Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Well-Known Member
Uhhh... :zack::lisa: (doesnt matter what you think of them)
So, why is Lisa in there? I think you are conflating and assuming things but I'll just let you do you.
At this point I really think the only problem here is that you don't read things properly. You keep asking questions that have already been answered or brought up before you even asked. SamSho's context? 18th Century Japan. And even then, the first game even had Gen-an, lol, but seriously, at least now taking recent steps to add in more diverse characters. What's the point in arguing that the ninja-DOATEC side of the story is more important than the world tournament side? Both are important. Even if you were right, DOATEC is run by and employs non-Japanese people, including Lisa.
  1. Where are the answers?
  2. Where's the character comparison ratio for SamSho? That question was avoided rather quickly and then was justified by "context". Give me the numbers since people are praising it so much.
  3. So it's fine for Samsho because the creators wanted it that way? Hmm it's almost like they have a certain vision of what they want their game to be like.
If KT indended this to only be made for a specific Japanese audience
Yeah, I'm going to stop right there. If you're going to spin words and use extremes then I'll let you do you.

SF decided to be about fighters from around the world? Good for them. That's what the creator wanted. GG has characters from around the world but still doesn't have many POC? That's fine. Why? Because that is what the creator wanted. That is what they envisioned for their game. Same for BB and SC and every other game. If they decide to add one then that's fine. If not then that is fine too.

I don't know what's so hard to understand that creators have their own vision of what they want their game to be and that not everything revolves around POC. How is a game that has always been Japanese AF continuing to be Japanese somehow shocking so many people? What happened to the
"If you don't like what DOA is doing then you can just leave"? I thought DOA didn't need to be like other games though? I mean, What's so different now compared to DOA1-4 in terms of POC? lmao. JK though.
I'll leave it at that.


Premium Donor
Can we drop this shit please (take it to the DMs and/or create a relevant thread for this), before the mods close this thread?
You mean mod right since there's basically one mod now and you act like this is the first time the thread has been on topic xD

Either way I cant wait till the 25th since that's probably when they'll drop the Tamaki trailer on the VV stream, in actually excited for her since I think she'll be the Anna williams/Dead Rising Hilde of DOA6.<3 I also hope they'll drop the gust pack too and give everyone some fresh costumes, word on the twitter street is that we may get the old gust costumes but I don't believe it tbh. That would count as a revival costume and Nico and Marie and Honoka are getting fresh costumes(hopefully with unique hair that's usable on all outfits)


Well-Known Member
Okay, but we can't end the convo without bringing up that they tried to have the clown outfit be Zack's default outfit in DOA5 and they got so much backlash that they switched it to the Muay Thai outfit and moved the clown outfit to costume 4 or something. lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I mean, wouldnt mind talking about it more but if it's wrong to do it here then so be it.

No recent DoA social media happenings lately, I guess, so how about we talk about the patch?
C'mon, at least vote, I know there's more than 6 people here.

human - I'm only gonna address that last thing you put in spoilers... I never said that. I don't know who you're quoting there but I didn't say that, but from your comment it looks like it's me. Just want to point that out. I've never suggested anyone to leave.
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Premium Donor
Okay, but we can't end the convo without bringing up that they tried to have the clown outfit be Zack's default outfit in DOA5 and they got so much backlash that they switched it to the Muay Thai outfit and moved the clown outfit to costume 4 or something. lol
I loved that costume tbh, the platform heels and spandex and that afro had 15 year old me confused in a good way xD they really need to bring it back as a free costume one day or maybe give it to Eliot minus the afro. Hell give Eliot Jacky's one costume with the pulled behind the neck shirt and the jeans since Jacky isn't returning

And after Tamaki do you think they'll do a new character each pass? There's 4(3 technically since Tamaki is about to occupy one) open spaces so I think each pass this year they'll do one new character per pass. My fingers are crossed that mah girl Naotora will come back, I loved her:naotora: she was the princess of DOA Tbh


Well-Known Member
can we just start a race relations and diversity thread because, as a proud dark skinned black woman, while i enjoy the essays it's seems like everyone is blowing out the same hot air and the argument is going in circles while some seem to be skirting or dancing around the fact that japan can be labeled as one of the largest (don't quote me) anti-black/brown countries in the world (argue with your mama i don't have the time), this topic deserves its own thread and we should get back to discussing the dumpster fire that is TN's social media presence.


Well-Known Member
Asking for Naotora on a DOA forum? I’ll go add your post to my list of famous last words.

As far as the diversity discussion goes, let me add a vote in principle for it, and I agree it deserves its own thread.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Made one:

made a poll to boot


Well-Known Member
I'm really interested the people's thoughts too. Numbers were brought out for DOA but when asked to do the same for another game, numbers suddenly were not important anymore because of reasons. All these other games were supposedly so much better than DOA but when asked to examine each one closer people suddenly feel attacked whatever else. Context matters but only to some things I guess.

I'm all for diversity but I'm also not blind. Ignoring parts of a game just to make it fit whatever view you want is pretty shallow.
I don't know, someone else may say something differently, but DOA isn't even that popular in Japan, yeah? At least as a fighting game. When I asked my co-workers/people in general about DOA they either:
1. Asked if I was talking about the volleyball game
2. Asked if I was talking about the pachinko slots
3. Didn't know what I was talking about
When I talked about Tekken? Everyone automatically knew what I was talking about. Street Fighter? Yep, everyone knows that fighting series too. Even Mortal Kombat, a game that's banned over here, is well-known. Which got me thinking, is there a stigma surrounding DOA? Are people afraid to tell people they play it? It just seems weird how despite selling so many units, and despite selling so much DLC (apparently), no one seems to take DOA seriously. I barely see it in arcades like other major fighting games series. Like, back when I lived in America, I could kind of get people thinking DOA was just a volleyball series because the marketing was kind of bad. But even over here, Dead or Alive is a non-factor, or at least people treat it like it is. Numbers usually don't lie, but in this case, it seems like people just bought the game and forgot about it.

Also, I think I need to say this for the benefit of some people here. Human013, no one is getting their feelings hurt, or feeling like they're getting attacked. People stated why having a more interesting cast would be beneficial for DOA in the long run in a pretty calm matter. But for some reason, you're straight up ignoring what people are saying, and end it off with, " I'm right, deal with it". It's not like people here are going to boycott DOA for not having more black characters; in fact, the people posting here are probably some of the only few that play on a regular basis. People are straight up saying it would be rather nice to have a slight more change in the cast, but for some reason you're acting like people asking, not demanding, but asking for something different is an attack on the DOA series. Why is that?
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Well-Known Member
When I talked about Tekken? Everyone automatically knew what I was talking about. Street Fighter? Yep, everyone knows that fighting series too. Even Mortal Kombat, a game that's banned over here, is well-known. Which got me thinking, is there a stigma surrounding DOA? Are people afraid to tell people they play it? It just seems weird how despite selling so many units, and despite selling so much DLC (apparently), no one seems to take DOA seriously. I barely see it in arcades like other major fighting games series. Like, back when I lived in America, I could kind of get people thinking DOA was just a volleyball series because the marketing was kind of bad. But even over here, Dead or Alive is a non-factor, or at least people treat it like it is. Numbers usually don't lie, but in this case, it seems like people just bought the game and forgot about it.
It's not super huge, no. If you haven't played the other games personally, you'd still be talking about game series that sold literally 10 times or more than DOA does. So, average people are more likely to have heard about it. And then, the volleyball games have repeatedly generated controversy, so those end up in the news more often.

DOA going free to play allows them to tout download numbers, though. I don't know how well that translates into active players. Some people could be downloading it cause it's free and then never playing it. DLC is likely just being bought by a small, but reliable group of fans. The general populace sees it as a ripoff.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I can see that happening. Though for me, that would be just slightly better than what we've been getting. Being an elf though would be a little too fantasy for DoA's style I think, lol. If she was South-East Asian or something at least that would make more sense. That's all I'm gonna say about that here, though.


Well-Known Member
That's an ok design. Besides, there's already Talim from SC for precedent.

That's not my design but I agree with you, it is "okay". If there is a Character Contest one day, I'll start with this base. Still wonder which ethnicity would be the best.

I used this drawing because, as a POC, for a change, she would not be related to music or hot beats, have short hair or be half-naked like most black fighters. Elena from Street Fighter really embodies this trope from the 90's. Still love her though even though she's gone now.

Zack is no longer a minstrel and Lisa is more and more refined. Tekken have good examples as well. Let's keep up with the good work and make progress in representation in video games. Fighting games are a chance to improve that because of how big the cast can be. Let's just have fun developers. And please take risks (humpf Diego...).
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Well-Known Member
That's not my design but I agree with you, it is "okay". If there is a Character Contest one day, I'll start with this base. Still wonder which ethnicity would be the best.

I used this drawing because, as a POC, for a change, she would not be related to music or hot beats, have short hair or be half-naked like most black fighters. Elena from Street Fighter really embodies this trope from the 90's. Still love her though even though she's gone now.

Zack is no longer a minstrel and Lisa is more and more refined. Tekken have good examples as well. Let's keep up with the good work and make progress in representation in video games. Fighting games are a chance to improve that because of how big the cast can be. Let's just have fun developers. And please take risks (humpf Diego...).

Yeah, though that design looks more like an anime dark elf (see the ears) than anything else. Artstyle reminds me of this game.

I don't think I've ever seen an indigenous Australian person in a game at all; though to be fair that applies to white Australians too.