Suggestion Page


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Without going overboard what do you think would make Brad Wong a better character to play?

For a long time I believed Brad Lacked tools against pitbull type of characters/players, but with the sidestep change that's all sorted. So here are my current suggestions.

At the moment all I can suggest are things for Sidestep. I'm thinking the falling LFT entry (2p+k) as it's evasive and it puts you in a more or less safe distance (or neutral situations) with a change of stance. Otherwise Sidestep 1k+f it's unsafe but useful in that it's a crush and it has the LFT entry option.

Also, add Sidestep k4. Just adds an options of mixing things up, no other benefits.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I understood that but what are your thoughts on what you stated.
Well Brad has nice range and all,and that's awesome but other characters IMO have better range than he does.Brad has a lot of gimmicks and once you learn those gimmicks then it isn't to difficult to beat him.So why not give him a SOME more range to make up for him being slow and gimmicky.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Now I understand better. That's were his crushes and evasiveness comes into play though 66k and 44k are perfect examples of it.

Did you have anything more specific in mind?

What I'm not clear on is what you mean by gimmicky as anything can be a gimmick. You can spam fuzzy guard, spam sidesteps, spam high and low jab...


Well-Known Member
I personally think Brad needs safer ways into his crane stance other than KK4. And preferably. I'd like him to have his 33P in LFT roll. So he has more than just one option off of that, or a tracking low from LFT. So I"ll ask about that.


Well-Known Member
most of my suggestions are in the hopes for 5u thread, but here's another one. new move: :1::K::2::K::K:. two tracking lows into the launching mid kick, that would be godly.

oh and bt :4::P::4: is far too slow. :6::P: on its own is -11 and with the crouch it's -1. bt :4::P: is the same -11, but only -8 with the crouch, meaning it comes out 7 frames slower. also there's no option to crouch from lht :6::P:, which is lame.
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Well-Known Member
can someone tell me why brad's handstand kicks get beaten out by 10 frame jabbers? if my lht :K::8: is blocked, i'm at +1. that turns my 11 frame mid into a 10 frame mid, and both moves do 10 damage.

if two 10 frames moves that both do 10 damage collide, why does brad flat out lose? the other player doesn't get hit at all, brad just gets knocked down...

either fix that and make both players get hit as they should do (this way only 9 frame jabbers can hit him out of it like in 5), increase hs :K: by 1 point of damage, increase advantage after blocked lht :K::8: by 1 frame or make his hs :P: instantly crouching. this way you'll have to decide if you want to jab him out of it and get tripped by the low punch, or do a faster mid and get beaten out by his kicks.


Well-Known Member
His handstand imo is fine, since the launcher crushes highs and lows / some mids anyways in HS. Also, laydown P doesn't need to be instant crouching since you can't technically throw punish it anyways, unless you sit there like a bimbo.


Brad needs better range, more damage OR more priority. As it stands, everyone out pokes him, can jab him out of his combos MID COMBO or just launch him and mash p to take half his health.

I've seen a couple insanely good Brad players, but the amount of work and luck it took them to win made me really sad for Brad. As soon as they pick Jann Lee or Hayate it was a slaughter, but when they were Brad they had to make a ton of risky choices and barely won.