Final Fantasy Thread


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So assuming it's not Twitch and dealing with 240p I do want to miss it and just wait for it on Youtube.
Oh right XD I remember that the quality for it was awful even on the video you posted...well idk what to do then, I'll probably wait up till 12 and then if nothing happens I'm out XD I got school in roughly 7 hours so I'll likely have to watch YT anyway...the life of a senior -_-


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Guys, I just watched a German let's play of FFXV and let me tell you, you don't even know how lucky you are with the English dub, lol. I know many, including me, that had a lot to complain about the English version but it is still a thousand times better than what Germans got. Not only are most of the German voices unfitting (except Gladio, he's got the German badass voice of Kratos (God of War)) but they literally only read their lines off a sheet of paper without any inkling of emotion whatsoever. Prompto's quirky charm is completely gone and now he actually is annoying. Imagine someone chatting all the time, often rubbish like Prompto does, and that in a grating voice and like a robot. >__< I feel bad for German kids playing this version. How is it even possible to come to like the characters like that?

Usually Germans are very good at dubbing. We've dubbed literally every movie or series there is since the beginning of sound film for the German, Austrian and Swiss market and we have lots of talented and experienced voice actors but most anime and game dubs remain so bad it's unbelievable. I mean, that must've still cost Square Enix something. Who oversaw that and thought it was passable? D:


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FFXIII-2 without a doubt had the best battle system out of the XIII series.
Yeah, no doubt. Though is easily ruined (at least for me) by how easy it is compared to XIII. To be honest, I didn't enjoy it at all since you could literally go with a COM/COM/COM paradigm and slay everything for like 80% of the game and win within seconds (without counting DLC fights). The Ravager role wes absolutely superfluous, killed most of the story bosses without being able to stagger them first.
The fact that it's not even that difficult to farm/collect CP didn't help either.

As for the story, it's definitely its weak point. I didn't like it making XIII ending pointless either and hated the last part + ending too, which is the main reason I was looking forward to LR, so that they could fix that awful mess.

On another note, the Dissidia reveal is getting me really anxious, just hurry up D:


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Yeah, no doubt. Though is easily ruined (at least for me) by how easy it is compared to XIII. To be honest, I didn't enjoy it at all since you could literally go with a COM/COM/COM paradigm and slay everything for like 80% of the game and win within seconds (without counting DLC fights). The Ravager role wes absolutely superfluous, killed most of the story bosses without being able to stagger them first.
The fact that it's not even that difficult to farm/collect CP didn't help either.

As for the story, it's definitely its weak point. I didn't like it making XIII ending pointless either and hated the last part + ending too, which is the main reason I was looking forward to LR, so that they could fix that awful mess.

On another note, the Dissidia reveal is getting me really anxious, just hurry up D:

Yeah, this is very true. Not to mention the passive abilities and traits passing into another monster. You can literally build a powerhouse that can carry the team for like half of the game.


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I had no clue who he is, lol. Looked up that he is FFIV's main antagonist. As I said, until the console release of Dissidia we will either see new main protagonists of FFs or their main antagonists. The antagonists have some catching up to do by now.

What's left to say:
Look at that character model! =Q=



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I can see it now...

Zorn: We made the roster!

Thorn: Made the roster, we did!

Zorn: How did we even make it in?

Thorn: How we made it in, I do not know!

Zorn: Do you have fans?

Thorn: Fans, I don't have!


If they do this and they're smart about roster choice, Kuja will come in and blast them both away, revealing himself as the actual new character.




Premium Donor
So no Noctis?

I had no clue who he is, lol. Looked up that he is FFIV's main antagonist. As I said, until the console release of Dissidia we will either see new main protagonists of FFs or their main antagonists. The antagonists have some catching up to do by now.

What's left to say:
Look at that character model! =Q=

...I have some researching to do! 0_0 Although I'm disappointed it wasn't Noctis I can't say that I'm exactly that disappointed based from what I see. I'll watch his video in the bathroom whenever I use that as an excuse to leave chorus class XD


Active Member
Kuja is the best goddamn villain in final fantasy you all need to LEARN and REPENT.

Also I don't like the way it looks like he plays. He was much more floaty and regal in the PSP games. This whole Arcade Dissidia looks like a big mistake to me.


Premium Donor
Kuja is the best goddamn villain in final fantasy you all need to LEARN and REPENT.

Also I don't like the way it looks like he plays. He was much more floaty and regal in the PSP games. This whole Arcade Dissidia looks like a big mistake to me.
No offense but you need to chill bud. XD I never said I hated Kuja, I actually like him, although I'd say the best villain so far imo is Sephiroth...he has a super long blade and knee length hair and the power to zone to great badass is that?? XD And I already learn everyday and repent at Sunday school. Kuja is good, but Sephiroth shits all over him imo. Plus if he was really the best villain he'd have a lot more notoriety in this thread, Seph has alot more of that from when he was revealed.


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So I guess that's it for the reveal/announcement, Hopefully It won't be too long until we see more.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]


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Tabata talks Final Fantasy XV, it's reception and future DLC content in newest Famitsu:

Final Fantasy XV will see a lot of changes here in the coming months, with talks of updates alongside its fully detailed Season Pass. In the latest issue of Famitsu, director Hajime Tabata speaks at length about the game’s reception as well as a few words on the game’s story-focused and multiplayer downloadable content.

Right now, the team is currently focused on improving the scale and comfort in the latter part of Final Fantasy XV. Fans can expect even more information on these changes – detailed in a lengthy roadmap – and when they’ll be made available soon.

On the content front, Tabata says they’re planning to add in time-limited mob hunts based on enemies from the original story as DLC. He’s also heard fans say they’d like to travel with some of the minor characters such as Iris and Aranea so they’re exploring a solution for that approach as well.

In 2017 Final Fantasy XV will see an online expansion pack of sorts – the foundation of which includes multiplayer. Tabata would like to include characters other than Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto in this feature. They’re also planning to add in an avatar system – which won’t just be exclusive to the multiplayer as the team is currently investigating how to include it in the main scenario. Perhaps in the main story the avatar character will join your companions but only their appearance will change.

As for story DLC, the three separate paid pieces of content focusing on Noctis’ friends, Tabata says the team would like to make sure their story changes depending on how you play. Of course, this won’t have any bearing on the game’s main quest.

Tabata says he’d also like to release VR content for the game as there are many things he’d like to do with it. He can’t speak on the timing yet though, so please look forward to it.

There is also a next Active Time Report planned. No date yet but it will be coming within this month.

I said it already, I said it again: Concentrate on fixing the last part of the game including it's story before you implement multiplayer and avatars. No one needs that garbage. There's already FFXIV for that.


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Kuja is the best tragic villain in final fantasy you all need to LEARN and REPENT.
I'll give you that. At least Golbez was able to live to repent his ways.

Also I don't like the way it looks like he plays. He was much more floaty and regal in the PSP games. This whole Arcade Dissidia looks like a big mistake to me.
Are you sure we're watching the same trailer? From what I've seen, he not only looks as floaty and regal as he ever was, Dissidia Arcade's 3v3 metagame looks like it was completely built around Kuja's playstyle in higher levels of play in the PSP games, especially with the addition of WD (While Dashing) Bravery attacks. Because of Kuja's unique mobility while performing attacks, he was one of the first characters that players realized had little use of the chase mechanic, and so much of competitive Dissidia evolved with ways around playing the one-dimensional guessing game and scoring more guaranteed damage.

The assist system from 012 would naturally take things to a step in the right direction, evolving the gameplay to a point where the chase mechanic is hardly needed, only solid defense and quick reactions. From a wall rush, assists are always guaranteed as a followup, and depending on the assist's attack, it's possible for the point character to score even more damage.

Naturally, Dissidia Arcade is an evolution of this style of gameplay, except now, team synergy and solid co-op skills are the key to victory, and the chase mechanic is completely removed. It may look chaotic from a spectator's perspective, but once you've got an understanding about the summon system, the EX Skill system, and a good team to work with, the game is very exciting to play. Besides, it wouldn't have lasted this long if the gameplay was a total convoluted mess, no matter how many characters you threw in it.

Even so, I can completely understand why some would prefer the 1v1 gameplay to return. People miss landing that satisfying cinematic EX Burst or turning the tide over with the EX Revenge breaker. People miss landing that perfect assist from a wall rush and getting that Mahvel vibe from following it up into something devastating. Perhaps if there's enough demand for it, TN will look into it in the console version, if they haven't already.

Either way, I wouldn't knock on Dissidia Arcade's gameplay until you try it out for yourself or try to understand it fully. YouTube users like Trueblade Seeker (who is pretty much the hypeman of the Dissidia community at this point) and Leif 3GHP do an excellent job breaking it all down.


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Nomura too talked to Famitsu:

What he basically says:
No Kingdom Hearts 3 and FFVII Remake this year...or next year, lulz! XD

Really? Well at least we know now so that any possible excitement you disappear.


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Wasn't the point of switching to Unreal Engine 4 and making VII Remake shorter "parts" than one full game so that it wouldn't take years to complete and by in peoples hands? Lol

Last thing they need is another VersusXIII/XV

That is exactly what you get with Nomura. He's a designer and artist but not a director that actually gets stuff done.