The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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I don't mind the swimsuits, but I can't blame others for wanting different things. We can all disagree and have our own tastes without being jerks. Personally I would like to see more variety in the outfits and if TN is gonna do swimsuits again, include the guys at least.


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It's become obvious at this point that Team Ninja is aiming to sell, and sell big with this game.

Never would I have imagined Megaman (or at least Megaman in spirit) to even be in a Ninja Gaiden game. First Nintendo, now this? Yeah, Capcom is dead to me.


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Hypothetical analogys usually have some sense of scale
Actually, their intent is to make the comparison more dramatic so that someone can see an incongruency that they otherwise for some reason wouldn't in the source.
so you can precisely say how much you despise something and have that feeling accurately portrayed in your sentence.
Again, not really what it's about.
If you use hitler to describe why you are tired of bikinis what are you going to use to describe if the izuna becomes escapable mid air or Alpha gets a 9 frame guard break that guarantees her best launcher?
I would hope I wouldn't have to use analogies. Just like I was hoping I wouldn't here. But for some reason Hoya doesn't consider what he's doing trolling. I was using an analogy to try and make apparent to him what's obvious to the rest of us. Let's see if it worked:

My opinions are genuine and couldnt be considered inane, when it comes to something as subjective as my taste in outfits.
Nope. Still has no idea what we're talking about. He still thinks that believing Mila has no "sexy" outfits already (but that this new one would be likable were it not for the atrocious hoodie ruining it) is not an opinion the commonfolk would consider inane.

Secondly, I dont think "everyone" disagrees with my opinions
You're right. Everyone is very all-encompassing. Maybe there is a dude out there who wants Hitler bikinis, too.
But here, on this board, I don't see them. They are very rare. You seem to think "liking skimpy outfits" is your opinion. That is way too broad to depict what you propagate.
If you want to find the other like mind-minded person who agrees with you, go find another human soul on this board who also thinks that Mila has no "sexy" outfits already but that this new one would be likable were it not for the atrocious hoodie ruining it. Go find them. I'll wait.

Finally, I recommend people like you, put me on their ignore list.
Door swings both ways. And I actually do already, but I hit the "show ignored content" button every so often to follow conversations better. Sometimes someone will quote something from an ignored member and then respond, and it seems non-sensical until I hit the show ignored content button.


Well-Known Member
1.You know what I meant, It means people keep acting like the swimsuits are new and constantly bitch about it everytime a new one reveals as if we didn't just hear ya the first time.

2.Lol either your in serious denial or you really don't know any better, the outfits are beach appropriate. People even thought they were male swimsuits when they first released.

Don't come at me with that "in denial" BS. They're not swimsuits. Just because people thought they were means nothing. They're literally just shorts. No thought put into them at all.




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Yeah TN added gloves to the "Fighter" pack to make it less homoerotic and appealing to heterosexual Male players. It didn't sell well at all and they stated they wouldn't do a male only pack again.
But I'm really hoping everyone gets swimwear this round. even if it's a low poly sloppy mess like the fighter pack.


Well-Known Member
Yeah TN added gloves to the "Fighter" pack to make it less homoerotic and appealing to heterosexual Male players. It didn't sell well at all and they stated they wouldn't do a male only pack again.
But I'm really hoping everyone gets swimwear this round. even if it's a low poly sloppy mess like the fighter pack.

It didn't sell well 'cuz they didn't really try all that hard, IMO.
I would actually not be mad if men are included in this pack this time.


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It wasn't just the gloves most of those were based on styles you would normally see in MMA type stuff the only ones that were designed more for swimming was Zacks and Eliot/Gen Fu's

It didn't sell well 'cuz they didn't really try all that hard, IMO.
I would actually not be mad if men are included in this pack this time.

yeah sure I'll beleive that

I loved the trailer! Pretty humorous from the beginning to the DoA5U match in the end.
Definitely I love the spirit of NGZ:Yaiba ;)

I'm gonna feel bad about killing those zombies(probably not)
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