DOA5U: Arcade discussion thread


Well-Known Member
It's not hard to wait another couple months for her. Have some patience.

Because, TN still wants to make some adjustments for the character (buff, nerfs, etc) before putting her on the console verison. Besides if they didn't delay her release, she would probably have so many bugs since they didn't do any adjustments to fit for consoles.

Don't get me wrong, I can wait for her. It just makes more sense to me to just not release a patch ( which is a patch mainly to co-inside with her release. ) at this point in time, and wait until they can release Marie Rose. That way it all comes out in one go. Just seems more logical to me rather than bits and pieces here and there.


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, I can wait for her. It just makes more sense to me to just not release a patch ( which is a patch mainly to co-inside with her release. ) at this point in time, and wait until they can release Marie Rose. That way it all comes out in one go. Just seems more logical to me rather than bits and pieces here and there.
I mean, if the patch doesn't blow up the game, I wouldn't complain about getting anything sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
Was that recorded By R2D2?

Naahh, R2D2 is capable of better things XD



Well-Known Member
I mean, if the patch doesn't blow up the game, I wouldn't complain about getting anything sooner rather than later.

I'm not complaining ;P I'm just trying to see the logic in it is all. I'm fairly certain they previously stated that the patch would introduce Marie Rose to westerners. So why is the patch releasing before her instead of with her? Just seems odd to me.

Though don't get me wrong, I'm thankful, and it'll give people something to do while they wait for her, but still... you can't not see that it's a little peculiar. Maybe they're adding more stages? costumes? characters? who knows! but still, it piques my interest.


Well-Known Member
They only said that Marie Rose would be coming. They never said that this specific patch or even any specific patch that they release would be the one with her in it. They could release 3 more patches without her for all we know. Now, that would start getting into the realm of illogical, but...there's nothing that they've said that they would be going back on in doing so.


Well-Known Member
They only said that Marie Rose would be coming. They never said that this specific patch or even the next patch that they release would be the one with her.

Must be a fault with translating then. Almost every site I've read ( prior to the news that changed it 1-3 days ago. ) they stated she would come in the next update. I'm under the assumption that an update, generally is a patch... which may be my mistake I guess. If so, my bad. If not, translators bad. But It is the internet, probably not best to believe everything you read- regardless how many sites contain said information n_n;; doesn't really matter in the end anyway I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, bringing the arcade patch without the character seems a little odd to me.
That's the thing, though. What makes this the arcade patch? We don't even know for sure what's in the patch outside of the character changes that are also being patched to the arcade.


Well-Known Member
That's the thing, though. What makes this the arcade patch? We don't even know for sure what's in the patch outside of the character changes that are also being patched to the arcade.

Hahahahaha, of course it's all just in theory, and theories aren't fact. So it's all just pointless guessing at the moment. Until we hear something from them, we wont know what's happening in regards to Marie Rose. People will think what people think until it's right in-front of their face, and that's just human nature. We all do it. It's always fun to speculate anyway! well... for me that is.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Team Ninja themselves already stated the same thing on Facebook. She's coming "sometime in Spring". *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yep, I remember clearly, that Team Ninja stated:
New patch for consoles around the end of January-February but without Marie Rose.
Marie Rose will come in "spring" to consoles. Whatever this means... February till May?

David Gregg

Well-Known Member

A vid by kouhatsu. Not really anything new to note except that (thanks to a YT comment) at 33:48 you can hear normal Lorelei's theme. I listened to and couldn't place my finger initially what it was but after the remixed beginning I could hear Helena's DOA 3 theme: Blood Tie. Pretty neat and it makes sense since it is Helena's stage.


Well-Known Member
Damn, that remix sounds awesome. if we get vanilla Lorelei and it's theme I'm TOTALLY switching Helena's theme to that.
I wonder if other remixes will make it in? probably not but a guy can dream DOA2U/DOAD remixes were cool. hell even the DOA1 PSX remixes sound cool


Well-Known Member
Blood Ties' remix is really wondrous. :eek:
I love it! I'm so happy for Helena.

Please TN make it available soon so I can start my jogging (and my diet).