Final Fantasy Thread


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Japan thought Duscae was too hard? Lightning Returns on EASY is harder than Episode Duscae LOL I thought japan was suppose to be super used to hard games.

As for Noctis' voice, I'm glad they're changing it I hate is gritty "batman" voice it's too dorky and really doesn't fit Mr. Emo himself too much.

De-sexualising Cindy makes me sad, because chances are they'll completely change her awesome and cute denim short shorts :( don't take them away Square Enix :(


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e-sexualising Cindy makes me sad, because chances are they'll completely change her awesome and cute denim short shorts :( don't take them away Square Enix :(

They will not touch her visual design, they already made that clear, but they will take more care to not portray her in a thousand t&a shots as of right now.


Well-Known Member
Good, the denim shorts are too stronk, and are pretty fitting of her character.

Although, it still baffles me why they changed her from Cidney to Cindy in the English version when she's still Cidney in Japanese version.


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Good, the denim shorts are too stronk, and are pretty fitting of her character.

Although, it still baffles me why they changed her from Cidney to Cindy in the English version when she's still Cidney in Japanese version.

But the English name makes more sense, because the real Cidney (Cid) is still in the game, it's Cindy's grandfather, the owner of Hammerhead Mechanics and Service Station. In the Japanese version it seems as she would be the new Cid, which she isn't.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Wait, Europe's only complaint about the FFXV demo was Cidney's attire?

She's still hot either way.


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Brits aren't real Europeans anyway. XD

But it was not the only thing Europeans had a problem with. It was just stated fairly often, so that Square Enix took notice of it.


Well-Known Member
Lulu was pretty bad and her cleavage lol Cindy's cleavage is NOTHING compared to that lol.

And Tifa really only had big boobs, there was nothing else that was fully sexualised about her it's not like it's heavily implied that she does the dirty with Clou-... oh wait.


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I think I heard it's more risque in the Japanese version, and it's hinted a bit more in the Remastered version too.(atleast from what I remember)


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Japan thought Duscae was too hard? Lightning Returns on EASY is harder than Episode Duscae LOL I thought japan was suppose to be super used to hard games.

thats actually just a myth that came from localization changes. sometimes they made it easier sometimes they made it even harder for the west. one particularly famous example was DMC3 where our easy mode hard, our normal very hard, and etc..

i couldn't even get past the first boss in that game it was so bad.

Soaring Zero

Active Member
Wait, Europe's only complaint about the FFXV demo was Cidney's attire?

She's still hot either way.

A little off topic but I can't resist mentioning that I have seen the full version of the pic you are using as your avatar bokuho and I lol'd. Nice one. I also agree that Cidney/Cindy(personally I like Cidney MUCH better) is still pretty hot.

But on topic, did they seriously only complain about her outfit? Really? To be honest I find it pretty tame and it suits her character imo.


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Ramza for Dissidia hey

Also lmfao.. Cidney's outfit and I have so many problems with it + her character in general but that's another story for another time, I'd rather not get this thread locked *coUGHS*