Final Fantasy Thread


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At the moment I'm doing the dungeons within the sealed doors in the original dungeons. You can even make camps down there with new dialogues etc.

Currently within the 90s.
I'll also be doing those soon, I have to complete first the 2-3 original dungeons left.
Anyways I tried that thing with the Expericast and got 600.000 exp, then went to rest to Altissia and went from level 70 to 90 lol.
so it's easier than type 0 please tell me it is
Type-0 is definitely more diffcult than XV, at least for me.

I've never actually died once in FFXV (was playing on standard), there were times where I reached 0 HP of course, but then I just used a Phoenix Down. I don't think levels have anything to do with this (difficulty) since at level 60 it was not really easy going through the last story chapters without using items.
Leveling up does boost only HP and very slightly your stats, thus accessories and weapon equipment is very important.
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As for FFXV, there is tons of questionable things that still bothers me till this day. For one, the lack of Carbuncle, Cor, and regarding the gameplay. (Maybe now with the DLC you guys mentioned upcoming but that is an absurd tactic for profit gains etc.)

For the inner gameplay, I am still trying to figure out as to how in the world does one amass 999 AP without the use of farming for 1 AP near the point where you first started. It's a grind fest but surely they can provide a better way to double your earns in AP with an equipment or some sorts. Camping and driving around just to gain 1 AP is killing a life span. It's not on Star Ocean levels on insanity, but some of the stuff is pretty odd. Like, do they expect us to kill 999 or even a 1000 level 2 monsters just to gain one move that barely provides the effect until you get the next move that also costs 999 AP? - Pretty radical if you ask me. If I lived forever sure, but even I'd get bored fast trying to do it and lose motivation. (There has to be some method for higher ends AP, but if there is let me know because I have yet to find it.)

Whatever happened to that room world where you are miniature from the platinum demo? (or is that just a thing to showcase the game?) missing scenes that were within trailers and clips not added into the game. Game did felt heavily rushed towards the end along with the Regalia-F barely having importance for usage. FFs back then gave you that feel where having an airship mid-game means the game will usually jump on more adventures.

What I'm mainly trying to convey is that LR just does things that I like better personally, like it has NG+ and a hard mode after you beat it FFXV does not or atleast not yet.

LR could have been a different character all together and I'd still like it as much as I do.

LR is mainly just what I like in games, customisation, lots of costumes and weapons/ weapon types, and I like the battle mechanics which FFXV feels like it expanded on alot. FFXV is a waaay better game then the whole XIII trilogy I just like LR personally a tiny bit better.

See that's better. It's what you enjoy so no one can take that from you. It's just that when it comes to discussion or some debates I mostly go into the core aspect as to why Y is better than X and not let my decision of liking the game from taste to determine which is a better game, simply because it's a matter of taste and not a true answer as to why it's better.
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Well-Known Member
Whatever happened to that room world where you are miniature from the platinum demo? (or is that just a thing to showcase the game?) missing scenes that were within trailers and clips not added into the game.
I'm pretty sure that's just "Luna's room" in Altissia. The first area of the Platinum demo is missing though, they probably used that location for showcasing as I didn't find it anywhere. And yeah, it bugs me too that there are scenes withing trailers not in the game.


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The giant play room was always just meant to be a tech demo thing (as the Platinum demo as a whole). It is just the blown up room that Luna sits in Altissia.
As for the trailers or the promises they made...yeah, they cut a lot of stuff... I am actually pretty mad about that. And even though I like the game as a whole (some parts like the game world or the creatures or the character interactions I even love) it marred my experience and I would not count FFXV among my favorite RPGs or even FFs. Which is sad, when I think about all my excitement and free promo I did for this game in all these last years.


Master Ninja
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Fun story, I didn't realize I could USE items until I got the tutorial on the Chocobo whistle. I just brute forced my way through fights haha. I only just realized the same thing might work in battles when I read Nikotsumi's post. Whoops. Told you I don't play RPGs right.

EDIT: For clarity, I thought the NPCs used them in the order you set in the menu outside of battle and that you never choose to.


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That's unfortunate. Still, I like the game. At first I had doubts from previous ideas and the direction they were going with. I think the word is that it was going to be "short lived" in some aspects but some parts about it were excellent. I just didn't expect the outcome to be so soon. I even had hoped to keep Iris and Cor as party members.

Ah well.
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@DestructionBomb, better put some of that in spoilers. O:
Some are still playing the game. I think I will from now on also put all my ramblings about the game in spoilers to not affect anyone that is still playing the game or will be playing the game, like KasLover.


Premium Donor
Already saw that, hehe...well, at least I know Iris will be out of the picture when I play long enough. :-D I mostly skim through the replies as of lately so I haven't been spoiled at all besides the Iris thing.


Well-Known Member
This isn't really spoilers since it's just my opinion but I think Iris is really cool so I think you'll actually like her as well Kasumi.

Also Tyaren that's a shame but I can say I love FFXV and it is among my favorites. And yeah you really did do promo for this game since you definitely hyped it up for me! :)

@ShinobiGuy Nah I think I was around that time at that point.


Well-Known Member
As promised, I come bearing pictures!

Some cool battle shots.


And then some shots where it feels like a dance party randomly started.

And a rare look at Gladio running over battle tactics against bulettes.

More at the link.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
As promised, I come bearing pictures!

Some cool battle shots.
View attachment 22177 View attachment 22182
View attachment 22185 View attachment 22187

And then some shots where it feels like a dance party randomly started. View attachment 22189 View attachment 22188

And a rare look at Gladio running over battle tactics against bulettes.
View attachment 22195

More at the link.

Going to assume you are higher than the 50s since you are battling that Ronin from the mines.


Well-Known Member
See that's better. It's what you enjoy so no one can take that from you. It's just that when it comes to discussion or some debates I mostly go into the core aspect as to why Y is better than X and not let my decision of liking the game from taste to determine which is a better game, simply because it's a matter of taste and not a true answer as to why it's better.
I wasn't even trying to say LR was a better game, FFXV is waay better than the entire trilogy thats just a fact.

But LR does do certain tiny things better like customisation, you can only really customise the Regalia and even then you need to find ores, shards and crystals and buy colour catalogues to get different colours.

You have a small selection of costumes in XV, that are not good looking which is mainly why I went with default costumes for basically 90% of the game lol

But, again I'm a big buff on customisation and costume stuff, so that's just a personal negative.

As to @Nikotsumi's I played on Normal 95% of the game, I only switched to easy to do the final Cindy sidequest and to level up since you appear to gain more exp on easy mode.

I went straight back to Normal when I gpt to the final part.