Playstation 4 vs Xbox One: One thread to rule them all


Well-Known Member
Nobody complained about the 720p problem with current gen because the consoles were RELESED 8 years ago, its now 2013 and yet the xbox one is still at 720p, its fucking pathetic, 1440p is starting to become popular now on the pc yet the xbox one is still stuck at 720 >.>

but yeah its still very early on and hopefully the devs can start pulling out 1080p ^.^

Though this generation the first party games on the ps4 will out do any xbox one games in terms of graphics, Im not saying this because im a fan boy since I own an xbox and an xbox 360 as well its just that the hardware specs are better on the ps4

For anyone who thinks that there isn't much difference from 720p to 1080p

720p has 921600 pixels and 1080p has 2073600 pixels, little more than double the pixels from 720 to 1080

so yes people have the right to complain about the "720p" problem its just pathetic but again like I said its still very early on in the consoles life cycle
(-.- )


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
The Xbox One, like the PS4, has games that run at 1080p/60fps and some that don't. Anyone choosing to overlook that does so simply to make themselves feel better about their own purchase or they're just being morons. Sony was proactive about getting final specs and dev kits out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. MS was changing specs until early Fall. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why devs played it safe and ran at a stable framerate at a lower resolution.

Sony had the same graphical edge in the current gen. Nobody really gave a shit because they went where the games were. Console exclusives haven't been a major selling point for some time now and they are always outsold by the major multiplatform releases, however comparing numbers for MS first party and Sony tells a pretty interesting story.


Well-Known Member
Because they did it to save their own asses. If you think they did it out of kindness to their customers listening to their wishes, you're dreaming. Everything they switched around was after they revealed the system saying 'this is just the way it is, our product is amazing, if you don't like it go buy a 360.' Maybe it would have been okay if they weren't so goddamn smug and arrogant about everything. They screwed up big time pushing away a lot of people, they're paying the consequences with less sales.
You make it sound like Microsoft's malicious. You know what happens to companies that are malicious? They lose money. You know what companies hate? Losing money.

So they retracted the stuff to save face. So what? Anyone would've done the same.

By the way? Thank you for proving my picture right. This proves when the internet makes a decision, it sticks with it even when it no longer applies.

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
This thread is fucking loaded with fanboys its so sad, its just like ps4 board and xbox one board on gamefaqs

I bet if xbox one ran at 1080p and ps4 ran at 720p everyone here who is getting the xbox one would be real quick to change their mind of how 720p don't matter (and now I will get quoted saying what I said is bullshit)

and to all the non fanboys, hope you enjoy whatever console you get :)
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Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
I am not a fanboy or something I just want a console what is for me the best and the most important is for me to have fun with it. Everyone should buy that console what they really want. BTW I cant wait for NG4

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I am not a fanboy or something I just want a console what is for me the best and the most important is for me to have fun with it. Everyone should buy that console what they really want. BTW I cant wait for NG4

Not talking about you bro, only some people on this thread


Well-Known Member
You make it sound like Microsoft's malicious. You know what happens to companies that are malicious? They lose money. You know what companies hate? Losing money.

So they retracted the stuff to save face. So what? Anyone would've done the same.

By the way? Thank you for proving my picture right. This proves when the internet makes a decision, it sticks with it even when it no longer applies.
Microsoft is malicious. They will squeeze money out of you anyway they can. A lot of companies will, but Microsoft is a big offender. They have shown they don't really care about about the fans. People want backwards compatibility, they say "backwards compatibility is backwards thinking." People don't like the online policies, they say "go play the 360." ... And then change that anyway!

If they didn't try to do this to begin with there wouldn't be a problem and their reputation wouldn't have been so badly damaged. Like I said, they screwed up big time. People are really easy to forgive I guess.

The fact is they tried this stuff thinking they could get away with it. Sony never had a DRM policy. Microsoft did. It's great they reversed it, it's great they reversed a lot of the BS they had. But the trust isn't there anymore. If there is another gen after this, which there probably will be if the earth isn't struck by a meteor, I bet you 20 bucks they'll come out doing this again or possibly something even worse.

I admit Sony is no angel, the gloating they did at E3 was pretty excessive. Trust me, if the circumstances were switched and sony had been the one to implement all this crap and microsoft was doing what the ps4 was, I would have switched over to the xbox. If both companies did it, I would have switched to PC gaming or got a wii U.


Active Member
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Been a dedicated xbox fan since 2001 with Halo CE and havnt bought a playstation product since PS2. PS4 is superior technologically to the xbone in every way while being cheaper and the Halo franchise is in the shitter as it is now just COD in space (which funny enough even cod is doing lol). I can only speak for the people I know personally but we all bought 360 and the original Xbox over playstation only for Halo and then later tried other titles.

As far as I see it xbone doesnt have a leg to stand on as microsoft single handily destroyed its marquee star franchise (something sony has never had). With no must buy first party titles coming from MS I dont see anypoint buying their console. I will wait till Halo 5 to see if its anything like the original trilogy or if its more sprint/flinch/class bullshit.

If it is more cod crap I will buy a PS4 and if I want to play cod,doa,bf or w/e. Either way its wait and see. Microsoft has time and time again shit in their biggest supporters mouths. And the proof is int he preorders lol.

Still buying a wii U for Mario Kart and Smash Bros!!!

Fiend Busa

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The Xbox One, like the PS4, has games that run at 1080p/60fps and some that don't. Anyone choosing to overlook that does so simply to make themselves feel better about their own purchase or they're just being morons. Sony was proactive about getting final specs and dev kits out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. MS was changing specs until early Fall. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why devs played it safe and ran at a stable framerate at a lower resolution.

Sony had the same graphical edge in the current gen. Nobody really gave a shit because they went where the games were. Console exclusives haven't been a major selling point for some time now and they are always outsold by the major multiplatform releases, however comparing numbers for MS first party and Sony tells a pretty interesting story.

Microsoft was working with and helping Capcom Vancouver on the technical side of Dead Rising 3 to help optimize the game and make it the best they can

“Our tech team partnered with Microsoft to get early specs and figure out how we were going to get it on new hardware,” said Jones.

Jones said the tech teams at Capcom Vancouver and Microsoft have been working together to help each other optimize the game.

yet dead rising 3 is having problems keeping a stable 30fps at 720p, so im not sure where you got that "devs" playing it safe thing by running at a lower resolution to keep stable fps lol, dead rising 3 runs anywhere from 15-25 fps most of the time and can hardly stay at 30

But yeah like I said before its still early on the consoles release so we will see performance improvements on the xbox one :)

Please no one flame me I am just making an argument and am not attacking anyone who is the fan of the xbox one :)


Well-Known Member
Can we please lock this thread? It's just an excuse to bash on the console you don't like. Especially the Xbox One (which, by the way is its real name, not Xbone (lolol so mature).)


Well-Known Member
To be quite frank, it's in all our best interests if both consoles succeed and both are awesome (I saw both because...well, sorry Wii U).

Take, for instance, the recent change to Xbox Live Gold memberships - in an effort to compete with PS+, they're also providing members with free monthly XB1 games. Why? Because with PS+ now being mandatory for online play instead of just a little bonus for its customers, most PS4 users will be paying for it. If Microsoft wanted to match Sony, they had to offer the same thing with their service.

The power of a system rarely matters in the long run. The Xbox was superior to the PS2 in most respects, but that mattered little, as the PS2 is the most sold console in history. The PS2 is also a personal favorite of mine. Anyone throwing specs here and there as the criteria for the better console are simply ignorant as to what makes a system so great. It's the features and the games that really matter.

That said, I have no idea which console will sell more units just yet. At launch, I anticipate the PS4 will outperform the Xbox One, but the sales trend will ultimately depend on which company delivers the best games and the best experience. I'll be getting both, but I'm starting with the Xbox One for Killer Instinct, Project Spark, and Crimson Dragon. I'm hoping they deliver the kind of experience I'm after.

But again, in the long run, your and my opinions mean shit. Saying that one console is superior to another does nothing to diminish the fun another has on the inferior console. Personal preference is all that really matters. And while it will be fun to see which system consumers have generally preferred in a few years, it won't affect any of our experiences with these awesome systems.

Note: While it's looking like the Xbox one will be my personal favorite console this gen, just know that the PS2 and N64 are my all-time favorite consoles, even without the cool stuff last gen consoles gave us. I just hope both companies continue to compete with one another to better our experience. And Gill - from what I understand, the 720p issue is temporary. They'll be patching the games which were meant for 1080p later on. Those that are meant to run in 720 will remain that way, however.
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Well-Known Member
I really thought games like Bloodrayne had potential to be great back then. I also loved JSRF...... if only they could release another one with updated graphics, online mode, new characters, create-a-character.....that would be awesome. :D

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Can we please lock this thread? It's just an excuse to bash on the console you don't like. Especially the Xbox One (which, by the way is its real name, not Xbone (lolol so mature).)

This thread was started (more or less) to help prevent people from starting WHOLE THREADS about individual games/topics/updates/etc that can be appropriately discussed in one all-encompassing thread such as this.

If you don't like this thread, maybe you should just ignore it.


Active Member
Standard Donor
Can we please lock this thread? It's just an excuse to bash on the console you don't like. Especially the Xbox One (which, by the way is its real name, not Xbone (lolol so mature).)
If they wanted it to be called something respectable they would have named it something respectable. The Xbox one came out in 2001 with such hits like forza and halo combat evolved. xbone is what is coming out soon and was poorly named. Any company that thinks its a good idea to name their third console the first deserve to be mocked for their blatant idiocy.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Got my Killer Instinct TE2 today and swapped to a bat top in literally a minute. The ease with which you can mod this thing is unreal and I'm pumped to get to play KI with it as soon as tomorrow (technically not tomorrow but I am getting it at midnight).

In 24 hours or so I'll have my Xbox One. Good times ahead.


Active Member
Standard Donor
Got my Killer Instinct TE2 today and swapped to a bat top in literally a minute. The ease with which you can mod this thing is unreal and I'm pumped to get to play KI with it as soon as tomorrow (technically not tomorrow but I am getting it at midnight).

In 24 hours or so I'll have my Xbox One. Good times ahead.

love the look of the new stick, I wonder if the side translucent panels are replaceable so that the color can be changed or maybe a transparency artwork could be inserted.

Love the ease of customisability and innate button LEDs. Still wish the entire top was transluscent so the artwork itself could be illuminated. Oh well I'll mod that myself lol. Though its lack of cross platform ability means a good bit of modding will still need to be done to get a stick working for both platforms. I dont get why sony and MS wont allow cross platform sticks at launch. So petty...smh

Not feeling the small artwork size and the relatively big black frame. Still a great stick tho.

also love the strap braces and if you look at the USB out cord, it seems as though that will also be easy to mod so the stick can work on any console. Wish they had a cord rewind button though, guess ill have to add that on my own.
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Well-Known Member
I really thought games like Bloodrayne had potential to be great back then. I also loved JSRF...... if only they could release another one with updated graphics, online mode, new characters, create-a-character.....that would be awesome. :D

That's up to Sega. I enjoyed JSRF as well. It was a fun game, with a great storyline, one you couldn't be over night/unlocking everything. But Sega is more concerned about their sales numbers. I thought with Jet Grind Radio HD release they'll would've brought the game back to life, but who knows.