The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Baal bal

Well-Known Member
Gosh Phase 4 look amazing !!
At first i was like : "shit, another matchup i'll have to learn. Anyway, i only play kasumi so far so i don't need that clone !"

And now, due to this video, i think i'll be in a big "who is my main" crisis when she will came out


Well-Known Member
As much as I have to say I love how it looks... (enough to hype me...)

seriously? more super-power bullshit? I just wish they'd ban both clones in ranked/throwdown/tournament/yougetthepoint play.


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Standard Donor
Phase-4 looks really cool moveset wise. Seeing the commands for her combos, she does seem like the kind of character one cannot just pick up and win with right off the bat. Advanced for sure. Can't wait until she's released for consoles.

Forlorn Penguin

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Premium Donor
Same thing can be said about Leon's win quote nerf by changing wipe your ass to collect your teeth.

He still says "come back once you've learned to wipe your ass". It's only in English that they changed it to "come back once you collect all your teeth" and the subtitles always reflect the English dubs, even when you use Japanese audio.


Well-Known Member
Meh... Some of her attacks look pretty cool but at the end of the day she is still mostly just a Kasumi clone. I'm sure the two of them will make a great tag team though.
. that's what I'm seeing too. Just kasumi with some smoke injected in the middle of her string animations. Such a letdown.


Well-Known Member
I hope we can all move on now.
甘い。。。甘過ぎるぅぅぅぅぅぅ!!!!! (How naive.)

I dont feel like Im beating a dead horse. Im just encouraging something I want to see more of.
Some would say that you should be satisfied now that Artemis happened. You humans are never satisfied, though... :cool:

Sure, I know what the "hardcore" players want, but it doesn't justify aggressive behavior, IMO.
Perhaps not. I suppose some people feel threatened...

Well "probably coming regardless" isn't too reassuring and that why I mention my design preferences frequently when I post.
I find meditation helps with unease of the mind.

On your second point, I dont think any of the outfits Ive suggested in the costume thread would "seem ridiculous" in this game. I play by the rules and am careful not to post anything that shows... naughty bits, so there is nothing there that is not already exposed in Lisas Artemis, for example.
But, Lisa's Artemis is already ridiculous. lol (Yeah, yeah, you don't think so)

To some, it may carry the air of sexism. All I can do is reiterate, that I am not sexist. I respect women, as I do, men.
Actions speak louder, Mikisugi. Someone can only do misconstruable things so many times before people start wondering things... But, I suppose you know what's in your heart. But, does anyone truly know what lies within their heart?

...Sorry. Just having a little fun. I'm done now.


Well-Known Member
Lol, phase 4 is just as safe as helena
LOL she must be pretty unsafe. But I guess with Helena it doesn't really matter since they're always in stun.

Also, yes P4 yes. Kasumi on crack looks amazing, and her costume selection has to be the best of all the females. The cloak looks amazing and so does the Kasumi Alpha costumes. The scarf is awesome. Although, I'll probably learn Marie first.


Well-Known Member
Grapplers? You can input the next move perfectly and completely lock out the opponent from breaks. I'm not sure if there's other things like strike based moves. I imagine a Mila or Rig player could have this as they are new aside from Racheal and Momiji.

The thing is it's all dependent on if the person knows the exact time to break it. Heck, I still get put off by Mila's timing ( in regards to breaking. ) where as IF Phase-4 is full of 1 frame links, you have to be exact all the time... especially if it's in her combos.... which is basically what I meant. Combo 1 frame links. Not so much throw 1 frame links, cause even then the opponent has to be able to input it at a better time than you- so it's still dependent on the person you're VSing as opposed to relying on yourself.... does that make sense?

Sometimes I just end up going on a ramble.


Well-Known Member
Leifang's 3-part OH's feel like the most breakable chain throws in the game. Leon's and Mila's are impossible almost as though the game's telling you the wrong time to break it and them the right time to chain. >>

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Couple of questions:
1) Can someone give more detail about the just frames? Specifically what has been shown to be JF's vs. what's predicted.
2) Has anyone heard PH4SE (whoever started this I like it...) theme song yet? I really hope it's a remixed version of Alpha's DOAD theme.

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