Save data disappearing?

D Glock

Well-Known Member
I have my 360 data backed up to a flash drive and to my other Xbox.

For the PS3, I have it backed up through cloud saving. I haven't had any problems yet, but just taking precautionary measures.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
This scares the hell out of me :( Though, I never experienced this with DOA4.

Yeah, I never experienced it in DOA4 either, though for some reason if I had two profiles signed in at once and the one that wasn't mine selected a game mode, all of my characters and costumes would disappear. I could fix it by simply rebooting the game, but it always scared the hell out of me.

I also have not yet experienced this in DOA5, thankfully. I'm on Xbox 360 and I keep a back up on my HDD, with my main save on a flash drive.