up on knockdown. If the opponent is teching then don't attack and you get tons of frame advantage, and if they don't tech do 2K and you get +15. The only difference is they took out the brain dead way her FT set ups worked.

Anyone who cries about that nerf doesn't want to be rewarded for making a good read they just want to be at + no matter what they do in which case they probably can't play for shit and I'm glad TN kicked out their crutch.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned, I'm not entirely sure what the nerfs to Momiji were for, since they only made previously unsafe moves even more unsafe, and added a (mostly) negligible 5 frame recovery to her landing animation. Still, they're hardly anything to get worked up over.

Alpha's nerfs to her 7K and its variants were well deserved. For the longest time, she was the only character with a safe (and super strong) 7K, so it's nice to know people can throw punish it.

I wasn't aware that the opponent could side-roll Rachel's stomp now. That's a bit unnecessary, since I think it should act like other down hits, but added frames to the start up isn't horrible, and the disadvantage on whiff was certainly needed. She was a brain-dead character that rolled along matches at a constant advantage. The 4PP nerf, I'm really not too sure about, but I'm sure people will figure out how to cope with it.