New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.


Well-Known Member
Hiya Fluke!!! FSD is a great place to learn about DOA and you get to meet tons of cool people. I hope you enjoy your stay. :)


New Member
Thanks for the welcome guys! As for my preference of XBL and PSN for DoA, I can't say currently, I only have DoA5 for 360. Though I will be picking up the 360 version of Ultimate at tomorrow's launch, I am also gonna download Core Fighters to PS3 to cover all bases. As for the services themselves, I like both a lot, though a majority of my friends are on XBL, so I am on there more often than not. I mostly use Ps3 for Movies and the cool exclusives Sony has, but Hopefully now it will be a dedicated DoA machine too :)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Thanks for the welcome guys! As for my preference of XBL and PSN for DoA, I can't say currently, I only have DoA5 for 360. Though I will be picking up the 360 version of Ultimate at tomorrow's launch, I am also gonna download Core Fighters to PS3 to cover all bases. As for the services themselves, I like both a lot, though a majority of my friends are on XBL, so I am on there more often than not. I mostly use Ps3 for Movies and the cool exclusives Sony has, but Hopefully now it will be a dedicated DoA machine too :)
Cool. Hope to see you on PSN.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
@Fluke, Awesome, I hope you are able to make it to TFC.

Did you happen to pre-register, or will you be hoping to sign up Saturday morning. I see you're from Virginia, if you're close enough maybe @Shade or @Blackula could help you find a cheap way to get there :).


New Member
@Fluke, Awesome, I hope you are able to make it to TFC.

Did you happen to pre-register, or will you be hoping to sign up Saturday morning. I see you're from Virginia, if you're close enough maybe @Shade or @Blackula could help you find a cheap way to get there :).
Absolutely, I'll be there for sure :) Unfortunately I just found out about TFC a few days ago, I didn't really have enough time to research it fully, and make the decision to go in time, so it's gonna have to be a Saturday morning reg I'm afraid. I think it should be alright... unless there's official DoA stuff going on Friday. I've not seen a schedule for the tournament yet.

As for Shade and Blackula, that sounds great! Virginia represent! Raleigh is about a 3 hour drive from where I'm at, so not too bad at all if I had to do it on my own, but more the merrier IMO. Thanks! Super hyped to meet everyone :D

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
@Fluke , There's a 3v3 team tournament Friday evening at 6pm. Saturday emergency reg is from 8 to 10am.

Keep an eye out in the tournament's thread as I hear they'll be opening up a more expensive preregistration soon.

Anthony Blackwell

New Member
Hi Everybody. Umm.. I'm kinda new here and I just started so I'm not all that in touch with this yet. A friend of mine (Allan Paris) told me that here is where you start your first step into the DOA community. Well starting today I'm going to be an active member in this community. I hope I get to meet new people and put more into the community as well learn even more about DOA. I guess I should start talking a little bit about myself then... Well I've been playing DOA since Dead or Alive 2 came out for the Dreamcast my family members had. Since then I've met a few really good friends through it all. Back then I just liked the fact people just beat up everyone else and fell off of things because I was really young then. I haven't been in any tournament type scene before and I think I need more practice before I do go to one but since I've started playing I've just played casually with people online, friends at school, family etc. so I've never really been out there. I don't know how I would be as a competitive fighter but I still would want to go out there and support and mainly have fun. I'm currently a college student in Pennsylvania and I think I'm a pretty open person. My friends say otherwise >_> but what do they know :p I hope that in the near future I can work for Team Ninja because I think it wouldn't be a job because I'd be apart of something I love. DOA is a game I can say I can hold my ground in. I'm not really much to look at in any other fighter but I think in DOA I can at least have some type of ability. I feel the game is great so the community should be even greater

I'm free to talk whenever I'm on. I hope to meet some of the members in this community in person for tournaments, online fights, practice, and just to chill with. I've been told I'm easy to talk to :3 so here's my first step into FSD I hope I made a good one

-- AB

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
@Anthony Blackwell
Philadelphia too?

There's some philly players, and players who want to learn the game here as well. Seek out the Matchmaking board for some northeast/philly players, and check out the upcoming events in Philly in the Tournament board as well.


I'm new to FSD, but not the DOA community. I have been playing DOA2 since the Dreamcast days, and have played DOA online since DOA2U-- I was 15 at the time.

My aliases over the years have been:

Cloud FF7
Tuxedo Mask
BUTTONMASHER (Also my DOACentral name registered in late 2004)

See you online. I play on both systems!

Anthony Blackwell

New Member
@Anthony Blackwell
Philadelphia too?

There's some philly players, and players who want to learn the game here as well. Seek out the Matchmaking board for some northeast/philly players, and check out the upcoming events in Philly in the Tournament board as well.

Yeah.. About that, don't really know much of anything about the community. Matchmaking... no clue what that means or where that even is :(

Hiya Anthony. Welcome to FreeStepDodge. Hope you'll enjoy your stay :)

Thanks AkaShocka :)
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Anthony Blackwell

New Member
I remember we played before on PSN. I'm not exactly sure but I think it was Tina or Helena vs Lisa. It was a fun game though :)
I honestly haven't fought many Lisa's like you :p I don't remrmber the whole fight but I bet you came out on top. Still have the replay?

What is matchmaking?
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Well-Known Member
I honestly haven't fought many Lisa's like you :p I don't remrmber the whole fight but I bet you came out on top. Still have the replay?
Oh no. I had it, but deleted not so long ago. But hey, whoever you were using gave me a little fight. :p. For you not to fight many Lisa's like mine's, I can understand. Not bragging or anything but I play different from the other Lisa players.

Anthony Blackwell

New Member
Oh no. I had it, but deleted not so long ago. But hey, whoever you were using gave me a little fight. :p. For you not to fight many Lisa's like mine's, I can understand. Not bragging or anything but I play different from the other Lisa players.

Whenever you're free lets do it again! I've gotten better since then, no doubt you have too.