Halloween DLC 2014

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@Xhominid The Demon Within Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding. Under this pov I agree with you, this is the other side of the coin of what I'm saying: if you want pander the tastes of everyone, inevitably everyone will like some things but also will dislike others at the same time (in opposition to some people that completely like the pack and other that completely dislike it)


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He attached the images in the submission itself. I'm not trying to throw out insults or be mean or anything like that.
Doesn't resemble the gi I wore in TKD.

Team Ninja will probably change the design of the pants and jacket up a little, because they also must have seen, that these designs were obviously copyrighted material. ;)

This is actually a real TKD "dobok"! ;)

Here another winking smiley for the sake of it: ;)


Well-Known Member
Rig's new halloween costume does not look "halloween" to me. Just casual clothes with scythe.

To be honest the feeling of the outfit "An Halloween outfit in Rig' street style" is a little lost without the mask, the most evident Halloween element of the design.

Doesn't resemble the uniform I wore in TKD.

Wow, do you make TKD? This is pretty cool!

By the way the top seems to me perfectly in line with the images that I saw looking for them with google. I admit that I never saw the short pants that Rig uses, but I just supposed that these could be a realistic alternative to the standard ones, or maybe a way to not make it too much similar to the Gi of Akira, Ein and Hitomi.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Marie not getting her Bellydancer costume.
I think the costume better off on Helena, considering it was her's first to begin with. It doesn't look good on Marie Rose anyway. But that's just my opinion.



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Standard Donor
I initially was in favor of Helena's belly dancer returning and thought that a theme like that might work for Lisa.

But then I sat through two costume contests where almost every female character had yet another uninspired belly dancer outfit. The concept has just become so dull and bland I honestly don't ever want to see another belly dancer outfit on a DOA girl ever again.


Well-Known Member
@Project Bokuho I think that the most fitting thing of the belly dancer outfit is that it was pretty in line with some of the movements of Marie Rose. In addition. for being a belly dancer outfit, in my opinion the author of the design added many details and accessories.


Well-Known Member
Some of these I just adore, Helena looks bedazzling in her costume. I really like Hayabusa and Hayate's oni costume's. Ein's pirate costume is okay, but isn't that the shirt from is DOA4 gay bar costume just in black? That pirate costume has me on the fence. Other than the few I've mentioned, I want Eliot's, Phase 4's and that's about it. These will be the first costumes I've bought in quite awhile. Some clothing articles on the characters kinda look like recycles with just different colors, and I don't know why they gave Bayman a costume that was designed for Rig; it just doesn't fit him nor his personality. Lisa had some great costume designs for round #2 Halloween, so I don't know why they took the cheap route and just gave her a shared costume with Tina


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Standard Donor
Checking out from what I could see from the designs, this is shaping up to be a decent pack, though there is definitely some room for improvement. Glad to see everyone's getting a costume this time. Anyways I'll drop my 2cents on this:

:ein: Pretty solid outfit all round though not necessarily special, looks good on him though! (7/10)
:bradwong: Drunken pirate look predicatably looks very solid on Brad! (8/10)
:genfu: Another pirate outfit. Looks pretty decent on the old man despite being kinda generic (7/10)
:leifang: A pretty decent outfit that looks good on her despite being a little on the plain side (6/10)
:pai: This would've been more interesting if it wasn't merely a recolour of LeiFang's oni costume, or at least a better colour (4/10)
:rig: Easily one of the best costumes (though that may not be saying much...) and suits Rig to a T. Looks pretty badass mostly despite being slightly cheesy (9/10)
:phase4: This costume couldn't be any more fitting for Phase-4. One of the overall best costumes IMHO (Can you give this to Kasumi PLZ?) (10/10)
:eliot: The costume's an interesting concept, however, the overall result looks uninspired (6/10)
:nyotengu: The best overall costume IMO that combines beauty, attractiveness and has a great presence to it (10/10)
:rachel: I agree with TN's decision to give this outfit to Rachel. It suits her 10x more than it suits Kasumi. (9/10)
:hitomi: I will say that the outfit doesn't look as terrible as I thought it would, but yeah... so much sideboob... (6/10)
:akira: Outfit seems like it was a good idea on paper, but in practise it doesn't really work that well (5/10)
:bass: Very solid outfit that suits the big man despite being a l'il cheesy (7/10)
:jacky: Lol, Guess he's the YEAHMAN now... (6/10)
:jannlee: Well, this costume is a huge step up from last year's Barney the Green Dinosaur costume. Looks pretty good on him (7/10)
:helena: One of the better female costumes and suit Helena pretty damn well. Kinda over does the "spider/bat" theme though (8/10)
:sarah: Not much comment on this. At least it physically doesn't look "bad". Also what's the deal with TN giving Sarah purple Halloween costumes? (3/10)
:hayabusa: An interesting design, but there's just something very "meh" about it (5/10)
:hayate: Essentially a shittier version of Hayabusa's costume (4/10)
:bayman: Yeah, this doesn't really suit Bayman at all despite being a decent outfit in itself (3/10)
:christie: Well, at least this outfit suits Christie. Still, could TN have picked any more of an uninspired design? (4/10)
:leon: On paper this seems like a cool concept, but something just seems off about it (5/10)
:mila: I really, really feel bad for Mila fans now. First the abomination last year, and now this (1/10)
:tina: A pretty damn good costume and one of the better ones overall! Looks awesome (8/10)
:lisa: Same as Pai. Would've been better if it wasn't pretty much a copy and paste outfit of Tina's. Colour is kinda meh too (4/10)
:kokoro: A cute costume, though not too special (6/10)
:marierose: An adorable costume that suits Marie pretty well! (7/10)
:momiji: I like this costume. Nice design and suits Momiji well! (8/10)
:zack: Lol, yeah... no comment. Dat pumpkin though! (3/10)
:kasumi: Eh, I see what TN was going for, but not feeling this one. Feels like a shittier version of Ayane's costume (4/10)
:ayane: You know what? This would've been a pretty damn good costume if Ayane could've just put on a l'il more. It gets real cold on Halloween y'know? (7/10)


All things considered this pack will be alright, though some costume choices were fairly disappointing (and Mila's was a slap to the face), but there were more than a few good designs overall. On the bright side the males finally get their FIRST DLC pack of 2014 -_-! Also, umm... where's Alpha-152?
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Some of these I just adore, Helena looks bedazzling in her costume. I really like Hayabusa and Hayate's oni costume's. Ein's pirate costume is okay, but isn't that the shirt from is DOA4 gay bar costume just in black? That pirate costume has me on the fence. Other than the few I've mentioned, I want Eliot's, Phase 4's and that's about it. These will be the first costumes I've bought in quite awhile. Some clothing articles on the characters kinda look like recycles with just different colors, and I don't know why they gave Bayman a costume that was designed for Rig; it just doesn't fit him nor his personality. Lisa had some great costume designs for round #2 Halloween, so I don't know why they took the cheap route and just gave her a shared costume with Tina

Because Rig already is getting his awesome Reaper costume, and budget restraints...


New Member
EPIC fail for Nyotengu's costume. I can't help to say that.
According to supply-and-demand theory, I shouldn't buy this pack because I voted for
a costume but they provided me with another, and I can barely recognize it.
Let alone the missing of the fuffy part, I forget it, but the design changes was still a total mess.
If TN said they were unable to make it as is, I would vote for another option.
I'm sorry but for me, it's just.... unacceptable.

But, at least I thank TN for this reveal so I can skip the purchase.
The costume I voted: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/enquete/doa5u/img/ss/229.jpg


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Here's my list:

:ein: 6/10 It's okay... (buy!)
:bradwong:6/10 The hair! :D (still no buy!)
:genfu:5/10 Okay, a little too much with the pirates... (no buy!)
:pai:5/10 Just don't like it. (no buy!)
:rig: 8/10 I kinda like it... :) Typical Rig... (buy!)
:phase4:5/10 I just don't think, it's a good design. (no buy!)
:eliot:6/10 I don't get it yet. Is it a vampire prince or a magician...? (still buy!)
:nyotengu:7/10 It's okay. Unfortunately they had to simplify the original, very elaborate design. :( (buy!)
:rachel:8/10 It suits her better than Kasumi! She will look smoking in it! (buy!)
:hitomi:3/10 Meh! (no buy!)
:leifang:5/10 Not my cup of tea. (no buy!)
:akira:8/10 Haven't seen all of it...but it looks really elaborate and actually quite beautiful. (still no buy!)
:bass:10/10 Very original and perfectly suiting Bass! :D (buy!!!)
:jacky:?/10 I can only make out a mask and a white shirt so far... (no buy!)
:jannlee:4/10 Imho it looks pretty bad... :( (no buy!)
:sarah:2/10 Oh, come on...! D: (no buy!)
:helena:7/10 It looks alright. I liked the crown and the veil of the original better though. (no buy!)
:hayabusa:6/10 I personally don't like it, even though it is by no means a bad costume. (no buy!)
:hayate:6/10 Don't like this either. :/ (no buy!)
:bayman:5/10 Looks weird on him, to be honest. (no buy!)
:zack:7/10 I'ts not that bad. XD It's a typical Zack costume. It's a perfect match with Tina's, which I really like. (buy!)
:christie:5/10 I think, I'm not going to like it... (no buy!)
:leon:6/10 It suits him...but it is also a copy paste costume... :/ (maybe buy?)
:mila:2/10 Oh, come on again! (no buy!)
:tina:10/10 Love it, voted for it! :D (buy!!!)
:lisa:7/10 It doesn't look that good in purple anymore...also minus points, because it's a lazy recolor. >__< (no buy!)
:kasumi:?/10 Let's see the whole costume, before judgement. (maybe buy?)
:kokoro:?/10 Have to see more here too. (no buy!)
:marierose:6/10 It's okay. There were better. Nooo, I'm not necessarily meaning just my costume. ;) (no buy!)
:ayane:5/10 It does indeed look better, than I though it would. :) (no buy!)
:momiji: 8/10 Seems to look really nice and it definitely suits her. :) (buy!!!)

Of 31, I'll probably buy 7. The result is actually worse, than I would have thought. :/
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Well-Known Member
hmmmm i guess i can speak up on Rig's outfit since i was the one that designed it, and those "google image search" pants are actually designer which obviously is lost in the game but it was moreso for personal satisfaction. the mask was really a BIG part of his costume so im actually disappointed that they didn't incorporate it. i agree, without it it's nothing but casual wear with a scythe, i was hoping for the mask just like everyone else because it would've brought all that gold together, ya'know since he's now just wearing that chain for "street cred" or whatever you call it.

the only thing im looking forward to now is if they translated the design on the back of his shirt cloak or not.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I initially was in favor of Helena's belly dancer returning and thought that a theme like that might work for Lisa.

But then I sat through two costume contests where almost every female character had yet another uninspired belly dancer outfit. The concept has just become so dull and bland I honestly don't ever want to see another belly dancer outfit on a DOA girl ever again.

You can say that about the bikinis and females getting everything and I can still give a less of a shit about that than the fact that it's not honestly fun to watch something you honestly want to see a character get don't but then they get someone else's handmedowns on top of that.

I think the costume better off on Helena, considering it was her's first to begin with. It doesn't look good on Marie Rose anyway. But that's just my opinion.


And that's not my point. Helena got her dancer outfit and I hope she gets it back. Marie Rose basically got a top spot with her good design and it got tossed under the bus for a typical Witch costume...huzzah.


Well-Known Member
I'm only purchasing nyo's since that's the only good one of the characters i use
I'm not impressed with rachels for whatever reason, I really think helena looks gaudy in that outfit
Christie's is a joke and who even gets stuff for alpha?

I really like momiji's and kokoro's costumes but eh don't play them.


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Standard Donor
You can say that about the bikinis and females getting everything and I can still give a less of a shit about that than the fact that it's not honestly fun to watch something you honestly want to see a character get don't but then they get someone else's handmedowns on top of that.
I'm not sure what you're saying here, but if it's something along the lines of "the bikinis are also unoriginal and we don't need any more DLC packs with them" then yes, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
hmmmm i guess i can speak up on Rig's outfit since i was the one that designed it, and those "google image search" pants are actually designer which obviously is lost in the game but it was moreso for personal satisfaction. the mask was really a BIG part of his costume so im actually disappointed that they didn't incorporate it. i agree, without it it's nothing but casual wear with a scythe, i was hoping for the mask just like everyone else because it would've brought all that gold together, ya'know since he's now just wearing that chain for "street cred" or whatever you call it.

the only thing im looking forward to now is if they translated the design on the back of his shirt cloak or not.

Maybe the mask is still there and they just did not put in on Rig (on that picture/video), so that fans could recognize him. I also really hope, they stayed true to your design. (Even the pants are unbuttoned. ;))

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you're saying here, but if it's something along the lines of "the bikinis are also unoriginal and we don't need any more DLC packs with them" then yes, I agree.

I was mainly saying that in essence of the fact that despite how many was used in the contest, I still wanted Marie to get it just like people want Helena's to come back.


Active Member
I guess ill buy the pack since its always nice to get more costumes for the male cast. But my overall evaluation would be a lot of copy paste costumes with some grat ones like Rig Nyotengu Brad Helena(maybe). and then there are terrible ones like Milas, Ayanes and Kasumis, Hitomis.
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