Final Fantasy Thread


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Australia: M
??? Why

Edit-nvm just read how low their classification for mature is

Mature (M) – Recommended for people aged 15 years and over. People under 15 may legally access this material because it is an advisory category. This category contains material that may require a mature perspective but is not deemed too strong for younger viewers. The content is moderate in impact.
  • Moderate violence is permitted, and realistic violence with "low intensity" may be depicted if "justified by context".
  • Sexual violence must be very limited and justified by context.
  • Coarse Language may be used.
  • Sexual activity may be discreetly implied, if "justified by context".
  • Sexual references should "not be strong" and should be "brief".
  • Themes should have a "moderate sense of menace or threat" and be "discreet".
  • Frightening or Intense Scenesshould be "moderately frightening or intense" and "should not disturb an average teenager".
  • Drug use can be discreetly "depicted in context".
  • Nudity should be justified by context.


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Standard Donor
Finally, I decided to not get the vomit cover Deluxe Edition, and just preordered the standard one. I was interested in Noctis' outfit and Kingslaive, but I'll get them separately, I don't mind owning the movie in a digital form.

Uh oh, what have I done? Tabata-sama will not be proud of me... >__<

On another note:





Well-Known Member
Uh oh, what have I done? Tabata-sama will not be proud of me... >__<
Oh, you didn't do anything, that cover clearly speaks by itself xD
And oh my, that dog in LR..... even Angelo in FFVIII looks better (kinda xD), and it's a PS1 game.
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Standard Donor
I wonder if that Blood Patch is still going to be a thing. I'm honestly not a big fan of gore, but blood does add a very visceral effect to combat that helps me take things seriously.

Honestly I might just pre-order this after all. Ive managed to talk myself out of just about every major game this year and I'm getting quite tired of it.


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Standard Donor
I wonder if that Blood Patch is still going to be a thing. I'm honestly not a big fan of gore, but blood does add a very visceral effect to combat that helps me take things seriously.

Honestly I might just pre-order this after all. Ive managed to talk myself out of just about every major game this year and I'm getting quite tired of it.

Blood Patch...? o__O Are you talking about FFXV or did you land in the wrong thread? XD


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"Another interesting tidbit is the team thought about having a menu where players can adjust the amount of blood they would see or DLC that could change the game’s rating similar to The Evil Within..."

Oh, that is super old and I'm pretty sure they've ditched that idea long ago. They haven't mentioned anything of that sort at all anymore. And I've soaked up any info and news I could get my hands on.
However, as mentioned in that article, the story will indeed have some shocking/tragic moments. We can be sure of this, Tabata really likes stuff like that... >__> And he often stated that FFVII is an example he wants to match.
By the way, there are blood splatters flying when you fight against monsters. The only humanoid enemies we were able to fight against and that were ever shown up to now, the magitek soldiers, don't have any blood though. There are just sparks flying.
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Here's the FFXV techdemo that was presented on the Siggraph conference in direct feed HD:

This is running on a PC but they were aiming to represent the specs of the consoles. So it should look pretty close to what we will see on PS4 and Xbone.
Interesting, that they again reworked Duscae's look. That is the third time already I think. There are different trees, completely new shrubbery, the grass looks different and more patchy but better shaded. All in all clearly an improvement. Also the brighter and more vibrant lighting helps Duscae' s look so much. Before it was even in the middle of the day kinda dark and gloomy:


I wonder if this is just because they removed the dark vignette around the screen (why did they put it there in the first place?) or because they fundamentally changed the lighting system too.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit I can't really see a difference but that's probably because I haven't played the demo so I haven't seen them for a long time and in depth like sone of the people on this thread.also I haven't noticed blood splatter either?


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I have to admit I can't really see a difference but that's probably because I haven't played the demo so I haven't seen them for a long time and in depth like sone of the people on this thread.also I haven't noticed blood splatter either?

I think the blood splatter is gone by now. But I'm pretty sure there was in Duscae. It was very subtle though and not red but dark. Or I am crazy. XD
@Chapstick can confirm Duscae was really dark and gloomy. The green of the landscape also had a really unpleasant shade of green, like military camouflage green. In recent screens and videos it looks much better.

On another note. In my opinion FFXV will have one of the greatest soundtracks of the series, if not the greatest. The tracks godly Yoko Shimomura has composed so far are so beautiful and epic:

I love that they are so classically inspired with big orchestras and opera trained vocalists and choirs unlike the more pop inspired FFXIII. What do you think?
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Well-Known Member
I really like the score for XV though the one that comes to mind when I think of XV's music is the Altissia theme. And yeah its definitely got a very much different style and feel than XIII's. While XIII was going for a futuristic type style for its setting this one is definitely going back to an orchestral high fantasy type one. I love Both of their soundtracks though.


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that has nothing to do with final fantasy, though it is pretty cool. really needs a decent level designer though otherwise its going to go the way of that other game i can't remember name of. looks sick as shit though i hope he can get on PS4 eventually.


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It was apparently made by just one guy! FFXV was his inspiration, which you can clearly see. He plans to make the project more unique in the future.

"2 years ago I saw the trailer of FFXV which really amazed me, and I show FFXV to every friend and tell them this is what game looks now. At the time I saw the trailer of FFXV, I wished that I can make a game like that, so i make FFXV as a model for me. I have to say that I'll change thedesign in the future, make it look more unique ,FFXV taught me how to walk and I have to walk my own way."

Here is his Twitter, you may leave him something nice to encourage him if his work impressed you:

So, who believed me that this was a FFXV sequel? XD
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