The Witcher Thread


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Freestepdodge likes to decide at random when to not alert me but anyway I can't wait for this expansion! Its less than a week now and then we can finally explore Touissant! :)


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Freestepdodge likes to decide at random when to not alert me but anyway I can't wait for this expansion! Its less than a week now and then we can finally explore Touissant! :)

How much money do you have for your very own vineyard and picture gallery? In my new game I've got about 50.000 (Hearts of Stone made me some thousands poorer because of it's pretty armors and quest related expenses) plus at least 30.000 to 40.000 in material such as diamonds, emeralds and pearls. Upgrading your home in stages will cost at least 5000 at a time.


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Because you don't actually play the game! >__< And because you apparently don't know any cheats. XD

Lol but I've completed every quest I've seen on the map so far and have discovered a vast majority of the locations so I can't think of any other way yo get money. ( and I'm not play the card game )


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There is a glitch that still works to obtain vast amount of money. There is a dwarf blacksmith near the beginning of the game that you can kill by placing a beehive next to him and mediating every hour to respawn him while picking up the loot. It is tons more potent if you buy all his stuff so that the shop itself has more money and you'll be acquiring more money than previously before. You could even place your crafting materials there to gain even more in return.

Sadly I didn't take advantage of this until after I beat the game. I have about 720,000+.


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I'm going to admit it...I've exploited this exact glitch too! ; o ; @Jadeinchains and that pretty recently. XD


Here's how you do it. You have to do it exactly like this or it doesn't work or you can't do it again:



Well-Known Member
*GASP* So thats why you have so much money! Any thank you I'll I might try to exploit it to as soon as possible if its still available since they might patch it out.


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It was there from the start and still hasn't been patched. By now I'm pretty sure CD Project Red knows of this glitch but they are just leaving it be(e), lol. XD It is a bit tricky and time consuming though...

Here's a new preview of Blood and Wine by Eurogamer:

I really love what I'm hearing and seeing. The reviewer says that Toussaint is the most beautiful game world he ever saw. And he says that the developers are going all out with this one. The world, missions and story is apparently really exciting and dark but at the same time also really funny and just silly at times. As if Geralt is trapped in a strange dreamworld or like Geralt in Wonderland (how I would put it). Geralt with his dry humor and sarcasm feels wonderfully out of place there. :)


Well-Known Member
Okay well thanks you two for telling me about that glitch I managed to to it successfully! :)

It turns out after all of the quests and time I'd done and spent on the game I only had something like 7600+ coins! And I barely buy anything in the game since I just find or get rewarded with most of what I have. I now have 66957 coins! Yay! I feel a lot better going into the house building of blood and wine now even if they patch it.


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Lol, if they patch it with Blood and Wine they might also patch our glitch-earned money away. XD

By the way @Chapstick they really seem to update the interface for everyone, not just the Blood and Wine purchasers. :)


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I hear they will patch it with Blood & Wine including the infamous XP glitch from Path of Warriors. Heard they definitely want to patch that. The devs seem to be slightly insane however as grinding for XP takes a shit ton of time legitimately. Reason being is that monsters are not exactly everywhere in the world. It's not like other RPGs where as soon as you leave town there's already about 20 something monsters and they'll respawn in the night or sometime later. Witcher's most monster mass is below 10 in one go and takes ages to find another unless you specifically go somewhere where there's bound to be one automatically, the repetitive is not the problem in this's the amount you get after killing one and taking ages to find another monster/bandit etc. doing this will actually lead to getting boring/repetitive.

This wouldn't be a problem if they've taken the Kingdom of Amalur path where you are bound to find monsters almost every minute. Even if it's still not a lot of XP, that would be a natural way to gain XP by going forward in a path killing everything you see and continuing with the story..whereas Witcher you will kill 4 in a cave and not even halfway to leveling up but yet you are continuing with the story and don't see a monster until an hour later.

Witcher is a surprisingly great game however the leveling system is my gripe with it so far. I find it hilarious that when I start New Game+ I'm already level 70 and I see Heart & Stone again except they increased the level cap to 90. I've already beaten the game and completed all the side quests+contracts within New Game+ Witcher, where exactly can I gain 20 more levels? killing monsters? that will take ages.


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Yeah I definitely have to agree. :/ I think The Witcher 3 is the best Western RPG ever made...but the levelling and item/incredient farming is really problematic. I really dislike levelling up only by doing quests because monsters in the wild, even if very powerful, earn you so little and if you need stuff for armor and weapons it often is a pain in the ass to find it because there are so few monsters around and most don't spawn regularly. D:

If they do I'm going to have the ugliest vineyard in Touissant.

Lol, this is somehow really funny. XD

I think I'm going to do the glitch one more time later this evening before they really patch it before Blood and Wine. I don't really think they will take the already glitch-earned money or items away though. ;)
We could try to launder the money though, buying valuable material legally from merchants with it, which we can later sell again. XD


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to do the glitch one more time later this evening before they really patch it before Blood and Wine. I don't really think they will take the glitched money or items away though. ;)
I don't know how the game could possibly distinguish between legit money and cheat money.

Well shit guess I'll have to make sure my system isn't set to auto-patch in rest mode if exploits are getting taken out. I )think I will get hearts of stone since I bought the game used and it's on sale for a dollar off (great sale, right :rolleyes:)


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think I will get hearts of stone since I bought the game used and it's on sale for a dollar off (great sale, right :rolleyes:)

Come on, 8$ for an expansion like this is totally worth it, even 20$ would imho be. I think everyone in here would agree that you really get a lot for your money. I feel cheated all the time I buy DLC...but never with the Witcher stuff. Also the upcoming Blood and Wine is literally a full fledged 30+h AAA game for just 17$/€ if you preorder it. (I think after release it is going to cost 19.99) If you are on a low might want to buy Blood and Wine rather than Hearts of Stone, I guess. It's more than three times as big and adds this gorgeous new country...


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Yeah I don't actually think they'll remove the glitch money since theres no possible way they could confirm its through cheating its probably a good idea though to get more before they patch it, I'm happy with my 60k though since its a big way up from 7000 which would have got me hardly anything. I'm going to be playing non stop when it comes out but let's just hope that there's no bosses at the level of that evil toad!


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but let's just hope that there's no bosses at the level of that evil toad!

Oh, yes... >__< At least I'm a bit overlevelled for the start of Blood and Wine. The recommendation will be 32 or 33, as I recall, and Im 38 already. Also just getting to Toussaint would be enough for me for a while without proceeding much with the actual story since the beautiful landscape, city and castle is what I am mostly dying to see and experience.


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Yeah I'm also level 38 so that's good, I'm also going to try to not do missions to fast and just chill out and explore Touissant and see the new creatures etc. I predict there will be a Touissant edition of those quests where you have to fist fight three challengers. I think you might have to complete a mission or two to get the ability to have a vineyard but I know when I do I'll be upgrading it constantly and dedicating all my money to it!