Momiji General Discussion


Well-Known Member
So for +1 damage you can use :8::P: before a combo (after launch) for anything you'd use :6::P::K::K::P: to end.

As long as the last hit of the string connects you'll get the +1. These will all connect with the :K: ending too (for wall splat).

On Normal Hit:
:8::P: :8::P: :8::P: :6::P::K::K::P:

As an extra :8::K: as a fast high launcher is 5 damage more compared to :8::P: but you work with what you get I guess. This still gets the bonus +1 for using :8::P: post launch.

On a side note you'll get the same damage for using something like:
:8::P: :8::P: :6::P::K: :h: :6::P::K::P:

As I recall this gives a better setup for trying for a pseudo-tech but not sure on that so ignore me, just another way of looking cooler =p

If you're playing the single stun launch variation of Momiji, you get a bonus +1 damage here post launch. I'll keep trying to find something that really adds on more for the stun->launch arch type.


Well-Known Member
8P is the go-to relauncher, but it's only good for low-CL launchers. There are better alternatives on higher CLs before 6PKK~P.

236P after CB/ on HCH:
- 66K or H+K for lightweights (6PK against wall)
- 44P for midweights
- 8P for heavyweights

6H+K on BT opponent (usually after CB)
- H+K for both light and midweights - will grant higher damage than her Izuna juggle unless you have a ceiling.
- Haven't tested for heavyweights, but I assume H+K, 66K and 44P will work.


Well-Known Member
General point.
Anyone else feel heavily let down by the Momiji Halloween DLC? I mean they could have done something awesome. Shrine Maiden just makes me think ghosts, not mummies (if you can even call her effort that).
If she turned up on my door trick or treating in that getup I'd throw eggs at her myself for being stupid.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
General point.
Anyone else feel heavily let down by the Momiji Halloween DLC? I mean they could have done something awesome. Shrine Maiden just makes me think ghosts, not mummies (if you can even call her effort that).
If she turned up on my door trick or treating in that getup I'd throw eggs at her myself for being stupid.

I have said this before, but I don't know if it's the best costume pack or the worst. Some characters got great costumes and others got crap (Haha, Mila). I personally like Momiji's costume. It's not the best but it's pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
How are people going about playing Momiji right now?

I've focused all my efforts on chip damage and stun launch setups alongside a couple of strong 50/50 pseudo setups to just get a shiny +19. She seems pretty good at avoiding the wake up game like this.

Are people playing high in the air or more ground concentrated until they find they a stun?
Personally I'll try avoid jumping at all costs outside of launch.

She feels pretty strong at neutral in most match ups (few where I feel she really loses out or just haven't found how to deal with yet) so playing for a quicker series of smaller damaging stun-launch neutrals seems to benefit her with her massive high crushes.


Well-Known Member
How are people going about playing Momiji right now?
Stun-to-launch is my main style. And spacing.

Start of match I either space and try to catch players with 66P or I go for K(P/K). Then to play it safe I go for one of three options: P, 3P or 6K then I start Momiji's stun-launch mixups (8P, 66K or 236P).

Once I have knockdown, I space with 7P (do not use when back is to wall) then I'll either hold their wakeup kick or jump over them with 9P~P+K.

Repeat shenanigans. It's pretty fun to mess around with players like this since it's damn near impossible to really guess what Momiji's gonna do next since she has a beastly stun-to-launch game and an equally strong ability to play the stun game.


Well-Known Member
So patch 1.03.
Literally nothing to worry about. Only concern I had was involving the "air stagger" stuff and that means fuck all from what I can tell.

So unsafes are still unsafe, going up in the air on neutral/block is still retarded.
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Well-Known Member
This popped up in another part of the forums but is a great resource for showing why block Tenku is bad and actual science to prove my eternal point about it.

Basics of it, fuzzy guard beats all options she has from block.


Well-Known Member
This popped up in another part of the forums but is a great resource for showing why block Tenku is bad and actual science to prove my eternal point about it.

Basics of it, fuzzy guard beats all options she has from block.
o.0 Ohh.
Thanks for sharing my video.

Where did you first see this video being shared, plz?