Team Ninja wants ideas for next patch!

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
I agree, as a Kokoro main i love it too (i just don't get it) but i want more of these quotes. We only have 2 per character or something rather which isnt enough imo. I mean fixes to the gameplay comes first obviously, but this is just a small thing i'd personally like added via patch.
I always imagine her with a speech impediment when she wins the match. "Chewwy bwossoms and wawwiors".


Well-Known Member
A music track that should be added to the online menu or menus in general should be Blazed Up Melpomene, Helena's theme from DOA2.

I think just a custom track in general would be nice. I know I'm not the only one sick and tired of "Showdown" I always put the damn TV on mute until the match starts.


Active Member
Are there still 3 unique win poses per character? Usually there are 3 depending on if it's just a normal KO, a Great, or a Greatest.


Active Member
Make un-SE-able stuns more useful...not sure why TN would give us all that frame advantage just to make the opponent invincible towards the end of the stun (that is, if they didn't hold out of the stun). Make the opponent vulnerable all the way to the floor.


Active Member
I haven't read through all these pages so not sure if someone has mentioned it yet, and
I'm probably in the minority here but I'd like some more win poses, win poses that actually make sense.

*punches someone in the face and looks down at their defeated body*

"Cherry blossoms and warriors"

*walks away*


With Japanese voices on she says 花は桜木人は武士 ("hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi"). Which is a verse of poet Ikkyū (1394–1481). It means "As the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the warrior first among men". Moreover she has beautiful voice of a prominent voice actor (see credits).

English audio version makes little sense indeed.

Kokoro is a maiko, so it's not unexpected for her to quote a popular classic verse sometimes.

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Helena's 3in1's need to be actually safe. I understand why they took out all but one of her safe strings, it was because they thought making her 3in1's -4 would compensate but what they managed to forget that if you finish a string whilst standing and facing forward you can block as soon as you negative frames are over, but when left in stance you have to cancel out of stance before you can block. Helena can be hit with 14 frame attacks before she can block meaning her 3in1's are actually -14 on block technically.

It's stupid bullshit like this that hampers Helena's game play so heavily. I swear Team Ninja didn't even test it they just said "it's minus four so she is safe". Fucking idiots. Making her 3in1's safe was the trade off for losing all her safe moves and they didn't even make the damn things safe.


Well-Known Member
Are there still 3 unique win poses per character? Usually there are 3 depending on if it's just a normal KO, a Great, or a Greatest.
There may be a third but I've only noticed 2 with Kokoro. You get her "Cherryblossoms and warriors" quote after a normal win and you get her "Oh, you should really put some ice on that" quote after a greatest victory. I don't think you get a different win quote if you win a close match either as i still get the same win quotes.

With Japanese voices on she says 花は桜木人は武士 ("hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi"). Which is a verse of poet Ikkyū (1394–1481). It means "As the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the warrior first among men". Moreover she has beautiful voice of a prominent voice actor (see credits).

English audio version makes little sense indeed.

Kokoro is a maiko, so it's not unexpected for her to quote a popular classic verse sometimes.
I put the Japanese audio on now too. Just looks more natural to see Asian looking characters talking, well. Asian. But not only that, I'm just not a fan of the English voice overs.


New Member
A co-op tag mode online would be great. My wife and I like to team-up against the computer, but end up taking turns online on solo fights. It would be cool to be able to have 2 players from one account play against another two players in online tag mode.


Active Member
With Japanese voices on she says 花は桜木人は武士 ("hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi"). Which is a verse of poet Ikkyū (1394–1481). It means "As the cherry blossom is first among flowers, so is the warrior first among men". Moreover she has beautiful voice of a prominent voice actor (see credits).

English audio version makes little sense indeed.

Kokoro is a maiko, so it's not unexpected for her to quote a popular classic verse sometimes.
This makes me sick considering you're only a fan and did a tremendously better job in translating it, transliterating it, and recognizing that it was a poetic verse from over 500 years ago. A tremendously better job than people formally and officially paid for half-assed work that likely amounted to Google Translate with zero interpretation.

I imagine they got to the localization part of development for this game and had a bunch of people sitting around trying to translate that, and some asshole walked by and said "I dunno, fuckin - 'Cherry Blossoms and Warriors' or some shit."

and then they stuck with it.



Drake Aldan

Well-Known Member
Well, they probably tried to fit it in the lip flaps.

... they don't match anyway which makes me just turn Japanese voices on regardless so things will fit.

speaking of which, if the flaps aren't going to match, just go all out and make it 80's dubbed kung-fu movie, the Home stage already set the tone.

Dr Sexual

Make all wakeup kicks normal hit. Even against missed holds. UNLESS your opponent is in the middle of an attack that whiffs when getting hit. (IE Trying a low crush or a pullback attack against the wakeup).

Mr. T

New Member
I have no idea if anyone called you on this yet, but as a Mila user, I have to say that she works beautifully with water and ice. She has very effective lows which come out at all kinds of speeds. You can trip someone up for a while using Mila. This is a non-issue.
I'll have to call you back on this. Mila only have 1 single string with the option to go low and that's pp2k which gives a whooping +13 frames on ice. Not enough for a combo. So i highly doubt you're tripping people up just fine with mila on ice. Most characters have 2 to 3 string with the option to go low and nets them in the ballpark of +20 frames on ice. That ain't even the same sport.

I'm not saying mila (or anyone else) deserves more lows (her OH is excellent) but i don't think that the ice/cellar stage is a good idea since you're at a significant disadvantage by default if you're going in on the wrong character.


Active Member
I'll have to call you back on this. Mila only have 1 single string with the option to go low and that's pp2k which gives a whooping +13 frames on ice. Not enough for a combo. So i highly doubt you're tripping people up just fine with mila on ice. Most characters have 2 to 3 string with the option to go low and nets them in the ballpark of +20 frames on ice. That ain't even the same sport.

I'm not saying mila (or anyone else) deserves more lows (her OH is excellent) but i don't think that the ice/cellar stage is a good idea since you're at a significant disadvantage by default if you're going in on the wrong character.
:1::P:, :2::F+K:, :1::F+K:, :2::K:, you have plenty of options for a trip. There's also at least one more string that utilizes :2::K:. I can think of :P: :2: :K: and :4::P::2::K:.

I've never seen Mila as a combo character, she's my character of choice because of that. She has them and can do them but I have success baiting for counters and going into a grab or SS into TD and tripping is excellent for that. You don't have to get a combo off of a trip to make it worth it, the opportunity to throw off someone's offensive momentum is valuable in itself. I've had plenty of players back away from me after tussling on the ice/water.