The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Majora's Mask 3DS say hi... not.

Anyway, I played DOA2 last week, it was freaking epic.
Helena's blue cheongsam, Lei Fang's real catsuit, Tina's rape costume, the gallery, the items in Survival, the opening with Helena, Gen Fu and Lei Fang performing some moves, the legendary (and fake) age option, "Everything.. is my.. delusion".., Team Battle in Blanca with everyone in white outfits as if they were in heaven, the stupid cutscenes with no meaning, Bayman's boring moveset... ouch.

I can't wait to see DOA2 on PSN if it's real.
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don't get me wrong i like HD releases because of the convenience, but the "updated graphics" part is BS. they still look like PS/PS2 games its a waste of time to try and update it


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I can't wait to see DOA2 on PSN if it's real.
If they were to do that, TN would probably release DOA2 Hardcore has a PS2 classic for $10. I'd definitely buy it, because DOA2 is my favorite in the series and I have fond memories of it. Though, I'd love to play DOA2 Ultimate, but alas, I don't have an Xbox system.

Forlorn Penguin

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I just realized, that if they did do a port or a re-release of DOA2U, they'd have to end up cutting the Xbox booth babe outfits out. That would suck.


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and let me guess it still looks dated as fuck.
Uh, nope. It's gorgeous.
And considering the original game was released all the way back in 2001, I'd say it's looks hype as fuck for a re-release.




I disagree, the xbox version is the best version of one of the best games of all time.
How in the world is the xbox version better than the HD version? Aside from the gravity issue, HD is superior in every way.


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The xbox version has added cutscenes, a score system, treasure, lives, combines 1st and 2nd encounter into one game, there are 2nd encounter powerups and weapons in the 1st encounter part of the game, and this last one is just my opinion but I prefer the more cartoony style, I feel it fits better.


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The xbox version has added cutscenes, a score system, treasure, lives, combines 1st and 2nd encounter into one game, there are 2nd encounter powerups and weapons in the 1st encounter part of the game, and this last one is just my opinion but I prefer the more cartoony style, I feel it fits better.
1) The cutscenes and cartoony style were a bit too camp for me. I prefer the silly but brutal feel of the originals/HD
2) Score system has been around in every game
3) The treasure/lives system was integrated horribly. You have like 5 bajillion lives at the end of the game for no reason. Better off just leaving you dead if you die, imo. It was implemented because they didn't want you save-scumming on the console version, but on PC you still have checkpoints/quicksaves, and I prefer that method.
4) SSHD:TSE Fusion DLC combines both FE and SE into one continuous game, and free editor/SDK (or cheats) allow you to get whatever SE stuff you want in the earlier segments. Xbox really limited what SE stuff could be found in the FE segments, anyway.

ive seen those graphics on original xbox games, bit shinier so what?
No you haven't. And saying as such is stupid. That engine could never run on xbox one. Stop being a twit because you want to pretend all HD rereleases are bad.


Well-Known Member
FFX/X-2's HD release has been a real pisser. Some things look a small amount better yet some things look worse. Definitely doesn't look like something that warranted the long wait and pushed off release dates. Still getting it for the extra content, trophies, and ability to play both games on my PS3.

Don't think we'd get any DOA titles on the psn that were xbox exclusive. Would be cool if we did.


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Devil May Cry HD Collection was pretty cool though, I've never seen DMC1 look and play so good.
In EU DMC1 didn't run in 60FPS on PS2 because it was before PAL 60 so it actually ran twice as slow as JP and NA versions lol.

Same with FFX, the only plus with our FFX was it was the international version by default and had all the Dark Aeons and stuff.
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