Official Dead or Alive Xtreme Thread


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on the new girls:

Luna- The best girl out of the bunch, I like emotionless girls plus dat ass tho:oops: I also like her new swimsuits and her alternate hairstyle and voice

Tamaki- What DOA needed, a mature but sexy young girl who's not exactly like Nyo. I like how she's proportioned and I love her hairstyle with that streak of maroon in it and the beauty mark, although since Nyo already has one it does feel a bit recycled. She gives me really Strong Haruka vibes and I like how she's close to my age and also likes to drink XD

Its still sad this is a PC only game tho, I wish I could play it on PS4 since I really do like Luna >.> She's definitely one of my ideal types of girls with the whole thicc ass and lack of emotions thing going on for her. Tamaki is good too but I can definitely say Luna is better overall

Also when are we gonna get a girl with LONG hair added? >.>

I like both of them but for me It's the other way around and I like Tamaki a lot more than I like Luna, She was needed though to finally have another older character since there was a lot of 18 year olds. But yeah...I just really wish that It wasn't only on PC...and wasn't a gacha game...Basically I just wish that they would make DOAX3U already and add the missing girls as well as the new girls to it with Jet skis etc.

I also wish we had some idea of what they're plans are for the future like I wish a DOA festival was happening this year where we could get some info and news on DOA6 and future DOAX games too. I'm still hoping we'll get a DOA6 announcement this year...Maybe at E3? Maybe at TGS? Who knows.


Well-Known Member
I like both of them but for me It's the other way around and I like Tamaki a lot more than I like Luna, She was needed though to finally have another older character since there was a lot of 18 year olds. But yeah...I just really wish that It wasn't only on PC...and wasn't a gacha game...Basically I just wish that they would make DOAX3U already and add the missing girls as well as the new girls to it with Jet skis etc.

I also wish we had some idea of what they're plans are for the future like I wish a DOA festival was happening this year where we could get some info and news on DOA6 and future DOAX games too. I'm still hoping we'll get a DOA6 announcement this year...Maybe at E3? Maybe at TGS? Who knows.

They generally don't announce new DOA games, mainline or otherwise, at E3. The best we can hope for is either a new DOAFest (I'm actually surprised they DIDN'T have one last year), or this year's TGS.

And while I don't mind the new characters too much (that said, I do think Tamaki's... ahem, "measurement checks" seem a bit tasteless), I would prefer it if TN just added in the cut six, certainly Tina, Mila, Rachel, Leifang, and Christie at the very least (and if they don't add in Lisa, they should at least have one or two of those characters mention her so that at the very least, they actually ESTABLISH what Lisa's fate is after DOA5).


Premium Donor
If they announce DOA6 I hope they take their time, I wasn't shocked at all that they basically showed nothing at that last Winter Brawl event, I was actually happy since I was right about a new game not being made xD

And I hope if they make a DOAX3U they make it a physical copy since I'm not so free on space on my ps4 like I was two years ago, plus I take a ton of screenshots and I'm always reluctant to delete them >.>


Well-Known Member
They generally don't announce new DOA games, mainline or otherwise, at E3. The best we can hope for is either a new DOAFest (I'm actually surprised they DIDN'T have one last year), or this year's TGS.

And while I don't mind the new characters too much (that said, I do think Tamaki's... ahem, "measurement checks" seem a bit tasteless), I would prefer it if TN just added in the cut six, certainly Tina, Mila, Rachel, Leifang, and Christie at the very least (and if they don't add in Lisa, they should at least have one or two of those characters mention her so that at the very least, they actually ESTABLISH what Lisa's fate is after DOA5).

Yeah It probably would be at TGS or DOAfest I hope we get some announcement this year.

And yeah I'm still hoping we'll eventually see the cut six added. And OMG yes! lol, I really want to see and have been waiting for some kind of thing on what happened to Lisa and If she's okay or not. ( She survived ) However I would feel personally victimized If they included every single cut girl expect her and then just had people mention her. She needs to be added as well. Personally I want her added more than any of the other cut six. ( Maybe just Lisa would get in and the others would just get mentioned. :p jk. )


Active Member
God, all these gorgeous trailers make me want this content in DOAX3 so bad! I'll even pay for another expensive edition, TK! Please, just do it!

Also, add Mila.


Premium Donor
@KasumiLover69 what about your thoughts on Misaki? You only mentioned Luna and Tamaki.

If they wanted to expand DOAX3 they would have done some sort of announcement by now.
Misaki I liked XD don't you remember, I made gifs of her wayyyy back, but tbh, in the long run I don't like her like that, like she's not all that. That's a different story tho when she lets her hair down:oops: Luna overall is my favorite new girl since she's cute, has a nice ass and I love her hairstyle and the whole emotionless vibe she has:oops: She seems to be inspired by Hikage from Senran Kagura, Ninon Beart from KOF and in general the classic Japanese emotionless girl trope which I don't mind at all XD she's strange, but I wouldn't mind her being my strange bunny ♡.♡


Well-Known Member
Misaki I liked XD don't you remember, I made gifs of her wayyyy back, but tbh, in the long run I don't like her like that, like she's not all that. That's a different story tho when she lets her hair down:oops: Luna overall is my favorite new girl since she's cute, has a nice ass and I love her hairstyle and the whole emotionless vibe she has:oops: She seems to be inspired by Hikage from Senran Kagura, Ninon Beart from KOF and in general the classic Japanese emotionless girl trope which I don't mind at all XD she's strange, but I wouldn't mind her being my strange bunny ♡.♡

Mfw Luna actually just has resting bitch face. I wonder If she's in doa6 If they'll continue the whole "emotionless alien vibes" thing that she has right now? It could be interesting. I like her white rabbit thing anyway.

For me though It goes like for the new girls - Misaki -> Tamaki ( basically like them about the same amount ) ----> Luna ( still like her just less so )


Well-Known Member
Mfw Luna actually just has resting bitch face. I wonder If she's in doa6 If they'll continue the whole "emotionless alien vibes" thing that she has right now? It could be interesting. I like her white rabbit thing anyway.

For me though It goes like for the new girls - Misaki -> Tamaki ( basically like them about the same amount ) ----> Luna ( still like her just less so )

If Luna is going to be in DOA6, I'm expecting her to either have Karate as her fighting style (she DOES give the Karate greeting a few times. You know. "O, Osu", and the first time she uses it, Hitomi literally IDs it as the Karate greeting), or Bushido (since in the same instance where Hitomi speculates that Luna knows Karate, Luna also briefly mentions Bushido).

Not sure what Tamaki's fighting style would be, nor do I have any idea for Misaki's fighting style for that matter.

As far as likes, I don't mind the girls too much (and I must admit, Luna's practically a riot especially with her interactions with Ayane. They'd make a good Abbot and Costello comedy duo. Misaki I'm fond of largely because of her shrinking violet nature. As far as Tamaki... Eh, she works, though I do have a bit of issues with her running gag of groping people.), though I'd still prefer it if they actually put in the cut six this time around.


Premium Donor
If shes in DOA6 I persoally feel like she wont have a general style, I think Luna will just use a self taught style inspired by a rabbit and she'll have a lot of jumping and such xD I also like Yamalu since she gives me Haruka vibes, the whole being young yet very mature flirty definitely has a lot of inspiration from her XD

I also wonder when they'll show the new girl since she have been pretty consistent releasing each one. Since we have a shrinking violet, a weird emotionless girl, and a mature young girl, I wonder what popular Japanese trope they have yet to exploit?? I'm hoping for a class representative type of girl next or maybe one with an eye patch or even a Gyaru or Yamato Nadeshiko 2.0 like Yumi in SK:cool:


Well-Known Member
I actually didn't know about the whole her mentioning Karate thing but If that's been brought up at times then I'm going to guess that that's her fighting style. As for Misaki and Tamaki though I have no idea. And they've been like..a new character every...3? months I think? So In summer like July, August time we should get another character. Who honestly I hope is Leifang to show the start of the missing girls being included but If it's not and It is a new girl then we've gotten a lot of characters from Japan recently so someone from another country would be cool.


Well-Known Member
I’ve started to like Luna a lot more lately. She’s cute plus I love her quirkiness

I think there will be 3-4 more girls added to DOAX. My guess is

1) Japanese girl who’d probably be a rowdy/genki girl

2) Korean girl who is a reference to pop culture (either an idol or professional gamer)

3) Caucasian older woman who’d be the dubbed as the 1st female villain of DOA

4) An (half) “ethnic” girl, to have the one non Asian/Caucasian in X3. Leaning towards Hispanic or Middle Eastern, but I could see a Black Girl being put too
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Premium Donor
A black girl in doa:oops: I would love that tbh XD, theyll probably do an ambiguously brown type one tho with maybe blonde hair. That or even a gyaru type character xD


Well-Known Member
I’ve started to like Luna a lot more lately. She’s cute plus I love her quirkiness

I think there will be 3-4 more girls added to DOAX. My guess is

1) Japanese girl who’d probably be a rowdy/genki girl

2) Korean girl who is a reference to pop culture (either an idol or professional gamer)

3) Caucasian older woman who’d be the dubbed as the 1st female villain of DOA

4) An (half) “ethnic” girl, to have the one non Asian/Caucasian in X3. Leaning towards Hispanic or Middle Eastern, but I could see a Black Girl being put too

Second female villain. Don't forget Christie already has that title of first female DOA villain (and that's not even counting Kasumi Alpha or Alpha-152). Unless you're implying that Christie's going to be one of those 3-4 more girls added to the game, in which case, hopefully that works. Besides, technically, we already have a Caucasian character in the form of Luna.

Not sure if they'll add in a Korean character, though... from what I heard, Japan and South Korea do NOT get along very well (plenty of Pokémon episodes have been banned in South Korea due to explicit Japanese aspects, even plot-important episodes. Not to mention that Rig, being a villain, was given taekwondo as a fighting technique, which came from Korea, despite the fact that the philosophy behind the martial art was technically more of a heroic one. Most likely, if they added in a Korean character, they'd either make her a villainess or otherwise very unpleasant to be around.

As far as black girls, well, we did have Lisa Hamilton, who might also qualify as Hispanic if you wish. However, I'm not sure that's going to work (apparently, Japan doesn't like those type of characters).

Me personally, they'd need to add in the cut six before they stop the game's production. They really need to redeem themselves of that screw up that was cutting out the six girls, not to mention cutting out any interactions between several characters.


Well-Known Member
A black girl in doa:oops: I would love that tbh XD, theyll probably do an ambiguously brown type one tho with maybe blonde hair. That or even a gyaru type character xD
Second female villain. Don't forget Christie already has that title of first female DOA villain (and that's not even counting Kasumi Alpha or Alpha-152). Unless you're implying that Christie's going to be one of those 3-4 more girls added to the game, in which case, hopefully that works. Besides, technically, we already have a Caucasian character in the form of Luna.

Not sure if they'll add in a Korean character, though... from what I heard, Japan and South Korea do NOT get along very well (plenty of Pokémon episodes have been banned in South Korea due to explicit Japanese aspects, even plot-important episodes. Not to mention that Rig, being a villain, was given taekwondo as a fighting technique, which came from Korea, despite the fact that the philosophy behind the martial art was technically more of a heroic one. Most likely, if they added in a Korean character, they'd either make her a villainess or otherwise very unpleasant to be around.

As far as black girls, well, we did have Lisa Hamilton, who might also qualify as Hispanic if you wish. However, I'm not sure that's going to work (apparently, Japan doesn't like those type of characters).

Me personally, they'd need to add in the cut six before they stop the game's production. They really need to redeem themselves of that screw up that was cutting out the six girls, not to mention cutting out any interactions between several characters.

Yeah as far as black female characters there's already Lisa, However there's no reason why there can't be more etc and since Lisa hasn't ( yet ) been added to Venus Vacation a dark skinned/black character from the Middle East or elsewhere would be really cool and something that so far would be very different and new from the 3 new characters of VV, Misaki,Tamaki and Luna. So I'd 100% be here for a character like that being added.

As for how many more characters they'll add to VV who knows but I'm guessing that so long as It does well and they are continuing to support it that they will continue to release new characters for it as well.


Well-Known Member
I could see a Brazilian girl being added for

1) The upbeat perky girl trait being added
2) Ethnic diversity
3) Caporiera character filled

As for a Korean, apparently the hate both counties have is mostly by the older generations. As far as youth goes, they’re good. The most popular Asian girl group now has Korean & Japanese (& a Taiwanese) members. Plus I think is one of if not the most popular Overwatch character


Well-Known Member
I think 3 more could work

15 for DOAX3
22 for DOA Generally

Enough new girls for diversity in DOAX3, but not to much to where if DOA6 happened (which praying to god it’s revealed this year), it would be a bunch at once

This is literally LA Mariposa

From the looks of it, they’re likely removing “La Mariposa” (not technically, but from being prevalent) and focusing more on Lisa

Also it would probably be a younger girl they’d make too


Premium Donor
I think 3 more could work

15 for DOAX3
22 for DOA Generally

Enough new girls for diversity in DOAX3, but not to much to where if DOA6 happened (which praying to god it’s revealed this year), it would be a bunch at once

From the looks of it, they’re likely removing “La Mariposa” (not technically, but from being prevalent) and focusing more on Lisa

Also it would probably be a younger girl they’d make too
Two more girls imo would be enough, if they're planning on adding all these new bitches to DOA6 they're gonna need some guys to balance that out since DOA6 will basically have an uneven gender ratio XD My theory is that those two guys seen in those short comic type things for DOAVV are two new male characters for DOA6 but I'm not sure

If they add a black I low-key want a hood or country black girl since I like those types of black girls. Black girls with bitchy or bad attitudes is hot imo XD And make her at least 19, we have enough barely legal girls, that whole trope is getting old especially since I'm 20 >.> And make one girl who has more ass focus and not boobs like Lili does, Its 2018, ass is more popular nowadays tbh