DOA6 Gameplay Thread


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Nope. I started off with DOA3. Cool kids table :)
What does that have to do with what I said?

Honestly, there's nothing nice I can say about that. DoA's inputs are literally ppp, kkk, pp6p etc......DoA's inputs are not difficult. People who mash buttons like that....ya sorry I really have nothing nice to say about it. Its not hard to find the punch and kick button even if you just want to mindlessly mash. It aint rocket science to figure out to press the attack buttons instead of pressing random buttons and hitting the throw button over and over.


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Manage what? The meter doesn't do anything.
I'm slightly pressed that you chose to reply to this one bulletpoint that wasn't aimed at you instead of that fat bible of text I wrote replying to your propositions lmaoooooooooo please don't do this to me

How do you account for this?
You don't account for that because that's a scrub playing. You could use this same GIF and say it's a Tekken newbie, or a Street Fighter newbie, or a Soul Calibur newbie. However we know that this is a gif showing someone mashing on DOA, probably used to ridicule how "mashy" and "unskilled" the game is on a forum somewhere. Who do we hold accountable for this dude? Team Ninja? Ourselves? Who knows fam. He's the one committing homicide on the pad lol.

The dude is going ham and that's the guy that is winning lmaooooo. I'm sure they didn't use scrubs to advertise Tekken like this, and I'm 100% certain they didn't for SC6. Probably replied to this in some way you didn't want the script to go but it's whatever my g.

DOA1 is every newbie's favorite DOA, right?
Truthfully if we want to talk about DOA newbies.... (Almost) Everyone (By everyone I just mean a hell of a lot of people) knows DOA for DOA2 on PS2 and the fact that when you turn your age to 99 the breasts go crazy. The non-FGC's favourite DOA game is DOA2 because of the fact that you could knock dons down 60 story buildings and follow them down without losing health. DOA2 was the DOA game to start a community lmao. DOA1 is famous for its breasts and for it being the "new age" Virtua Fighter. Not because of it having 2 way holds lmao. It was a mad fun game and of course everybody loved it. I'm unsure when (Must've been after the first volleyball game) but it was really after DOA3 where shit went left for the DOA games bruh.
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However we know that this is a gif showing someone mashing on DOA, probably used to ridicule how "mashy" and "unskilled" the game is on a forum somewhere. Who do we hold accountable for this dude? Team Ninja? Ourselves? Who knows fam.

You could see the same guy playing SCVI later on the stream this gif was taken from and that didn't really look any different, even though he said he's an average SC player (while he said he doesn't play DoA). So I guess SC games taught him how to mash :p

Either way, I fail to see how a dude mashing is related to the statement that DoA has easy inputs…


Well-Known Member
:rolleyes:basically every FTG newbies smash their gamepads ,that's not the point
The point is,DOA6 high level player would do so too


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:rolleyes:basically every FTG newbies smash their gamepads ,that's not the point
The point is,DOA6 high level player would do so too
Huh?? What??

That's definitely not it chief. This man was pressing every single button on his pad manically and you want to say a pro will do the same? LUL
And if that is the case, why is it only DOA6 that they can do that on? Because the guy who was mashing was only doing 5KKK with Jann Lee, before you mention the auto combos. If you're saying highest level DOA is gonna look like KKKKKKKKKKK then........ It's done out here.

I feel like we're judging for the sake of judging at this point. I'll be back when there's some more (DECENT) gameplay to dissect.


Well-Known Member
Huh?? What??

That's definitely not it chief. This man was pressing every single button on his pad manically and you want to say a pro will do the same? LUL
And if that is the case, why is it only DOA6 that they can do that on? Because the guy who was mashing was only doing 5KKK with Jann Lee, before you mention the auto combos. If you're saying highest level DOA is gonna look like KKKKKKKKKKK then........ It's done out here.

I feel like we're judging for the sake of judging at this point. I'll be back when there's some more (DECENT) gameplay to dissect.
HAHA,that SSSS literally is a button mash combo man,believe me this will be popular in DOA6


Well-Known Member
HAHA,that SSSS literally is a button mash combo man,believe me this will be popular in DOA6

Hitomi's best juggle is 4kk pp4ppp.......Yaaa soooo difficult and sooo much different from FR *rolls eyes*

You're crazy if you think high level play is going to be nothing but FR spam. High level players will use it for two things. Unholdable stun setups and to pressure the opponent to use meter so that they can take BB out of the fight.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
HAHA,that SSSS literally is a button mash combo man,believe me this will be popular in DOA6
Nah nah I believe you in saying that FR will be a viable tactic in high level play (If that's what you actually mean. If you do mean this, it was phrased horribly). Shit, even I'm gonna use it. But you saying that high level play suddenly will become reduced an SSSS fest just isn't true. Especially judging from what we've already seen at EVO and most recently the TGS tournament. Nobody said it's not going to be popular. But what it's not going to be is the ONLY thing to use in a high-level match of DOA6 lmaooo


Premium Donor
Nah nah I believe you in saying that FR will be a viable tactic in high level play (If that's what you actually mean. If you do mean this, it was phrased horribly). Shit, even I'm gonna use it. But you saying that high level play suddenly will become reduced an SSSS fest just isn't true. Especially judging from what we've already seen at EVO and most recently the TGS tournament. Nobody said it's not going to be popular. But what it's not going to be is the ONLY thing to use in a high-level match of DOA6 lmaooo
I think there will probably be more to it in high level play tbh, on paper amd from what I watched it seems like a good whiff punisher and if your opponent is playing reckless and doesn't have the meter required to break hold, it's basically a page to guaranteed attack if your opponent is caught not guarding or in the middle of a CH xD

It Also seems like it could be good for no timing combo set ups, like I remember a month or so ago a player did Kasumi's FR combo from her 236T throw and I found that cool. I'm not sure it'll be anything max damage but I think FRs could really be a good addition in regards to if people explore the possibilities


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Standard Donor
FRs look nice too lmaoooo

Possible uses for Fatal Rushes:
  • Flash Mash (obviously)
  • Use one S attack in stun to guarantee launch
  • Whiff Punisher
  • Used in combos
  • Bait for enemy to waste meter
  • Easy combo into Break Blow
  • The strings are kind of a mixup in itself. If I hit the first one will I stop at 2 or will I finish the string? It's up to you to guess the timing of your break hold. And you're done out here if you miss. And if you do miss your Break Hold, then get ready to munch on the Break Blow combos.


Well-Known Member
FRs look nice too lmaoooo

Possible uses for Fatal Rushes:
  • Flash Mash (obviously)
  • Use one S attack in stun to guarantee launch
  • Whiff Punisher
  • Used in combos
  • Bait for enemy to waste meter
  • Easy combo into Break Blow
  • The strings are kind of a mixup in itself. If I hit the first one will I stop at 2 or will I finish the string? It's up to you to guess the timing of your break hold. And you're done out here if you miss. And if you do miss your Break Hold, then get ready to munch on the Break Blow combos.
  • Use one S attack in stun to guarantee launch that's it,without SE,it could be used more frequencyly in high level matches,cause almost every single stun(over 22frames),could be dangerous. It would be sit down stun&SSSS guessing during stun game. I would say almost every slow high lunchers like mila's 8K etc maybe not practical anymore. Imagine that you're playing DOA5LR and your opponent don't know how to SE and that HK sit down stun guarantees every CB every time so why would you ever use 4HK in stun game?Pretty much like that.
  • Used in combos yep button mash combo incoming. worsely,that auto combo looking much more fancy&damage more than usual juggle combos damn lol .


Well-Known Member
since you do believe that DOA3's system is awesome and 3-way hold is fine,that I don't think I can discuss DOA6 with you bro,no offence I seriously stop discussing this with you;)

3 way worked in DoA3 because of DoA3's mechanics and throw punishment did significantly more damage. One good read and a hi-counter throw could take away 70% of your health. Outside of Alpha, that really isn't a thing in DoA5, plus the stun game is COMPLETELY different in 4 and 5 compared to DoA3, which is why I'm not in favor of 3 way hold in those systems. Believe it or not, DoA3 4 and 5 all play completely different from each other...Thus what I believe is fine in one system, naturally is not in another because they are completely different games.

That aside, this literally has NOTHING to do with my statement, your personal opinions towards me about DoA3 have nothing to do with your statements about FR. You are posting completely false information. Everything we have seen has shown that FR does very little damage. All the big damage comes from comboing BB into it, but the actual full FR string is barely doing 10-20%.

If you don't want to have a conversation about DoA6 anymore that is perfectly fine, but I'm going to call you out on your BS.


Well-Known Member
  • Use one S attack in stun to guarantee launch that's it,without SE,it could be used more frequencyly in high level matches,cause almost every single stun(over 22frames),could be dangerous. It would be sit down stun&SSSS guessing during stun game. I would say almost every slow high lunchers like mila's 8K etc maybe not practical anymore. Imagine that you're playing DOA5LR and your opponent don't know how to SE and that HK sit down stun guarantees every CB every time so why would you ever use 4HK in stun game?Pretty much like that.
  • Used in combos yep button mash combo incoming. worsely,that auto combo looking much more fancy&damage more than usual juggle combos damn lol .
You're overestimating the auto combo a bit and there is no difference in inputting SSSS compared to PPPP. In the most recent matches people have used the auto combo exactly exactly like how they normally use strings in DOA. Is it just the term "auto combo" that makes it bad? Have we not been using one button strings all this time?


Well-Known Member
Having 2H to hold low wouldn't work because then we can't block low lmaoooo.
Literally what are you talking about? DOA1 did it just fine. Low holds could be triggered by both 2H and 1H. Ever think about keyboard players using WASD for movement? Or hitbox players? Diagonal counters are needlessly difficult to execute for no reason. On most keyboards it's actually impossible because only so many keys register at a time. S+A+hold won't register on my laptop - I have to plug in a controller or stick or mechanical keyboard.

A better work around would be that the holds would still be 4-point, and only uses meter in stun, as making reads with holds at the highest level exists.
Disagree. 4-point is already too convoluted for most people. How is the average player supposed to differentiate between 4 different hit levels when there's zero visual indication? Making counters 2-point and having them eat significant meter would make the hold system more accessible to newer and older players alike.

The whole reason DOA1>DOA++>DOA2 went from 2-point > 6-point > 4-point was because Itagaki hated meters but that was the only way to balance the hold without adding a meter system. Well he's gone and we have a meter system now so... why not take advantage of what possibilities this new meter offers? Otherwise it's pointless. If you want to stick to 4-point, ditch the meter and go back to double-direction inputs like arcade DOA2. That made SOME sense and was a deterrent for spamming holds.

TN shouldn't be focused on how to make the game easier
When things are needlessly complicated and convoluted to the point of making zero sense, maybe they should rethink things. It's not about making it "easier," it's about having it make some sense ffs. The hold system has always had issues - so I guess, let's change absolutely nothing, right? Everyone that hated it in DOA2, 3, 4, 5 will surely come running to play DOA6 with all the same exact problems untouched. Bu-bu-but 4k graphics!!

If somebody wants to get good at DOA then they must accept it for what it is and try to understand that the hold system is kind of hard.
It's "hard" because it's fucking stupid. I've played for two decades so I have more strings' hit-levels memorized than most players - doesn't change the fact that the system is stupid as fuck in the first place. Who wants to memorize every hit level of every single hit of a string? Then one day TN goes and changes random hit-levels WITHOUT CHANGING THE ANIMATIONS so now nothing matches anything. Fuck that. That's the laziest and dumbest way to balance shit. The same exact animation in DOA2,3,4 that was a mid can now be a high for no reason - that's absolutely confusing. Looking at you, Ein.

The inclusion of the Break Hold helps people hold without knowing the hit levels which is good.
I think Break Holds should become a "super hold" with a fancy animation and require more meter than regular holds. BHs right now look dumb as hell. In the current build, the holds that actually take meter (break holds) look weak AF and that's hilariously bad. I can't believe someone at Team Ninja thought that was a good idea. What the hell were they thinking? The screen turns all dramatic and then... you just flip sides? :lol: :lol: :lol:

And if everyone can hold you without there being some sort of "difficulty" (or meter management like you said) then why even attack lmaooo.
THAT'S THE CURRENT SYSTEM. Literally why would you ever attack in DOA6? When you're negative even on hit most of the time? :lol:
Playing smart in DOA is always playing defense. Hold and throw punish. That's it. That's the entire game. So fun, so strategic /s

I'm slightly pressed that you chose to reply to this one bulletpoint that wasn't aimed at you instead of that fat bible of text I wrote replying to your propositions lmaoooooooooo please don't do this to me
Who the hell posts like that? I didn't even see your text.

You don't account for that because that's a scrub playing.
Elitist attitudes like this are exactly why most gamers don't play fighting games. I'm trying to point out a serious issue inexperienced players face and all everyone here can do is go "hurr durr what a scrub lolllllll!!1"

Who do we hold accountable for this dude? Team Ninja? Ourselves? Who knows fam. He's the one committing homicide on the pad lol.
He's playing exactly how the game told him to. He's following instructions 100% and that gif is the result. So,aybe the issue is the poor instructions the game provides..? Can you not comprehend that?

Learning the string hit levels is what makes practicing this game worthwhile though.
WTF?? Are you on meth? Do you need help?

Either way, I fail to see how a dude mashing is related to the statement that DoA has easy inputs…
If it's so easy then why is he mashing??