Official Dead or Alive Xtreme Thread


Well-Known Member
To anyone who has knowledge on these episodes, can you tell me which episodes numbers for each character the following Episode titles belong to?



Well-Known Member
Fiona Character Episode 01 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 02 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 03 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 04 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 05 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 06 (Noble Tutu SSR)
Fiona Character Episode 07 (Noble Tutu SSR)



Well-Known Member
BTW, I translated all the gravures for DOAXVV thus far (I won't have to worry about any more Gravures until December which is when "NAG" is most likely arriving). Probably the only thing left to do besides catching up on Event Episodes (which will start on October 15 since I want to make sure Luna's birthday is out of the way regarding translations before I get started) is translating any and all Character Episodes I can find. Hopefully Luna and Fiona's self-introduction episodes reveal their nationalities (I know that the episodes reveal additional details about them since Misaki's introduction episode at one point had her mentioning she only managed to go to the island via a permission slip, and implied her parents would not have approved of her going there otherwise).


Well-Known Member
Did the Self-Introduction for Fiona, and am working on the various self-introductions of at the very least the add-ons/new characters.

For Fiona, aside from the stuff we already knew about her, we also know that, in spite of her favorite hobby being ballroom dancing, she ironically enough is terrible at it, she also isn't fond of Carrots because of some childish aspect about them, and she owns a dog named John (a big one as well).


Well-Known Member
Okay, took care of all the introduction episodes for the girls who are OCs/add-ons (I have still got to do the ones for the nine girls from DOAX3).

There really wasn't much in Leifang's episode that we didn't already know from past games, though it does mention she mostly intended to go to the island for a vacation, and didn't even know before arriving about the Venus Festival.

For Tamaki, it revealed that, before becoming a Fashion Designer, she was originally a swimsuit model, and she implied that the career change had to do with swimsuit designs being of interests in both professions. She also indicated that she wanted to participate in the Venus Festival as a means to "extend her wings" or something, and she seemed to have some interest in the Owner (something about babies, I'm not entirely sure myself).

For Luna, well, it mentions she traveled the world, and something about wanting meals with snacks or something. That one was very difficult to translate efficiently and effectively.

As far as Misaki, well, I had some help from Endless Box 9's subtitles as well as Bing Translator, but apparently she wanted to go to the island well beforehand due to the Venus Festival piquing her interest, and in fact, she was happy to go after she passed a supporters exam (although she did not expect to participate in the first place). She also mentioned she got permission beforehand to go to the island, and implied that her parents did not approve of her going otherwise.

In case anyone wants to read them in Japanese and offer corrections, here they are:

Luna: 自己紹介…… ですか?わたしは「ルナ」。世界を旅する……していた学者なのです。しばらく、この島でお世話になります。三食おやつ付きで……ふふ。これは調査がはかどる。ご安心ください。フェスもやります。ところで、オーナーさん、一つお願いが……あの、おやつは、やきいもで……よろしくお願いします。

Tamaki: ん?自己紹介?そういえはく、ちゃんとはまだだっけ? まあ、そんな珍しい物じゃないけど♥名前は「たまき」。元モデルで、今はデザイナーやってます♥水着は、モデルもデザイナーも両方経験あるから、なんでも聞いてね?このフェス、面白そうだったから、実際に感じてみたくなって来てみたの。最近忙しくて、羽も伸ばしたかったし、あと……まあ、ちょっと、いろいろね。そんなことより、さ。オーナーくんの話、聞かせて♪わたし、あなたに興味があるの♥たとえばぁ……♪……ね、どの子が一番なの?うふふ、慌てなくても、時間はたっぷりあるか♪じっくり、聞き出してあげる♥

Leifang: え、自己紹介?フエスの登録に必要?ふーん、意外と面倒なのね。ま、いいわ。教えてあげる♪名前は「レイファン」。太極拳最強の使い手よ どんな大男が相手でも、負けないんだから。生まれも育ちも名門で、さらにこの美貌!ふふっ♪「才色兼備」って、まさにわたしのことよね♪この島に来た理由?もちろん、バカンスよ 思いっきり遊んじゃうんだから。フェスは、その「ついで」って感じね。ふふっ、大丈夫よ♪わたしにかかれば、ヴィーナスフェスなんて「遊び」みたいなもの♪ちゃんと、やることはやるんだから。オーナーさんは、大船に乗った気持ちでいてくれればいいの♪な、なによ、その目は……せっかく南の島に来たんだから、バカンスくらい楽しんでもいいじゃない。オーナーさんは、わたしが退屈しないように、バカンスのほうを盛り上げてくれればいいのよ♪じゃあ、よろしくね、オーナーさん♪

Fiona: 自己紹介……、ですか?はい、よろこんで♪わたくし、「フィオナ 」と申します。趣味は、ダンスを少々…… あの、へ、下手ですけど…… 好きな食べ物は、フォンダンショコラです。嫌いなのは……ニンジンが…… 子供っぽい、とよく言われてしまいます…… あと、お友達のジョンが大好きです。とっても大きくて、やさしくて……あっ、あの、犬の名前です。それから、それから……え……ここに来た理由……?その、以前にも申しましたが……立派な、は、花嫁に……なるために……それに……オーナー様に、お会いしたくて。憶えがない……ですか?ふふっ、わたくしは、オーナー様のことをよく知っています♪憧れていましたから。一目見た時から、ずっと。だから、わたくしのことも、もっともっと、知ってほしくて!あの、よろしくお願いしますね。


Well-Known Member
So, as I was asking, can someone PLEASE tell me which episodes the following episode titles belong to for Hitomi and Honoka, respectively?


I really need that information for the Dead or Alive Wiki.

EDIT: Never mind regarding Honoka, I learned that that's her Level 60 episode (in other words, her eighth episode). But I'm still going to need to know which episode of Hitomi's the other one is (the only thing I know is that it's either her eighth episode or her tenth episode, that's it).
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Well-Known Member
Nyotengu Character Episode 01 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 02 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 03 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 04 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 05 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 06 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 07 with lotions

Nyotengu Character Episode 08 (Dark Prison SSR) with malfunction and lotions


Well-Known Member
Okay, I took care of transcribing Nyotengu's eighth episode (hat tip to Hardseppo for the help).

On that note, I also managed to find out that the anonymous episode title for Hitomi is in fact her level 75 episode's title. If I manage to get the videos up onto Dead or Alive Wiki, I think I'll get started on translating the Character episodes and hopefully be done in time for Luna's birthday.


Well-Known Member
BTW, sort of related to the Xtreme series, but can someone PLEASE post where I can find information on the characters from Destiny's Child? One of the guys on GameFAQs implied that "CRI" might be related to the Destiny's Child crossover that was announced at TGS (despite the fact that, 1. the only thing even remotely hinted at on what DOAXVV will get from it is a new outfit for Marie Rose, and 2., even if there was going to be a new character for DOAXVV from the crossover, Fiona seems more to be created as part of the Destiny's Child crossover since her Famitsu article specifically mentioned the crossover.) instead of Christie, and his main rationale is Christie getting the second-lowest amount of votes (with only Lisa having less). Of course, that's DESPITE the fact that the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Arcade system had of all people Kefka Palazzo as the second add-on character, even though in Japan Kefka's about as "popular" among the fandom as Jar Jar Binks was to Star Wars fans (ie, not popular at all), and that was despite the likes of Sephiroth or the Emperor being more likely candidates for second character add-ons.


Well-Known Member
i don’t think fiona is a part of the cross over, famitsu probably cram that small section just to save space


Well-Known Member
i don’t think fiona is a part of the cross over, famitsu probably cram that small section just to save space
Well, in any case, the only thing that was even remotely hinted at regarding the outcome of the crossover is Marie Rose getting a new costume for DOAXVV. That's it. I'm pretty sure if they were going to make a new character for the crossover, they would have announced it or at least teased the possibility by now (of course, news on that front is pretty scarce. I'm surprised none of the video game journalist sites even mention anything about the crossover, especially given they announced Fiona and other characters. And of course I can't rely on OAG since they got hacked by Nigerians and the headmaster of the site decided "screw it" and stopped the site thanks to that).
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Well-Known Member
Luna Gravure Panel (Gengetsu Asari SSR) with lotions

View attachment 26150

BTW, that reminds me... around this time next week is Luna's birthday, so everyone needs to make sure that they get Luna's birthday extra episode. After her BDAY episode is released, we don't have to worry about another birthday until February 11 at the latest (NAG's birthday is still unknown, and probably won't be known until December 20 when she's formally unveiled, so Fiona's the only one whose birthday is actually known, not counting Christie since, while she may in fact be CRI, we have no confirmation yet). I know once her birthday is fully translated and transcribed on my end, I'm definitely going to get started on transcribing the various Event Episodes from now up to February (certainly up to the whole Valentine's Day event episodes, which I can definitely say will at least have new Valentines Episodes, Extra or Event, for Tamaki, Leifang, Fiona, and whoever NAG is), though whether the rest of the girls will have new Event episodes relating to Valentines Day or not is yet to be revealed.

Also, after some dumb luck, I've managed to find a list of characters for Destiny Child, and none of them actually match up in any way with CRI or NAG, so we can reasonably assume that whoever those two girls are, they definitely aren't related to Destiny Child in any way (not that it was hard to guess there wouldn't be any characters from that franchise appearing in DOAXVV, since the teaser banner all but made explicit that the only thing DOAXVV was going to get out of it was a new costume based on Davi).