Petition to bring back LEON as DLC!

Would you like to have Leon and Ein DLC?

  • Hell yes!! Bring back the Strongest Man in the World !

    Votes: 161 75.9%
  • No, let him die the desert from dehydration..

    Votes: 51 24.1%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
stop playing the victim. everyone is calling you out on your dumbassery of going into a thread about bringing a character back and giving idiotic, non-nonsensical, and retarded reasons why he shouldn't be brought back. you sound like a bitter, butt-hurt idiot. if you don't care about the character this topic pertains to gtfo and stop acting like a little bitch
well i don't playing the victim actually. And besides..aren't you that salty Eliot player that cries that little Eliot isn't top tier? So all my reasons are stupid and dumb. And I'm bitter and butthurt? So telling everyone that losing a character like Leon isn't big issue because he was underused and no one gave a fuck about him until now (keyword: now). He was taking up memory. Hell at least I can name Zack players in 4 and 5. I mean yeah Zack doesn't get a lot of touches, but I know a good amount of Zack players online. So I am an idiot for using evidence(note the online character usage I brought up), reasons, and logic to why he doesn't belong in DOA anymore. I didn't say what I said because I hate the character.The character itself is fine. He's pretty cool. But it's YOUR fault, he's gone now. You were too busy playing ninjas, gen fu, and etc. To even remember him. At least I fucking knew he existed in the damn game. At least I actually played with the character. You guys didn't well. Well the ones that have step forward and said they played with him have got my respect. People like you, grape, and Cow are fake. Why are you now trying to fight and cry for a character you don't use? So I'm not a little bitch dude. I'm a guy that actually was using logic and reasoning, instead of just yelling and screaming like you. I made an argument you didn't.


Well-Known Member
As far as my two cents is worth, I mained Leon since DOA3. He was the first character I beat Survival mode with, which was a big enough feat for me then, so I started maining him for that reason as well (One of the others being his tag intro with Bayman, i mean talk about intimidating). I didn't bother playing dimensions due to the lack of a 3DS, but I always found it slightly odd how they removed Leon and Ein despite both being in the series as long as the other. Luckily I used to main Helena or Tina as well, so I can just jump into them a bit more, but it's a little annoying (at least to me) that I can't pick the character I'm far and away better with.

Personally, if they actually bring Leon back, the first thing I'm gonna do is set up a 1v1 with Pai Chan and kick the everloving hell out of her.


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Havik ...
Seriously .. you're not starting to get annoying .. you're way past that point already .. and are trolling hard ...
but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and address the stuff you said ..

1- I did not call you a troll and a moron .. I called you a troll OR a moron OR maybe both...

2- as for the comment you claimed to be unclear about the move set, how come ONLY YOU ,of everyone in this thread, understood it that way? Stop trolling ...

3- Stop calling people "fake" supporters .. it makes no sense and I personally have used him ever since DOA2. he might not have been my main .. but he has had more character usage in all of my DOAs over all the damn ninjas, Jann lee, Gen fu AND Bayman who I personally dislike and DO NOT find the same .. even though they had their move sets switched in DOA2 ... the reason for this is not the moveset itself, its the whole package .. the personality .. it plays a huge role.

Its like saying all the beginner players who dont even play the game but like Kasumi and Ayane are fake supporters.. A supporter is a supporter .. no such thing as a fake .. (unless maybe you're in the military and you back stab your commander... but bringing back Leon and NOT using him is not even a close comparison...)

...and for the record, he WAS my secondary in DOA4 and possibly the only reason I had to play that shitty game.

4- You said you could name 4-5 zack players ? well clearly this thread has named far more Leon supporters AND MAINS than that so your argument is completely invalid. stop repeating the same thing with different wording.

5- He was not removed because he was unwanted. According to Shinbori himself, LEON, EIN, and TENGU were all meant to be in the game but were removed due to time constraints, NOT because they were unwanted... If you must know ... GEN FU was also going to be removed but they squeezed him in near the end which also explains why his moveset is pretty much the damn same with nothing new. MILA didn't even have a damn face on her body model till half way as well and time constraints are probably why she probably has the smallest and most repetitive move set in the game ... PAI was a late one too. They were REALLY tight on time and this game is rushed and we all know this, and the bug thread and shitty online proves it.

6- This topic may be mainly about Leon, but indirectly its grown to be about all characters removed ... NO1 including yourself would like to see their main (or sub) removed ... You forget that there's tag in this game as well which makes you use multi-characters. I honestly sympathize with all the Ein players and the Tengu players and the people that liked Raidou (Even though I never played or liked Ein, the game just isn't the same without him)... Having your character, or any character for that matter, removed is never nice, regardless of the usage.

7- the question is clear .. would you want him in DOA5 or not?
if YES click the top box
if NO click the bottom box
Stop pissing everyone off and changing the topic.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Why? Why? I think I have stated that already. HE'S SUPER UNDERUSED. So all he does is take up space. And it's not a huge lost. Do you not understand that sir?

Why would including Leon hurt you? If Leon suddenly playable, will you die? Will you suffer any pain? What's the harm in adding an established character with an established fan-base?

You haven't given any argument stating that adding Leon would have a negative effect on the game. You're run-to argument is "Well, not a lot of people used him." Well, you know what? I don't ever recall playing many Zacks players at all in my time in DOA4 and Dimensions. I certainly played more Leon and Bass players in both those games than Zack. Even the current Team Ninja thinks Zack is a joke and treats him as such throughout DOA5, so why not cut him?

I have seen more fake Leon fans/supporters than actually Leon mains. It's kind of funny to see all this support coming out of no where for someone no cared about when he was in the games.
We didn't throw big stinks before BECAUSE HE WAS IN THE LAST SEVERAL GAMES. How hard is that to comprehend? Why are you so dense?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
There are times I wish Fumetsu Gaisuto was still around... seriously. smh

I support this movement to bring Leon back. Havik, normally I'd try to reason with you on arguments like this, but Cow and - even more surprisingly - Grape have made some civil, valid points. Even I can't defend what you did here.

I'm sorry, but you went too far. Going by your logic of fake supporters, that's like saying I've been a fake Christie player for the last 7 years, when everyone knows it just ain't true.


Well-Known Member
Pimp, not <female dog> slap. Leon keeps his pimp hand strong.

I should never have opened Photoshop...

Kaiser Wiggly

New Member
It turns out that Leon WAS originally planned to feature in Dead or Alive 5! In fact, thanks to this ULTRA-RARE concept art that I've now unearthed, it would appear that Leon was the ONLY character planned to feature in Dead or Alive 5.


Well, at least balance wouldn't have been an issue.
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