Is online completely meaningless?

Sam Sultan

Active Member
XCalibur BladeZ fought offline just like he does online and he really whooped some ass. If online means nothing then how come the guy who played nothing but online came to the tournament, fought like he always does(online) against top players who have a ton of offline experience and won the tournament. The only logical conclusion that one can draw from this is that online does matter and it matters more than some people like to admit. You guys can say whatever you want but in my opinion these online players are the ultimate prove that if a player is very good online he probably is also very good offline.


Active Member
I think we should start giving online players the credit they deserve and start encouraging them to show up instead off telling them all they did for years means nothing. We could start just by simply hosting some online lobbies here and there. Even if online is a little random from time to time people could see if they atleast stand a chance against players with offline experience since there are lots of good online players who are just afraid to show up because they think they will get bodied especially with all that online/offline BS going on. Another point would be that you actually meet the people who play offline and find players you like and want to meet them offline in person and then start to compete with them without any randomness that may occur during online play. Thats just an idea though.


The guy who won tekken tag 2 is also an online player

Yes, he plays a lot online, but he goes to a lot of offline tournaments as well. Personally gave him my place to stay for CEO 2011 after meeting him at Final Round earlier that year. Really laid back guy.

These players come out to these tournaments, which I am grateful for the few that do in comparison to the number of online players that have ever played at least one game online. Some do as well as those two, others might not win but are appreciated for coming out and supporting their game. Sponsors and game companies do come out to some of these tournaments and see how well there game is being supported.


Active Member
Oh ok didnt know i thought i heard on the stream that it was hes first tourney though... But i totally agree with you...


Oh ok didnt know i thought i heard on the stream that it was hes first tourney though... But i totally agree with you...
Didn't mean any harm in the respond at all. Just that he had been to a few big tournaments, but never really got high place till top 8 at last year's Final Round and now at NEC. Gave him a text after his win in winner's finals and grand finals.

Even though I mostly go to offline events, I still started with thousands of online hours on DOA2U. For all that can afford to go to them, they have given me some great memories at least.


Active Member
XCalibur BladeZ fought offline just like he does online and he really whooped some ass. If online means nothing then how come the guy who played nothing but online came to the tournament, fought like he always does(online) against top players who have a ton of offline experience and won the tournament. The only logical conclusion that one can draw from this is that online does matter and it matters more than some people like to admit. You guys can say whatever you want but in my opinion these online players are the ultimate prove that if a player is very good online he probably is also very good offline.

someone reply to this guys post u scared bitches


Well-Known Member

Did they win these tournaments from their couches at home? NO - They got off their asses and went to an event and probably had a great time with other players hanging out in real life.

These guys have done GREAT and do NOT prove your misplaced pride in "online players". They have ceased to be online players and brought their skills to the live event - proving the WHOLE point that people who play competitively make.

They've graduated. Instead of "gloating" about where they are coming from... be pleased about where they are going to, and aspire to do it yourself!


Active Member

Did they win these tournaments from their couches at home? NO - They got off their asses and went to an event and probably had a great time with other players hanging out in real life.

These guys have done GREAT and do NOT prove your misplaced pride in "online players". They have ceased to be online players and brought their skills to the live event - proving the WHOLE point that people who play competitively make.

They've graduated. Instead of "gloating" about where they are coming from... be pleased about where they are going to, and aspire to do it yourself!

The whole point is that there's no online or offline...there's only players. There's no "graduating" from one to the other. They are the same thing.


Active Member
I thought we came to the agreement that there are no "online" or "offline" players we are all simply players? No need to look down on and ridicule somebody just because they prefer a particular style of play. Let them play the damn game however they enjoy it. For some of us that is traveling to events or simply playing at the local casuals / tournaments and for others that is sitting on their couch at like 10 P.M playing a couple of games with their bros. What's wrong with either of those? The way some of you guys talk its like you have some malice toward one style of play which is honestly ridiculous.

The one fact that needs to be established is that online is not an accurate gauge of skill. The only thing that should matter in determining whether you are a skilled player or not are your fundamentals and knowledge / experience with the game. These are the things that separate the beginners from the skilled players online AND offline. For example I know I'm playing a beginner when I see string mashing, I see a disregard for safety and I see just sloppy play in general. I know I am playing someone competent when I see most or all of the following: that they do combos, their offense and pressure is on point, their ability to punish is on point, their defense / spacing is on point etc. If you see a person online that demonstrates the fundamentals of DOA at an adept level don't use lag or whatever other bullshit excuse you can come up with to claim the person isn't skilled. And don't try to hide behind offline play either with "it only counts offline." The only thing lag robs people of is wins. Not their DOA sense.

Ranked mode is another example. You play a couple of S ranked people on there and feel like you are the best player ever because you have been dominating. Then you play somebody on this site who doesn't bother with ranked and usually plays in lobbies with the friends they made offline. This person annihilates you as well as their friends in the lobby. Do you still say "Yo I'm a beast at DOA!! I only lost to this particular group of people! >:[ " or do you come to the realization that the people you have been playing are inferior in terms of skill? You don't need to be a pro player to realize this. My experience is limited to online but I have played people that have been offline on a day to day basis and the same S ranks I thought were godlike are nothing but jokes to me now because getting my ass handed to me by skilled players (both "online" and "offline" players) accelerated my growth and caused me to begin playing DOA more properly. And this is because they know how to play DOA the right way forcing me to do so as well if I wanted to stand a chance.

There is no "way to play online" and "way to play offline" there is only the "way to play DOA." The fact of the matter is that for most people online-offline does not change their play-style. Developing good habits online transfers over to offline play and we see this from the tournament winners of NEC as well as many other "online warriors" that may have participated in the tournaments.These people performed well because they knew the "way to play" their respective games. Nothing more nothing less.

EDIT: Long story short you can definitely become skilled through online play but to determine HOW skilled you are you must face of against players at the top of the ladder.

Sam Sultan

Active Member

Did they win these tournaments from their couches at home? NO - They got off their asses and went to an event and probably had a great time with other players hanging out in real life.

These guys have done GREAT and do NOT prove your misplaced pride in "online players". They have ceased to be online players and brought their skills to the live event - proving the WHOLE point that people who play competitively make.

They've graduated. Instead of "gloating" about where they are coming from... be pleased about where they are going to, and aspire to do it yourself!

Your respond makes no sense and here is why:

This topic is not about whether someone is an offline or online player its about whether playing online is any good and whether online should be taken seriously or not in terms of showing one's skill. What i always read on this forums is people claiming that online is not good what so ever its totally random and if you lose online to someone that means nothing because it is so random and people shouldn't even take it seriously and that real good players are the ones who play offline tournaments and have gained a lot of experience etc. etc. So if an online player with no offline experience and a ton of online experience(which you guys claim means nothing due to lag and randomness of the game)comes to a tournament and does very well(Emann) or even wins the whole tournament(XCalibur BladeZ) doesn't that prove every one of the dudes in here (who claim online is random and doesn't represent the game's offline mode properly or whatsoever) wrong? I mean if online doesn't represent the game's offline mode properly and people shouldn't take it seriously then how come someone who only plays online and has no offline experience can come to a tournament and win against the so called elite offline players??? So you see i am not talking about whether someone is an offline or online player i am talking about whether the game's online mode represent the offline mode good enough to be taken seriously and whether people who play online should be taken seriously or not. And clearly from the results of the tournaments one can only conclude one thing and it's the following: Online mode does represent the offline mode good enough for people to take online seriously and give online players the respect they deserve(Given of course that there is no significant lag present) . So please make sure you understand what the subject of a discussion is before you randomly shout out something in the open because it can be really annoying for some people like me who are trying to have an actual meaningful discussion :)


Active Member
There are always going to be people who take advantage of online bullshit to climb in the leaderboards (For example: BlackBeltSpartan in VF5FS). But it is pretty clear right now that there are also some high ranking players in the leaderboards that know what they are doing.

Sam Sultan

Active Member
There are always going to be people who take advantage of online bullshit to climb in the leaderboards (For example: BlackBeltSpartan in VF5FS). But it is pretty clear right now that there are also some high ranking players in the leaderboards that know what they are doing.
Of course there are players in the leader boards who are very good and also players who cheat to get up in the leaderboards like missjennifer, and many others. And yes there are people who take advantage of the lag that is present during online play like this law51 dude. But please let me remind you that if you have good connection with your opponent that lag advantage decreases to a negligible level and thus making the match no much different than an offline match. I can understand that players may claim that a match doesn't mean anything if there is significant lag during the match. But that doesn't make every match that you have online meaningless, so even the ones without the presence of significant lag.

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
This is very simple lmao

You get credit for winning something offline (MM, tournament,etc)
You get minimal credit for doing it online.

You do well online? Congratulations! No one cares it is nothing more than a playground to hone your skills. It doesn't show if you are good or bad. You prove that when you show up. He decided to show up and do what half you online scrubs won't do lol.

There are A LOT of online players only a few have done something.

Sam Sultan

Active Member
This is very simple lmao

You get credit for winning something offline (MM, tournament,etc)
You get minimal credit for doing it online.

You do well online? Congratulations! No one cares it is nothing more than a playground to hone your skills. It doesn't show if you are good or bad. You prove that when you show up. He decided to show up and do what half you online scrubs won't do lol.

There are A LOT of online players only a few have done something.

How to make a dumb post:
1 Ignore the subject
2 Make a few dump statements
3 Offend people.

Hmm it seems you have all the ingredients, congratulations you scrub you win the dumb post of the day award :). Do we have a trophy for that in this forum because this guy deserves the achievement.


Active Member
This is very simple lmao

You get credit for winning something offline (MM, tournament,etc)
You get minimal credit for doing it online.

You do well online? Congratulations! No one cares it is nothing more than a playground to hone your skills. It doesn't show if you are good or bad. You prove that when you show up. He decided to show up and do what half you online scrubs won't do lol.

There are A LOT of online players only a few have done something.

Put these two statements together. That means you are saying online is a playground full of scrubs correct? Then how does that make the offline veterans Emann and whatever other "online warriors" defeated look? By your logic these veterans are scrubs and we both know that is false.

EDIT: It also suggests that defeating a load of scrubs is sufficient enough practice for 14 year olds to perform well in major tournaments.

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member

It's like going to the neighborhood b-ball court and a guy who is dominating the court we put him on the same level as Kobe. . .

The rules are similar but different enough that it can change the out come of matches. Yes a player can adapt to a new setting and do extremely well but that doesn't change the fact that the setting is different.

Online players act like people are saying that can't go offline and do well. Offline MAINLY players are mainly stating that online is fabricated and that they don't care if you do well or not online. Come offline showcase the skills that you claim you have but don't put yourself on the same level as someone without proving it. How can you show respect to someone that didn't show any to you?

Also most of you are fabricating online warrior.

Online warrior isn't someone who is traveling and competing. An online warrior is someone who is demanding that he get respect for only playing online. He is demanding respect for playing online, doing well online, and isn't going to come offline until people acknowledge his skill at the "playground". All that shows is that he (or she) doesn't believe in their own skill enough to travel and try. They need people to hold their hands before they make a commitment.


Well-Known Member
Guys, noone is saying playing online makes you a bad player. Noone is saying you can't improve your skills and become a better player online. But the matches are meaningless, its just practice. Practice is VALUABLE no doubt. But that's all it is.

And lets be clear, "meaningless" in terms of what other players should think. What YOU learn from it, well that's a meaning you can build from yourself.

And most importantly, its not an excuse to avoid playing offline. There's no special pride to be taken in online play, it has its place. But everyone should be treating it as a stepping stone to a greater goal.

Turn up to an event and validate your skills offline, that's the only place it really counts. Even if its just to play the game for fun, but playing the game at its best, is the best chance of having fun with it.