DOA5LR Is it me or is this game too random?


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Standard Donor
1) The initial question was two folds: fact (randomness) and emotional (desperate)
2) One question and a avalanche of answers from several guys, it's like everyone is falling on you. above all, good information is disseminate through all the messages.

The way you argue here would bring up the question for me why this thread was actually created. If people just want to get linked to guides or other threads, they can just type some words into google or the search here and have fun with the "avalanche" of results.

As far as I experienced, people don't like that. They rather prefer to get in touch with other people directly who understand their problem and are able to give custom tailored answers, as well as having a discussion about how to solve it. And this is what a thread in a forum is for, at least from my point of view.

So if someone creates a thread, stating down his opinion and his experiences, is he doing this just to get no answers or just one that contains a link? I don't think so and I'm sure this is what the people who answered here don't believe too. That's why we have a (imo) nice 2-page discussion with an extensive participation here and not a dead one-post thread.

That said, I don't understand why one would say this:

full stop to the discussion

Do people want a discussion or not? I'm actually surprised that there are so still many good responses, even with the fact that they had to face a little narrow-minded point of view with this:

counter arguments ("tekken is better").

Just my point of view but actually this should not be discussed here because it would be a bit off-topic.
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Well-Known Member
i expected someone to react. Allow me a last answer in order to not steal too much this thread.

To convince someone you only have few slots. After that it's over. And the more you argue the less impact they have.

Add to that, forum discussions usually degenerate quickly and energy should be spent elswhere. everything was said in the first 3 answers.

Off course there are a lot of good information. Of course people brought their way of solving this "randomness" problem. but as i read all this thread, i saw that it was counter productive. The more they argue the less they get.

My proposal is "answer to client 's request but do not overwhelm him"

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member

You are correct in some of your arguments toward defense and "randomness" in the game.

Your opponent has 5 defending options to inflict damage toward you once you have them stunned. That would be: High, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, and Low Hold. Then you have attacking out stun. You also can Block making it 6 if you want to do that but, Blocking does not inflict damage, I am sure you know that.

As far as "randomness", what you are experiencing is lack of control. You mentioned that much in one of your posts already. With that many defensive options you would and will have lack of control as an offender. However, when you put a player in a stun, they will either Hold or attempt to attack out of it. Which is why some of these posts in here argue against the defensive response being 5 (maybe 6), and only being 2. Technically, you are correct, there are at least 5 different defensive responses. Although, in actual game-play you boil it down to 2.

I completely agree with @jjinkou2 in both his posts. I will provide a few more links so that you can attempt to gain some type of control while you pay.

I do not know which character you play but if I did. I could possibly link help for that as well.

I forgot who said it in here but, whoever said, "DOA has a high learning curve." LMAO and I mean that, I actually bust out laughing when I read that.

Honestly, though, this game can have a high learning curve depending on how you approach it. If you take the game for what it is, and play it that way, at the most it may take you 6 months to be effective. I won't talk about other games specifically here but, I have yet to play ANY other fighting game where in 6 months tops I can hang with some of the best players to play that game. This game becomes difficult when you put too much thought into what you should be doing. Being too technical can actually hinder how effective you can be in DOA which would make it seem like it has a high learning curve.

Also, for those of you throwing the word "read" around here like it's something spectacular. In the context it is being used in, it is equivalent to saying "educated guess", and an "educated guess" is nothing but a guess. Saying "read" or putting "educated" before it does not disguise what it actually is, well at least to me it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Compared to the 2Ds, it is random. DoA, however, requires an entirely different mentality to succeed. It's like...several layers of neutral game...Think of it that way...or something.


Well-Known Member
I've trying to learn doa5lr since release and this game seems way too random for me. Basically, every time you're stunned, and that the basis of doa, you have a 5 way guess (4 counters, stagger escape). That's just too many options to simply defend yourself.
This isn't exactly true all of the time.

First, there's the fact that SE is arguably the safer choice compared to holding.

However, there's also the fact that a the actual BnB combos used in this game cannot be SEd. Any good player knows how to limit their opponents options.

The other thing to remember is that the game values "yomi" above all else. At it's core, DOA is about beilng able to read your opponent and, more importantly, mind game them into being predictable.