

Well-Known Member
what does os´ing mean? never heard of it and what is cr. df+1? her fc-mixup is the only unseeable mixup in the game where u can get a full juggle of the low and the midoption. unfortunately both options can be stepped and are very punishable but doesnt mean it isnt a great mixup. fcf2 i useless, used to be good for oki but after the hitbox nerf not so much.

Os'ing means option selecting. Cr.df+1 is a thursting stab move which can tag in other people in ttt2. Also i'm aware it's an amazing mixup and i try using it as much as i can but the problem is i guess wrong i'm in the air.

best lowcrush uf3+4? i almost forgot that that move existed. yes she lacks in the lowcrush department but she still has uf4 and her best lowcrush move is easily b3. yes db3 is useless.

uf+3+4 is instant while uf+4 isn't sadly which makes the move kinda bad which is why you rarely see an anna player do that. Also her stance is amazing but it's really weird to use the stance just to punish a low. (which it still loses to the odd thing).

her cat stance is rarely used. she has options to deal with everything her opponent does but its very risky and most of the time not in her favour. her qcf4 tracks from her stance both sides

Yep, she's a glass cannon alright

df4 beeing -17 reaaaallly hurts her bad. not sure why they nerfed it from -14 to -17. its fast and has a couple of frames on hit but its just a poke with no real damage. beeing launched for it on block is stupid.
Yeah, but here's the thing you're under no circumstance you're seeing a df+4, so literally a poking mixup is df+1,2 or df+4

her only problems are that her df4 is launchpunishable, no ws-launch until 19fr (and beeing -13 hurts too) and no standing 12 frame punisher. imo she is quite solid. they should tweak her frames a little bit and she is fine.

I agree with the twelve frame punisher but then again they don't want to make anna top tier again for whatever reason cause she's can't outshine nina e_e


Well-Known Member
I'm crying bc what if she isn't in T7???????????///

Claudio has her db3 I think, I'm not 100% sure if I should be worried or not.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
That would be kind of odd if that were the case... the Nina vs Anna scenario is rather infamous, though the only game that Anna missed out on was Tekken 4.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
King used some of Armor Kings moves during the stream as well. Same could be said for Kazuya using one of Devil Jin's moves. It's possible that those two may not be in the roster, but this is just speculation.


Well-Known Member
Anna not being in T7 would be a deal breaker for me... I think. She's the only reason I ever got into Tekken.

I'm very nervous what/who they're gonna show next, since the game itself is about 70% done.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Anna not being in T7 would be a deal breaker for me... I think. She's the only reason I ever got into Tekken.

I'm very nervous what/who they're gonna show next, since the game itself is about 70% done.
I'm sure they won't kill Lady Gaga Anna Williams off. Her and Nina are pretty much different now.

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Katarina has some of Lee/Violet's moves. I don't think Bob is going anywhere, though.

Yeah you're right but will still be upset if she's Lee's replacement. It's just odd though as there's so many characters who aren't included right now even the new character Eliza. I highly doubt they created her just for one game (and a F2P version at that).


Well-Known Member
Yeah you're right but will still be upset if she's Lee's replacement. It's just odd though as there's so many characters who aren't included right now even the new character Eliza. I highly doubt they created her just for one game (and a F2P version at that).

That was the intent. Harada said if enough people request her, they'll consider.

Katarina also has some of Alisa's moves.

Yeah? What moves? I don't play Alisa, so I wouldn't kno .

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
If they do put anna in, they need to buff her again
I'm starting to lose hope on zafina being in the game since everyone despises her

As excited as I am for T7, every time I see a loketest vid I just keep thinking "Where the hell is everybody?". Bob, Anna, Nina, Lee, Zafina, Eddy, Miguel, Eliza, etc...


Well-Known Member
If Harada's serious about T7 having 30+ characters that means about 20 will be cut from Tag 2, it sounds crazy but it's really not. There's SO many clones. Here's who I think is definitely getting dropped, mostly based on popularity

dr. b
slim bob
ancient ogre
p jack

That's 19 right there. I don't think they'll cut anyone that you saw in Revolution, since all those characters are very popular and obviously "clones" like Jun and A.King play very differently from the characters they're based on

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
...slim bob...


lol. In all seriousness if these were the ones cut and the rest were included I'd be very happy. You're right though I didn't realize how many clones were actually in the game... :eek:

Although do you think they would cut Ganryu and Roger Jr.? I don't play either but their fighting styles are pretty unique (even if they aren't too popular).