Final Fantasy Thread


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I prefer they don't go to that route, but if they "have" to, please do not go to the route of X-2/XIII-2/Lightning Returns or make one that will succeed those to convince others of sequels of mothership games. Best choice scenario? I'd avoid it entirely.
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At this point I just want them to focus on VII Remake. I'm not keeping up with the game, but I am dearly looking forward to it as it is a reboot of my favorite game. I don't keep up with it because I have no desire to hear what is disappointing people, and what anyone thinks of it really. I've waited for this even longer than I did for DOA5.

I've watched what's available to me and that's it. I am sad that the game is not turn based, but have enjoyed FFXV a great deal so perhaps I can adjust.


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Not a DLC, it's better as a game : FFXV-2 with 25 yo Iris as the protagonist set during those 10 years. Other party memebers are 55 yo Cor, 40 yo Aranea, 35 yo Cindy, Talcott and human-Umbra.

Not a FFXV-2! D: That would legitimize the lack of story in the actual game (even more). Kingsglaive, Brotherhood, FFXV Prologue, Game Guide and FFXV-2 they would have gutted from it.
Also, I wouldn't wanna play a whole game set in eternal darkness and misery. That would be absolutely terrible. D:
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FSD | Nichol
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Kuja was actually my third main in the first Dissidia, glad to see he's changed a bit for the Arcade. Was really expecting Noctis.


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Kuja is the best goddamn villain in final fantasy you all need to LEARN and REPENT.

you spelled kefka wrong :// kuja's a close second though. love that drama queen.

Nomura too talked to Famitsu:

What he basically says:
No Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVII Remake this year...or next year, lulz! XD

Nomura: *announces a game 10 years early once again*
Fans: when is the game coming out?
Nomura: I'm announcing another game actually....
Fans: when's this game coming out?


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Dissidia Arcade Update:

Here is a detailed video demo of Kuja's beginning movesets in Dissidia Arcade (Japanese text only). It would appear as if Kuja has gained some true melee BRV attacks along with those he can move freely with. Reasonable, considering he's now considered a Speed type character. Ironically, having a combination of attacks like these make him a semi-Shoot type character, and his unique EX skill which buffs nearby allies only adds to his versatility and well-rounded gameplay. The third time he uses his unique EX skill, he becomes Trance Kuja permanently until he dies. That being said, he can be played to equal effect as a point character, a zoning character, and even a supporting character.

Flare Star is confirmed as a returning HP attack. Has Ultima and Seraphic Star returned as unlockable HP attacks as well?



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Interesting enough is that Kuja wasn't exactly a hard character to play with back in 012. Though looking at his moveset, some of that has changed. He even looks like a speed-type.

He can even buff other characters? that's something entirely new considering that 012 was 1vs1 which adds more diversity to his play style now. I find this to be an improvement to the 3vs3 meta.


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I hope the game will have lobby matches where 6 players can choose their team, if anyone's playing when it releases and needs an Onion Knight/Sephiroth/Noctis on their team you know where to look XD. I MIGHT give Terra a shot, her design has grown on me a bit


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You better hope to god the game's net is sustainable. Team NINJA isn't grand on that since they have to keep frames per second optimal for online play. Unless Square has some inside sources of a godlike net that also isn't relying on FF14 due to the fact that some may not know how to properly handle such things.

We have to remember that this will be running on console, which is entirely different from arcades since those runs something similar to LAN for almost lagless play. Since they have the cash for it, this might be possible for strong online play, but at this case, it is unknown.


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I hope so too, especially with how it's set up with 3 vs 3 XD Only time will tell though although I'm really hopeful, next to vs games, team based vs games are another thing I enjoy because of the team tactics and strategies needed.


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It's why this game is going Esports and partnering with Red Bull. Mostly more team based, but I hope to god they include a story in there that's good. I prefer the 1vs1 but this isn't really a problem for me so i'm alright with it. The more people playing the better the matches.


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EX Mode yeah. Though limit breaks have been changed, they are no longer solo cinematic due to the core game now being 3vs3.


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But cloud still has omnislash right?
In Dissidia Arcade, Cloud's Omnislash is still there. But it's not a cinematic EX Burst, but rather an unlockable HP attack.

As for EX modes carried over, Terra, Zidane, and Kuja all have their EX modes tied to their unique EX skill.

Onion Knight can now change between Oracle and Ninja classes normally, as opposed to only doing so in EX mode.

Everyone else has character-specific stat buffs tied to their EX skill, while some others buff other allies in their proximity or debuffs enemies.


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How do I unlock more of Cid's quests? I upgraded my Drain Lance ages ago and I haven't heard from him since.


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How do I unlock more of Cid's quests? I upgraded my Drain Lance ages ago and I haven't heard from him since.

You just have to speak to him while holding the right weapons in your inventory.
Weapons he can upgrade:
Engine Blade
Drain Lance
Auto Crossbow
Circular Saw
Gravity Well
Absorb Shield
Pair of Plunderers
Force Stealer