Kensei: Sacred Fist is a doa/tekken ripoff.


Well-Known Member
Some of these characters look really interesting... and some look like DOA and Tekken copies...

maxresdefault (1).jpg

Edit: I deleted that pic off my bloody computer before I got nightmares xDD


Active Member
Welcome to the 90s, where everyone was trying to cash in on the fighting game genre.

Speaking of iffy 90s fighting games, I still have my copy of Star Wars Masters of Teräs Käsi. Man the mechanics were just so bad in that game, we have come a long way.


Active Member
View attachment 8838

I demand to know more about this character.

he's a business man who wore a parrot mask. The interesting thing about him, beyond that, is there was a second character in his slot called Billy who had a penguin mask...

Actually no, that isn't interesting, they were sort Baek kind of characters if i remember right - if Baeks skeleton was made out of twisted coat hangers.

No, THE interesting thing about him was he was called "Jelly" and it makes wince imagining how that came about.


Active Member
After watching a few videos, I have to admit, it is a good looking ripoff. My favorite aspect is how the blocking animation is replaced with dodging, parrying, and weaving, and the grapple system looks pretty interesting.


New Member
Me and a friend of mine did a review on this game and actually have an idea for a series I will do.

I still own my copy to this game (since 1999) and had no idea what I got myself into with this. Loved it at first until the older I got, the less sense this game made.

It had a LOT of potential. Blocking was really good and had some neat animations that felt like a solid kung-fu flick. The overall execution of this game.....not so much. The roster was terrible, fighting styles were completely mistranslated, and Douglas was an OP character who was inspired by Steven Segal.

Saya, who is the youngest female character on the roster possesses the only "bouncy breasts" physics in the game, while David frightfully possesses the same natural bounciness for his "chesticles". Anna, who eerily looks like Sarah, was a carbon copy of Wolf from Virtua Fighter, minus the *awesomeness*.

This game was atrocious but soooooo good for one reason: it quelled my boredom at the time.

Overall, this was Suezo's response to the game.



Active Member
Sadly many of these games were never really given a chance and never spawned any sequels. I am sure if games such as Soul Edge, Dead or Alive, Tekken or even Street Fighter had ended up as one hit wonders (first game only), we would probably be saying how bad those games are at this point to. SInce a games first outing is never the best. (IMO Mortal Kombat is the one exception to that rule)
Sadly many of these games were never really given a chance and never spawned any sequels. I am sure if games such as Soul Edge, Dead or Alive, Tekken or even Street Fighter had ended up as one hit wonders (first game only), we would probably be saying how bad those games are at this point to. SInce a games first outing is never the best. (IMO Mortal Kombat is the one exception to that rule)

Um. Really? Every Neo Geo fighting game franchise would like to have a word with you.

At least it has some cool music from Konami composers including Akira Yamaoka
You had awesome Tobal 1/2, Bushido Blade 1/2 and Rival Schools. And others also had some nice things: Evil Zone, Fighters' Impact, maybe Destrega and Star Gladiator.
Was it even ported?

Destrega was an awesome game with dbz mechanics glad to see someone remembers that one! Evil Zone too!

Also, don't forget that the original dynasty warriors was also a 3D fighter on the playstation and was made by koei (who also made destrega).

Lastly, I wanted to add my own thoughts on the game having played it. I never really thought of it as a rip of of VF/KOF/DOA/ whatever for some reason. Also how about that running minigame in this eh?
Shit that reminds me now of Toshinden 3 which I really really liked because of the characters!

I mean you have in that game:
A Catwoman
A Pirate
A robot
Smooth Criminal Michael Jackson stand-in complete with whoops, spins, and moonwalk
Hockey Mask Chainsaw killer
A tengu
and a character (named chaos) who the game ITSELF lists as "completely insane"
Sweet! That story mode was long as all hell though eh? Also, I love your name avatar and the character it's all based on. the MASTA! SHO NUFF!

Eh...I guess this is starting to get off topic, so can we vote to change the topic to "dicussion of older 3D video games?"


New Member
I used too play this game a lot back then! I loved it actually! The blonde girl had that jumping kick awesome move! just because it's a fighting game doesn't mean it's a ripoff of the other games! Although I see a lot of Michelle Chang in one of the girls.

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